I just gotta say, God is the coolest! He sets up some of the neatest divine appointments for me. Like Saturday at cracker barrel, my waiters name was Prophecy. I ended up leaving him a note on a napkin, ″Gods got a plan for your life, Prophecy. (Jeremiah 29:11)″So I left that for him. I couldnt stop thinking about it. I looked at my receipt and it said Prophecy D. was my waiter. I tried my luck and looked him up on facebook. I found him, and from what I could tell hes a christian :D so, I sent him a friend request.
`you know something?`-Ted
`I know a lot of things lol.`-me
`Well did you know that youre on of the most driven christians that I know? I know what to look for cause Im driven as well. I know the truth and I stick with it. Thats why youre so cool.. cause you just always seem to be lovin' God or talking about Him in everything you do. Im pretty honored to have a friend like you.`-Ted
daaawwwww! I have the sweetest non-related brother in Christ.
`Hes sooo adorably sweet and cute and nice.`-Me
`And pretty and sweet smelling and his giggle makes you sweat in your sleep and his smile makes you puke up flowers and sparkly stars.`-Ted
Well... yes lololololol.
Oh, I bought some shoes at the goodwill here in Texas. Thanks to me, the lady that works there now thinks theres no shoes in Ohio. :P
-Ms. Conduit
Jesus is the reason for my existence. I tried to choose between being a bum or a musician, but then I realized they're the same thing. I'm addicted to coffee and Owl City. My purpose in life is to be all things to all people to lead some of them to Christ, and to love everyone to the hilt. I want to show you kindness like you've never seen before. I want to write a song for you. I wanna feel alive forever after.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Oh my goodness. What a day. So here I am at my suite in Texas. Im using wireless internet on my nintendo dsi. Anyway, I got hit on at the Houston airport lol. I rode on two planes, wasnt bad at all. Except for a super delay. On the bright side its warm here. Everyone really does say yall and wear cowboy hats. Yup. I dig it. Kinda lonely though.
-Ms. Conduit
-Ms. Conduit
Saturday, January 29, 2011
If any of ya'll blogger folks pray,
you should keep my trip to Texas
in your prayers.
Just that I'd be able to be a light
unto others, and traveling mercies,
and just... that I'd make some friends
and have a good trip. :)
Much appreciated, if you do.
Other than that, I'm on my second cup of
coffee, all packed, and doing my hair.
40 minutes til I head up to Cleveland.
Oh my goodness.
P.s. I miss you kid. :)
keep my sane on this trip.
A week without church could
possibly drive me crazy.
-Ms. Conduit
I loooooove you blogger folks!
I do, and I don't care if it's creepy.
So yeah.
Hopefully I can blog while I'm gone..
you should keep my trip to Texas
in your prayers.
Just that I'd be able to be a light
unto others, and traveling mercies,
and just... that I'd make some friends
and have a good trip. :)
Much appreciated, if you do.
Other than that, I'm on my second cup of
coffee, all packed, and doing my hair.
40 minutes til I head up to Cleveland.
Oh my goodness.
P.s. I miss you kid. :)
keep my sane on this trip.
A week without church could
possibly drive me crazy.
-Ms. Conduit
I loooooove you blogger folks!
I do, and I don't care if it's creepy.
So yeah.
Hopefully I can blog while I'm gone..
Friday, January 28, 2011
& they call it bella notte.
So tomorrow.
I wake up.
Finish packing.
And leave to head
to Cleveland at 2pm.
I guess when I get
there I'll just chill at
the hotel.
Then sleep at like 7pm..
wake up at 3am.
Get ready.
Walk down to the airport.
And get on the flight to Texas
at 4am.
Here goes nothing.
In other news,
I'm just really happy.
Kinda just sitting here
killing time.
I think I'm going to watch Lady and the Tramp.
Hush, it's a good movie. (;
"This is the night, it's a beautiful night,
and they call it bella notte." -Lady and the tramp
Ha, funny thing is "bella notte" means beautiful
night. This is the night, it's a beautiful night,
and they call it beautiful night.
How lovely.
-Ms. Conduit
I wake up.
Finish packing.
And leave to head
to Cleveland at 2pm.
I guess when I get
there I'll just chill at
the hotel.
Then sleep at like 7pm..
wake up at 3am.
Get ready.
Walk down to the airport.
And get on the flight to Texas
at 4am.
Here goes nothing.
In other news,
I'm just really happy.
Kinda just sitting here
killing time.
I think I'm going to watch Lady and the Tramp.
Hush, it's a good movie. (;
"This is the night, it's a beautiful night,
and they call it bella notte." -Lady and the tramp
Ha, funny thing is "bella notte" means beautiful
night. This is the night, it's a beautiful night,
and they call it beautiful night.
How lovely.
-Ms. Conduit
So today whilst at marcs,
some rather interesting things happened.
*I turn and see a guy coming around the
corner humming*
"She's got a big old zit on her forehead,
a big ol zit on her forehead, she's got a big
old zit..." -Marcs worker guy
*I bust up laughing and go into the next isle*
*Marcs guy smiles and laughs*
after that I was in the bathroom.
I over heard something.
"If you wanna be a big boy you have to
use public restrooms."-some lady
"I said I din't have to go anymore!"-little boy
"You did NOT pee in your underpants!
Why did you do that?"- some lady
I walk out of the bathroom wondering what
will happen to the distressed mother and her
little boy. I later see a business guy walk in carrying
a purse and chuckle at him. He stands in front of
the womans restroom, and the lady reaches out
taking the purse. It was actually a diaper bag :)
She hands mr. business man a grocery list.
Poor guy had to do the shopping while she changed
the little boys clothes.
Bottom line..
the weirdest things happen when I'm at
the store...
and you shouldn't judge a guy for carrying a
purse around, for it might be a diaper bag and he
might be carrying it to rescue his wife.
-Ms. Conduit
some rather interesting things happened.
*I turn and see a guy coming around the
corner humming*
"She's got a big old zit on her forehead,
a big ol zit on her forehead, she's got a big
old zit..." -Marcs worker guy
*I bust up laughing and go into the next isle*
*Marcs guy smiles and laughs*
after that I was in the bathroom.
I over heard something.
"If you wanna be a big boy you have to
use public restrooms."-some lady
"I said I din't have to go anymore!"-little boy
"You did NOT pee in your underpants!
Why did you do that?"- some lady
I walk out of the bathroom wondering what
will happen to the distressed mother and her
little boy. I later see a business guy walk in carrying
a purse and chuckle at him. He stands in front of
the womans restroom, and the lady reaches out
taking the purse. It was actually a diaper bag :)
She hands mr. business man a grocery list.
Poor guy had to do the shopping while she changed
the little boys clothes.
Bottom line..
the weirdest things happen when I'm at
the store...
and you shouldn't judge a guy for carrying a
purse around, for it might be a diaper bag and he
might be carrying it to rescue his wife.
-Ms. Conduit
Thursday, January 27, 2011
F- Flipping out.
R- Running around like an idiot.
U- Unbearable.
S- Sickeningly annoying.
T- Trying not to be.
R- Ripping my hair out(or rather the longing to)
A- Angrily shaking my fists at nothing.
T- Terrible.
I- I dislike it.
O- Overreacting.
N- Nearly losing my mind.
Oh brother.
That's frustration for me.
-Ms. Conduit
F- Flipping out.
R- Running around like an idiot.
U- Unbearable.
S- Sickeningly annoying.
T- Trying not to be.
R- Ripping my hair out(or rather the longing to)
A- Angrily shaking my fists at nothing.
T- Terrible.
I- I dislike it.
O- Overreacting.
N- Nearly losing my mind.
Oh brother.
That's frustration for me.
-Ms. Conduit
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
What a good sermon.
I love my pastor, I really do.
And not to mention my
church folks, they're amazing.
Them people bought me
mcdonalds. I'll love them always :)
Anyway, here I am just thinking.
Thinking about Texas. I've gotta
start packing. I know, I'm only going to
be there for a week.. but I don't know,
it feels like it should be life changing.
I want to make friends, or something.
The sermon tonight was actually about
that. Making friends, and such.
I guess it was kind of a confirmation for
me. 95% of my friends go to church.
Which just proves I need more friends,
because.. Well, my goal is to witness to
people and get them into church. So, I
guess I need to try harder to make more
friends. I mean, I'm nice to everyone I meet.
I'm just shy. I can't go up to someone and
introduce myself. And some people are too
intimidated by me to come up to me..
So, I guess I just wanna try to start talking to
people first. Especially on this trip to Texas.
I hope that I can make friends at the airport
even, or on the plane, and definitely at the hotel.
I guess I won't know how it's gonna be til 4am Sunday.
I'm just so happy. Which is weird. Because before
today I was kinda blah feeling. Not exactly sad, but
not really happy either. An in between I guess.
It just proves that time in God's presence/fellowship
at church really lifts a persons mood and all. I still want
to start a bible study here in town, yet I hardly know anyone
well enough. I mean, the people that I do know from around
disappoint me and make me label this whole town as
druggies,perverts, and just... I don't know, not the type of
people I want to be around. But I guess I can't let a few people
change my idea of how everyone is going to be. I think I'll
start going out more often around town, with the intention of
making friends. It's so important. Plus it'd be nice to have friends
that are close-by, considering all of my friends are so far away.
I'm bouncing off the walls because of
this frappe. I might as well put it to use
by putting some gospel music on and
just dancing around?
I'm weird.
-Ms. Conduit
I love my pastor, I really do.
And not to mention my
church folks, they're amazing.
Them people bought me
mcdonalds. I'll love them always :)
Anyway, here I am just thinking.
Thinking about Texas. I've gotta
start packing. I know, I'm only going to
be there for a week.. but I don't know,
it feels like it should be life changing.
I want to make friends, or something.
The sermon tonight was actually about
that. Making friends, and such.
I guess it was kind of a confirmation for
me. 95% of my friends go to church.
Which just proves I need more friends,
because.. Well, my goal is to witness to
people and get them into church. So, I
guess I need to try harder to make more
friends. I mean, I'm nice to everyone I meet.
I'm just shy. I can't go up to someone and
introduce myself. And some people are too
intimidated by me to come up to me..
So, I guess I just wanna try to start talking to
people first. Especially on this trip to Texas.
I hope that I can make friends at the airport
even, or on the plane, and definitely at the hotel.
I guess I won't know how it's gonna be til 4am Sunday.
I'm just so happy. Which is weird. Because before
today I was kinda blah feeling. Not exactly sad, but
not really happy either. An in between I guess.
It just proves that time in God's presence/fellowship
at church really lifts a persons mood and all. I still want
to start a bible study here in town, yet I hardly know anyone
well enough. I mean, the people that I do know from around
disappoint me and make me label this whole town as
druggies,perverts, and just... I don't know, not the type of
people I want to be around. But I guess I can't let a few people
change my idea of how everyone is going to be. I think I'll
start going out more often around town, with the intention of
making friends. It's so important. Plus it'd be nice to have friends
that are close-by, considering all of my friends are so far away.
I'm bouncing off the walls because of
this frappe. I might as well put it to use
by putting some gospel music on and
just dancing around?
I'm weird.
-Ms. Conduit
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Got a new ID today.
My face looks fat in the picture,
figures. I even tried to
look good.
My music program came.
I was so excited..
But now I've been trying
to make it work for 4 hours..
it keeps telling me to do
this this and this.
What more do you want,
Avid vocal studio? What have
I ever done to you?
In other news,
I really haven't done much
today. It's kind of weird.
I just really want to make music.
But I don't know what to do about
this stupid program.
I suddenly can't wait to go to
Texas.. Sunday. I just wanna do
something exciting. I've felt pretty
blah the past few days.
I don't really feel like blogging.
I don't even know what to say
right now. I think I'll go read.
-Ms. Conduit
My face looks fat in the picture,
figures. I even tried to
look good.
My music program came.
I was so excited..
But now I've been trying
to make it work for 4 hours..
it keeps telling me to do
this this and this.
What more do you want,
Avid vocal studio? What have
I ever done to you?
In other news,
I really haven't done much
today. It's kind of weird.
I just really want to make music.
But I don't know what to do about
this stupid program.
I suddenly can't wait to go to
Texas.. Sunday. I just wanna do
something exciting. I've felt pretty
blah the past few days.
I don't really feel like blogging.
I don't even know what to say
right now. I think I'll go read.
-Ms. Conduit
Sunday, January 23, 2011
I feel like I haven't seen people in ages.
Which is weird. Because I was at church
today, and my sister and her friend are
over now. But what I'd really like, is
for everyone to just go away for a while.
I heard a really good ol' Clint Brown gospel
song on youtube,
and just wanted to dance around and
sing and shout hallelujah, but there's people
And they might think I'm weird.
Though, after living with me this long you
think they would realize that fact.
Life is really, really good.
Church was good. Oh gosh.
So, choir sang today. I couldn't
find my robe, so I just took a
random one that was a tad bit too
big for me. Then, to add to it,
we sang a new song I didn't know.
I never practiced. Luckily, it
was one of those songs where you
basically repeat everything the
lead singer says. Thank you
Jesus. I still felt silly mumbling
and panicking when I didn't know
the words.
Oh yeah,
it's mums birthday today.
And for it we did what?
Nothing. Ordered a pizza.
Got ice cream cake.
Chris and dad watched football.
Sarah and I hid in my room
watching silly youtube videos.
Mom laid in bed watching
"Mean Girls" rofl.
It's been a pretty chill day.
Tomorrow, my music program
comes. I got tired of waiting on
Friday night and looked it up.
That's when I discovered it
wasn't coming til Monday.
So tomorrrroww! I can make
music. And I'm pretty excited
about it.
This girl I tried to get to church a while
back said she went to church with someone
today. It made me SO happy to hear that.
Though, it's not the church I'd pick for her..
since I was there two years and... well,
regardless of how I feel about their beliefs,
they're a good crew and you gotta start
somewhere. So, I'm happy. I told her if she
has any questions she can feel free to ask me.
She seemed happy about it.
Lets see.. did anything else happen...
Eh. I can't remember much else.
-Ms. Conduit
Which is weird. Because I was at church
today, and my sister and her friend are
over now. But what I'd really like, is
for everyone to just go away for a while.
I heard a really good ol' Clint Brown gospel
song on youtube,
and just wanted to dance around and
sing and shout hallelujah, but there's people
And they might think I'm weird.
Though, after living with me this long you
think they would realize that fact.
Life is really, really good.
Church was good. Oh gosh.
So, choir sang today. I couldn't
find my robe, so I just took a
random one that was a tad bit too
big for me. Then, to add to it,
we sang a new song I didn't know.
I never practiced. Luckily, it
was one of those songs where you
basically repeat everything the
lead singer says. Thank you
Jesus. I still felt silly mumbling
and panicking when I didn't know
the words.
Oh yeah,
it's mums birthday today.
And for it we did what?
Nothing. Ordered a pizza.
Got ice cream cake.
Chris and dad watched football.
Sarah and I hid in my room
watching silly youtube videos.
Mom laid in bed watching
"Mean Girls" rofl.
It's been a pretty chill day.
Tomorrow, my music program
comes. I got tired of waiting on
Friday night and looked it up.
That's when I discovered it
wasn't coming til Monday.
So tomorrrroww! I can make
music. And I'm pretty excited
about it.
This girl I tried to get to church a while
back said she went to church with someone
today. It made me SO happy to hear that.
Though, it's not the church I'd pick for her..
since I was there two years and... well,
regardless of how I feel about their beliefs,
they're a good crew and you gotta start
somewhere. So, I'm happy. I told her if she
has any questions she can feel free to ask me.
She seemed happy about it.
Lets see.. did anything else happen...
Eh. I can't remember much else.
-Ms. Conduit
Friday, January 21, 2011
I memorized all the words for you
But if you only knew
How much that's just not like me
I wait up late every night
Just to hear your voice
But you don't know that's nothing like me
You know I wonder how you already figured out
All these things that I try to hide
All this time I've been hoping you don't find out
All these things that I hide on the inside
I can't be held responsible
This is all so new to me
Just when I think I'm invincible
You come and happen to me
But if you only knew
How much that's just not like me
I wait up late every night
Just to hear your voice
But you don't know that's nothing like me
You know I wonder how you already figured out
All these things that I try to hide
All this time I've been hoping you don't find out
All these things that I hide on the inside
I can't be held responsible
This is all so new to me
Just when I think I'm invincible
You come and happen to me
Crossfade = win.
People saying the neatest things
to me and making my day? Also win.
Also, things
like this make me lawl.
"You play guitar ;)
thats sexy i'm not gunna lie haha"-Random internet guy
I'm also like Taylor Swift and write
songs about annoying guys.
:3" -Me
"haha you got spunk"-random internet guy
thats sexy i'm not gunna lie haha"-Random internet guy
I'm also like Taylor Swift and write
songs about annoying guys.
:3" -Me
"haha you got spunk"-random internet guy
I do, I do.
I'm small, but I'm fierce.
And I know just
how to shake peoples
worlds up.
Not in a bad way,
at least I hope not.
Hey hey watch me wave
Goodbye to yesterday
Nothing left in my way
Hey hey I've been saved
With sun shining on my pain
Getting me through this day
Hey hey watch me wave
Goodbye to yesterday
Nothing left in my way
Goodbye to yesterday
Nothing left in my way
Hey hey I've been saved
With sun shining on my pain
Getting me through this day
Hey hey watch me wave
Goodbye to yesterday
Nothing left in my way
-Ms. Conduit
Reading peoples stupid tumblr posts makes me feel
lonely when I'm not even lonely. -_o
I woke up,
and my dad said my package
came in the mail.
And I'm all "really?"

He says yes.
So I run to check,
it turns out it was my
moms Avon.
And I'm all "really?"

I downloaded some counting crows,
coldplay, and staind.
Strange things are happening.
In other news,
I feel pretty crappy that
my package still isn't
I need one of these;

-Ms. Conduit
lonely when I'm not even lonely. -_o
I woke up,
and my dad said my package
came in the mail.
And I'm all "really?"
He says yes.
So I run to check,
it turns out it was my
moms Avon.
And I'm all "really?"
I downloaded some counting crows,
coldplay, and staind.
Strange things are happening.
In other news,
I feel pretty crappy that
my package still isn't
I need one of these;

-Ms. Conduit
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
*Mom enters my room in her bathrobe*
"I'm on webcam. If you come over
here you'll be on screen."-Me
*she stays put, but peeks over lurking
at the screen.*
"He's cute." -Mom
"My mom says you're cute." -Me
"Thank youuu!"-Tyler
In other news,
I'm kind of tired.
I need a cup of coffee.
I need to finish
some stuff.
I need to talk.
A lot.
And OMW.
My music program better
come in the mail tomorrow.
I'm so excited.
Didn't get to go to church because
there's like, 3 inches of ice on the roads.
This makes me sad.
I really, really wanna watch Anastasia.
As irrelevant as that is.
-Ms. Conduit
"I'm on webcam. If you come over
here you'll be on screen."-Me
*she stays put, but peeks over lurking
at the screen.*
"He's cute." -Mom
"My mom says you're cute." -Me
"Thank youuu!"-Tyler
In other news,
I'm kind of tired.
I need a cup of coffee.
I need to finish
some stuff.
I need to talk.
A lot.
And OMW.
My music program better
come in the mail tomorrow.
I'm so excited.
Didn't get to go to church because
there's like, 3 inches of ice on the roads.
This makes me sad.
I really, really wanna watch Anastasia.
As irrelevant as that is.
-Ms. Conduit
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
There's not much to rant about.
I'm trying to be optimistic and not
worry. So then, I have to not let
myself rant.
I spent a heck of a lot of time praying
today. And just reading my bible.
Somehow I'm a lot more at peace.
Yet I still try to take everything into
my own hands. I'm ridiculous.
Le sigh.
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace."
Dude. I know that's an old song.
But I've sang/played it like 500 times
today. I think it's keeping me sane.
I may not be enough for certain people.
Whatever. If I'm not enough, than don't
bother wasting time. I mean, what the
heck? I'm not enough, yet the people who
think this hang around in my life.
Never mind.
I have church tomorrow.
I'll go,
and everything will be okay.
And it'll be amazing.
And the sermon will be just
what I need to hear..
because God is up there
listening to me complain about
people complaining.
There you have it.
I'm not perfect.
-Ms. Conduit
I'm trying to be optimistic and not
worry. So then, I have to not let
myself rant.
I spent a heck of a lot of time praying
today. And just reading my bible.
Somehow I'm a lot more at peace.
Yet I still try to take everything into
my own hands. I'm ridiculous.
Le sigh.
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace."
Dude. I know that's an old song.
But I've sang/played it like 500 times
today. I think it's keeping me sane.
I may not be enough for certain people.
Whatever. If I'm not enough, than don't
bother wasting time. I mean, what the
heck? I'm not enough, yet the people who
think this hang around in my life.
Never mind.
I have church tomorrow.
I'll go,
and everything will be okay.
And it'll be amazing.
And the sermon will be just
what I need to hear..
because God is up there
listening to me complain about
people complaining.
There you have it.
I'm not perfect.
-Ms. Conduit
Monday, January 17, 2011
How can you let a person prove they are
trustworthy without first trusting them?
You just have to let go of the feelings and trust
someone until they give you a reason not to.
*Sigh*. That's a dang nabbing good point.
Alright. Vulnerability, it's nice to meet you
once more. What's the worst that could
I could be wrong again. Big deal.
In the end, no matter who I'm wrong
about, I'll always be right about Jesus.
And He'll never leave my side.
So, at least I have that to look forward
to no matter what happens.
Delight yourself also in the LORD,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Psalms 37:4
Okay God,
I'm delighting in you.
Lets see what happens.
Lets find out what
I truly desire.
-Ms. Conduit
trustworthy without first trusting them?
You just have to let go of the feelings and trust
someone until they give you a reason not to.
*Sigh*. That's a dang nabbing good point.
Alright. Vulnerability, it's nice to meet you
once more. What's the worst that could
I could be wrong again. Big deal.
In the end, no matter who I'm wrong
about, I'll always be right about Jesus.
And He'll never leave my side.
So, at least I have that to look forward
to no matter what happens.
Delight yourself also in the LORD,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Psalms 37:4
Okay God,
I'm delighting in you.
Lets see what happens.
Lets find out what
I truly desire.
-Ms. Conduit
Today, I've taken it upon myself to finally start writing
a new musical. I wrote the first song for it last week, but
never started the story until now. First track is completely
written. Go me.
Ordering my music recording program later today
or tomorrow morning hopefully. Then, it says it'll be
here in 3 days. I don't really believe that. Stuff I order
always takes forever to get here. -.-
Well, the plane tickets to Texas are already bought
now officially. So I can't change my mind now. I'm really
hoping I can take my guitar as my carry on bag. If not,
I can't take my guitar. And without my guitar, I'm really
not all that interesting. I need it to make friends. Dx
I think I'm going to go to Carrollton tomorrow, so I can
walk at the lake :) Not that anyone really cares, just
sayin' :P
So, yeah. That's about it.
-Ms. Conduit
a new musical. I wrote the first song for it last week, but
never started the story until now. First track is completely
written. Go me.
Ordering my music recording program later today
or tomorrow morning hopefully. Then, it says it'll be
here in 3 days. I don't really believe that. Stuff I order
always takes forever to get here. -.-
Well, the plane tickets to Texas are already bought
now officially. So I can't change my mind now. I'm really
hoping I can take my guitar as my carry on bag. If not,
I can't take my guitar. And without my guitar, I'm really
not all that interesting. I need it to make friends. Dx
I think I'm going to go to Carrollton tomorrow, so I can
walk at the lake :) Not that anyone really cares, just
sayin' :P
So, yeah. That's about it.
-Ms. Conduit
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I'm still alive.
"I'm afraid I'll get to the
point where I don't believe
love exists."
"You know how I feel about it
"It's overrated?"
"It's a myth."
Today was nice. Not nearly what it could of been
considering Best Buy didn't having the recording program/mic
that I wanted. Guess I'll have to order it online and wait two weeks
for it to get here. By then, I'll be in Texas for a week and won't
get to use it til I get back -.-
But it's all good :D
I'm really ready for church tomorrow.
I feel like I haven't been at church in ages.
And it has been ages, considering I missed
Wednesday. Golly gee. I have a good feeling
about tomorrow.
-Ms. Conduit
"I'm afraid I'll get to the
point where I don't believe
love exists."
"You know how I feel about it
"It's overrated?"
"It's a myth."
Today was nice. Not nearly what it could of been
considering Best Buy didn't having the recording program/mic
that I wanted. Guess I'll have to order it online and wait two weeks
for it to get here. By then, I'll be in Texas for a week and won't
get to use it til I get back -.-
But it's all good :D
I'm really ready for church tomorrow.
I feel like I haven't been at church in ages.
And it has been ages, considering I missed
Wednesday. Golly gee. I have a good feeling
about tomorrow.
-Ms. Conduit
Thursday, January 13, 2011
This is irrelevant,
but I ate some Pez today.
I for some reason don't feel
the need to rant right now.
Usually I do. But maybe my
ranting is causing problems.
Though I don't see why it would.

But I will say, I miss this show.
Legit. Fosters home for imaginary friends.
That was some good stuff.
I'm a little bit afraid. I will admit that.
It's bible reading time.
And then I think I'll go to bed.
So yeah. Goodnight blogger
folks. I love you all.
(not in a creepy way xD)
-Ms. Conduit
but I ate some Pez today.
I for some reason don't feel
the need to rant right now.
Usually I do. But maybe my
ranting is causing problems.
Though I don't see why it would.
But I will say, I miss this show.
Legit. Fosters home for imaginary friends.
That was some good stuff.
I'm a little bit afraid. I will admit that.
It's bible reading time.
And then I think I'll go to bed.
So yeah. Goodnight blogger
folks. I love you all.
(not in a creepy way xD)
-Ms. Conduit
Instead of fueling peoples drama,
I'm going to ignore whatever they
try to say. :)
I love it when God just gets a hold
of me and shows me what's truly important.
Those, are my favorite moments in life.
As long as I have Jesus, everything is
gonna be fine. More than fine actually.
Sit enthroned upon my heart,
With everything You are
Come and live Your life in me
Reign supremely
I'm not just giving You my sin,
But everything within
Come take control and make me holy
You are my King
Enthroned to be
My everything.
-School of Worship
I'm so, so happy I found the school of worship
CD at berean's. I loved them at ATF.
It's amazing.
I didn't do much today. Cleaned a bit.
Found out my sister wrecked her car,
but she's alright. She came over and
we hung out a bit. I took a nap for who
knows how long. Played some guitar.
Sat around on here. Read my bible.
Stuff like that.
So yeah.
-Ms. Conduit
I'm going to ignore whatever they
try to say. :)
I love it when God just gets a hold
of me and shows me what's truly important.
Those, are my favorite moments in life.
As long as I have Jesus, everything is
gonna be fine. More than fine actually.
Sit enthroned upon my heart,
With everything You are
Come and live Your life in me
Reign supremely
I'm not just giving You my sin,
But everything within
Come take control and make me holy
You are my King
Enthroned to be
My everything.
-School of Worship
I'm so, so happy I found the school of worship
CD at berean's. I loved them at ATF.
It's amazing.
I didn't do much today. Cleaned a bit.
Found out my sister wrecked her car,
but she's alright. She came over and
we hung out a bit. I took a nap for who
knows how long. Played some guitar.
Sat around on here. Read my bible.
Stuff like that.
So yeah.
-Ms. Conduit
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Super rant.
The sands on the shore, Your thoughts for me are so much more
The stars they shine so bright, they're echoing Your love at night
When I sleep, when I rise You are on my mind
I can't stop thinking about You, You won't stop thinking about me
I can't take this smile off my face, cause Your love song resonates in me
The morning comes reminding me of Your unfailing love
The day goes by You're watching over me all the time
When I sleep, when I rise I am on Your mind
Can't stop, can't stop, can't stop I'm falling for You.
-School of Worship
Quit getting your conclusions people.
This song is about my God. My ONE TRUE love.
He's first. And the way things are looking, He's
gonna be my only love.
People make me feel sick. Especially guys.
Except for a select few.
Like my brother Ted.
And... Josiah. But, that's beside the point.
90% of the guys in this universe make me
want to vomit. I love everyone though.
Because God has called me to love.
Even if I don't love people romantically.
It's funny, when people say this, this, and this.
Like they "heard" it from God. But in reality they're
manipulating His plan to be what they want.
Or when they try to say things I supposedly went
through in my past, or am going through now.
No, I did not have an anti-God past. I was raised by
a christian family, and I've been in church my entire
life. Sure, I've stumbled sometimes, but I've never
EVER been anti-God. So don't just say I went through
something like that. Because I didn't. And do not,
I'm telling you, do not say that I have problems in my
life right now. Actually, it's the best it's ever been.
I got past my situations, and now everything is great.
I'm focusing on God first, and then He put some amazing
new friends in my life, and reconnected me with old ones.
And He's given me inspiration for new music/stories.
I've been singing my music a lot. I've been laughing.
I've been opening up a little. Even if only to one person.
I've been a better person all around. And I'm proud of myself.
I give all the credit to my Savior Jesus Christ. I love Him.
This world just disturbs me. The way people live with no fear
of God. The way everyone moves to fast in everything. Especially
relationships. It scares me. It scares me to think of what these
people have in store. Lots of problems. This world has always
been too much to take, too much to hold onto. That's why I've
let go of it and hold onto Jesus instead. Everything falls together
much better that way.
I'm not perfect. And I won't be until I make it to heaven.
But, I'm not who I was.
So don't you dare try to say I am. I won't listen to Lucifer's
lies about me. He's just... satan. And he will never have power
over me, no matter which of my friends he tries to speak
through. Or even my own mind sometimes.
I'm a conquerer through my God. More than a
conquerer even. You don't define me. I'm defined
through my Maker.
The stars they shine so bright, they're echoing Your love at night
When I sleep, when I rise You are on my mind
I can't stop thinking about You, You won't stop thinking about me
I can't take this smile off my face, cause Your love song resonates in me
The morning comes reminding me of Your unfailing love
The day goes by You're watching over me all the time
When I sleep, when I rise I am on Your mind
Can't stop, can't stop, can't stop I'm falling for You.
-School of Worship
Quit getting your conclusions people.
This song is about my God. My ONE TRUE love.
He's first. And the way things are looking, He's
gonna be my only love.
People make me feel sick. Especially guys.
Except for a select few.
Like my brother Ted.
And... Josiah. But, that's beside the point.
90% of the guys in this universe make me
want to vomit. I love everyone though.
Because God has called me to love.
Even if I don't love people romantically.
It's funny, when people say this, this, and this.
Like they "heard" it from God. But in reality they're
manipulating His plan to be what they want.
Or when they try to say things I supposedly went
through in my past, or am going through now.
No, I did not have an anti-God past. I was raised by
a christian family, and I've been in church my entire
life. Sure, I've stumbled sometimes, but I've never
EVER been anti-God. So don't just say I went through
something like that. Because I didn't. And do not,
I'm telling you, do not say that I have problems in my
life right now. Actually, it's the best it's ever been.
I got past my situations, and now everything is great.
I'm focusing on God first, and then He put some amazing
new friends in my life, and reconnected me with old ones.
And He's given me inspiration for new music/stories.
I've been singing my music a lot. I've been laughing.
I've been opening up a little. Even if only to one person.
I've been a better person all around. And I'm proud of myself.
I give all the credit to my Savior Jesus Christ. I love Him.
This world just disturbs me. The way people live with no fear
of God. The way everyone moves to fast in everything. Especially
relationships. It scares me. It scares me to think of what these
people have in store. Lots of problems. This world has always
been too much to take, too much to hold onto. That's why I've
let go of it and hold onto Jesus instead. Everything falls together
much better that way.
I'm not perfect. And I won't be until I make it to heaven.
But, I'm not who I was.
So don't you dare try to say I am. I won't listen to Lucifer's
lies about me. He's just... satan. And he will never have power
over me, no matter which of my friends he tries to speak
through. Or even my own mind sometimes.
I'm a conquerer through my God. More than a
conquerer even. You don't define me. I'm defined
through my Maker.
"I'm not the shoes I wear.
I'm not the clothes I buy.
I'm not the house I live in.
I'm not the car I drive.
I'm not the job I work.
You can't define my worth.
By nothing on God's green earth.
My Identity is found in Christ!" -Lecrae
I'm not the clothes I buy.
I'm not the house I live in.
I'm not the car I drive.
I'm not the job I work.
You can't define my worth.
By nothing on God's green earth.
My Identity is found in Christ!" -Lecrae
Sorry for the super rant.
I'm just tired of it.
Tired of people trying to
define me. You can't read
my mind. Don't believe
what you hear. Come to me
about it if you want to know
the truth about me.
-Ms. Conduit
I'm just tired of it.
Tired of people trying to
define me. You can't read
my mind. Don't believe
what you hear. Come to me
about it if you want to know
the truth about me.
-Ms. Conduit
Give me love give me liberty disco
The place where everybody in the families found
On that day we will all be happy people
When love liberty discos in town. ♥
I bought the Love Liberty Disco CD today,
obviously. And it's amazing. Some long haired
kid at berean's was creeping on me. Legit.
It's totally adorable that you put the picture
of me and you as your default. Just sayin'.
I was snowed in sort of,
so I didn't get to go to church tonight.
And that really bummed me out.
I miss church. So bad. I mean, I know
I was at church Sunday. But that
wasn't MY church. My church
will always be the best. :)
I don't really know what to say right now.
-Ms. Conduit
The place where everybody in the families found
On that day we will all be happy people
When love liberty discos in town. ♥
I bought the Love Liberty Disco CD today,
obviously. And it's amazing. Some long haired
kid at berean's was creeping on me. Legit.
It's totally adorable that you put the picture
of me and you as your default. Just sayin'.
I was snowed in sort of,
so I didn't get to go to church tonight.
And that really bummed me out.
I miss church. So bad. I mean, I know
I was at church Sunday. But that
wasn't MY church. My church
will always be the best. :)
I don't really know what to say right now.
-Ms. Conduit
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I really wanted to watch Danny Phantom today.
So I did. Go ahead and call me a dork, I don't care.
New kingdom hearts game for the win?
I've been playing it a bit today. It's fun,
not what I thought it would be, but I'm sure
it'll get better.
You miss me.
That's amazing.
I thought it'd be too silly
to say that I miss you
already. But, you miss
me too.
Oh brother. I'm turning into a stupid sap.
Goodnight blogger.
-Ms. Conduit
So I did. Go ahead and call me a dork, I don't care.
New kingdom hearts game for the win?
I've been playing it a bit today. It's fun,
not what I thought it would be, but I'm sure
it'll get better.
You miss me.
That's amazing.
I thought it'd be too silly
to say that I miss you
already. But, you miss
me too.
Oh brother. I'm turning into a stupid sap.
Goodnight blogger.
-Ms. Conduit
Monday, January 10, 2011
Follow my other blog too? :)
Dear followers,
if you're still reading this blog(and *ahem*
I'm sure you are because my posts are mildly
amusing) I would like to inform you that I
made another blog.
This is still my main one, to rant about my life
and such, but I made another one for quotes/
pictures/stuff like that. SO! If you're into that
kind of stuff, you can follow that blog of mine
as well. And I'd love you if you did. I'll still love
you if you don't, just... not as much :P
Nah, I'm kidding. But anyway, here's the link.
I dare you.
It's gonna be epic.
-Ms. Conduit
if you're still reading this blog(and *ahem*
I'm sure you are because my posts are mildly
amusing) I would like to inform you that I
made another blog.
This is still my main one, to rant about my life
and such, but I made another one for quotes/
pictures/stuff like that. SO! If you're into that
kind of stuff, you can follow that blog of mine
as well. And I'd love you if you did. I'll still love
you if you don't, just... not as much :P
Nah, I'm kidding. But anyway, here's the link.
I dare you.
It's gonna be epic.
-Ms. Conduit
And, I've tried not to let anyone in until now.
Misunderstandings are an easy way out.
And I've been feeling all this pressure just to figure it out.
And I know, don't know, yeah I know, don't know.
And I know that if I just stay strong I can make it,
And try harder when I just can't take it, and when everything
Around me feels so broken and jaded,
I know, I know, yeah I know, I know
And every time I wonder what's real
You make me feel
You make me feel like a
Complete work of art, When I'm just falling apart
A really nice piece of art
-Fm Static
Somehow, I'm starting to understand.
A lot of things. And a lot more about people.
I thought I knew them all too well.
But yet, some of them surprise me.
OH. Kingdom hearts recoded comes
out tomorrow. Life just keeps getting better
Nothing quirky happened today that I can
really talk about. I went on a walk and about
froze to death. I tried to write but didn't know
what to write about. And now I'm just chillin'
on here waiting for something to happen.
-Ms. Conduit
Misunderstandings are an easy way out.
And I've been feeling all this pressure just to figure it out.
And I know, don't know, yeah I know, don't know.
And I know that if I just stay strong I can make it,
And try harder when I just can't take it, and when everything
Around me feels so broken and jaded,
I know, I know, yeah I know, I know
And every time I wonder what's real
You make me feel
You make me feel like a
Complete work of art, When I'm just falling apart
A really nice piece of art
-Fm Static
Somehow, I'm starting to understand.
A lot of things. And a lot more about people.
I thought I knew them all too well.
But yet, some of them surprise me.
OH. Kingdom hearts recoded comes
out tomorrow. Life just keeps getting better
Nothing quirky happened today that I can
really talk about. I went on a walk and about
froze to death. I tried to write but didn't know
what to write about. And now I'm just chillin'
on here waiting for something to happen.
-Ms. Conduit
Sunday, January 9, 2011
I just realized this is my 501st post, in all my
time on blogger. For the win?
Okay, let me just say,
Hands down this is one of my
favorite weekends in the history
of weekends.
I mean, it's already over considering
it's 1:30 in the morning, but
Friday went well. I can't remember if I
already talked about it. I sang a new song
I wrote at church. Everyone liked it, I think.
At least that's what they said. And then we
all ate at wendys which was kinda fun.
Saturday, went AMAZING. I went to the
mall to meet some cool kids and just..
wow. ♥ I just, somehow think everything
seems great for once. And I believe it's going
to stay this way.
Today, or Sunday rather, was fun!
I went to my old church, instead of my home
church.. and sat with my non-related bro.
Some lady said I was foxy. And she proceeded
to say that Ted was foxy too. She says we're
super foxy. Lawl.
This other lady there said we were a cute
couple and I was all "NOT COUPLE, NO NO.
Siblings." And she made the funniest expression,
and looked at us comparing. Ted decided to add,
"from different families." It made me lawl.
So, we're foxy. And we're some good looking siblings
from different families. And we can consume a lot of
tacos. And, my brother is talented.
(not to mention, he's single ladies. xD)
Anyway, we had a good day.
Kid, you're mine.
Just thought that needed
to be said. xD
God, You're my favorite,
and still above everyone else.
Of course, because You're the
creator of my life, and everything
that I love, and I love You.
So of course you're going to be first.
-Ms. Conduit
time on blogger. For the win?
Okay, let me just say,
Hands down this is one of my
favorite weekends in the history
of weekends.
I mean, it's already over considering
it's 1:30 in the morning, but
Friday went well. I can't remember if I
already talked about it. I sang a new song
I wrote at church. Everyone liked it, I think.
At least that's what they said. And then we
all ate at wendys which was kinda fun.
Saturday, went AMAZING. I went to the
mall to meet some cool kids and just..
wow. ♥ I just, somehow think everything
seems great for once. And I believe it's going
to stay this way.
Today, or Sunday rather, was fun!
I went to my old church, instead of my home
church.. and sat with my non-related bro.
Some lady said I was foxy. And she proceeded
to say that Ted was foxy too. She says we're
super foxy. Lawl.
This other lady there said we were a cute
couple and I was all "NOT COUPLE, NO NO.
Siblings." And she made the funniest expression,
and looked at us comparing. Ted decided to add,
"from different families." It made me lawl.
So, we're foxy. And we're some good looking siblings
from different families. And we can consume a lot of
tacos. And, my brother is talented.
(not to mention, he's single ladies. xD)
Anyway, we had a good day.
Kid, you're mine.
Just thought that needed
to be said. xD
God, You're my favorite,
and still above everyone else.
Of course, because You're the
creator of my life, and everything
that I love, and I love You.
So of course you're going to be first.
-Ms. Conduit
! :D
Yesterday was so indescribably amazing,
that I don't really have time to talk about it
yet because I have to get ready for church.
I'm visiting my old church today,
then going to my non-related brother Ted's
house, and we're gonna make musica!
This could very well end up being one of the
best weekends ever. ♥
Hey Jesus,
thanks. A lot.
I mean it.
-Ms. Conduit
! :D
Yesterday was so indescribably amazing,
that I don't really have time to talk about it
yet because I have to get ready for church.
I'm visiting my old church today,
then going to my non-related brother Ted's
house, and we're gonna make musica!
This could very well end up being one of the
best weekends ever. ♥
Hey Jesus,
thanks. A lot.
I mean it.
-Ms. Conduit
Friday, January 7, 2011
An insomniac is tired.
I guess it has to happen eventually.
So hey! Today was awesome.
I sang. I didn't mess up/die but
I messed up with guitar a bit..
sort of. Church was good. Wendys
afterwards was pretty amusing
But what I'm most excited about?
yus. I survived through today without
making a fool out of myself. Lets see if
I can do it again tomorrow.
Here goes nothing.
-Ms. Conduit
I guess it has to happen eventually.
So hey! Today was awesome.
I sang. I didn't mess up/die but
I messed up with guitar a bit..
sort of. Church was good. Wendys
afterwards was pretty amusing
But what I'm most excited about?
yus. I survived through today without
making a fool out of myself. Lets see if
I can do it again tomorrow.
Here goes nothing.
-Ms. Conduit
Thursday, January 6, 2011
In other news,
I sing tomorrow. At church. And apparently
a bunch of folks from another church are coming
to this service. Oy vey. Just more reasons to
be nervous. I'm so afraid I'm going to mess up.
Not to mention, I invited like 5 people. And two
of them are coming. I'm glad though. Church is
great, and everyone should be there :)
I'm still nervous though.
Sorry. I'm back to normal.
Okay, so today I cleaned. I now have a clean bedroom
and bathroom. I went downstairs earlier, and stepped in something.
I looked down, afraid of what I might see. But as it turns out,
it was just laundry detergent. Oh, but it couldn't be that simple.
A whole THING of laundry detergent. All. Over. The floor.
I about died. So, guess who was a very good person and cleaned
it up even though she didn't make the mess? Me :P
That was a disaster to say the least. I think I'll probably smell
like tide for the rest of my life. It kind of makes me wants to vomit.
But hey, on the bright side someone else won't have to worry about
the tide all over the floor when they go downstairs in the morning.
My good deed is done for the day.
I really just need to go read my bible
before I pass out. O.o
Goodnight blogger folks.
I know this might be creepy,
but I love you. :-)
-Ms. Conduit
I sing tomorrow. At church. And apparently
a bunch of folks from another church are coming
to this service. Oy vey. Just more reasons to
be nervous. I'm so afraid I'm going to mess up.
Not to mention, I invited like 5 people. And two
of them are coming. I'm glad though. Church is
great, and everyone should be there :)
I'm still nervous though.
Sorry. I'm back to normal.
Okay, so today I cleaned. I now have a clean bedroom
and bathroom. I went downstairs earlier, and stepped in something.
I looked down, afraid of what I might see. But as it turns out,
it was just laundry detergent. Oh, but it couldn't be that simple.
A whole THING of laundry detergent. All. Over. The floor.
I about died. So, guess who was a very good person and cleaned
it up even though she didn't make the mess? Me :P
That was a disaster to say the least. I think I'll probably smell
like tide for the rest of my life. It kind of makes me wants to vomit.
But hey, on the bright side someone else won't have to worry about
the tide all over the floor when they go downstairs in the morning.
My good deed is done for the day.
I really just need to go read my bible
before I pass out. O.o
Goodnight blogger folks.
I know this might be creepy,
but I love you. :-)
-Ms. Conduit
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
"I like your hair."
"Thank you :D"
"I always like your hair."
So unexpected. I've never talked
to you in my life, but you always like
my hair :) Why don't we talk more
often, chicka?
Church was good. Sang in the choir because
my robe was finally ironed. Thanks @Niki.
I love it when people care about me. It's just so
wonderful when someone asks me how I'm doing,
and actually cares and makes sure I'm telling the
Friday I sing at youth. A new song I wrote :)
I'm nervous already. >_<
Saturday? Malllllllllllllllll.
I hope.
I'm so excited. Just about life. Being able to be a light
unto others. I'm going to use the gifts God has given me
for HIS glory! Not my own, or anyone elses.
I'm about to pass out though.
Goodnight blogger.
-Ms. Conduit
"Thank you :D"
"I always like your hair."
So unexpected. I've never talked
to you in my life, but you always like
my hair :) Why don't we talk more
often, chicka?
Church was good. Sang in the choir because
my robe was finally ironed. Thanks @Niki.
I love it when people care about me. It's just so
wonderful when someone asks me how I'm doing,
and actually cares and makes sure I'm telling the
Friday I sing at youth. A new song I wrote :)
I'm nervous already. >_<
Saturday? Malllllllllllllllll.
I hope.
I'm so excited. Just about life. Being able to be a light
unto others. I'm going to use the gifts God has given me
for HIS glory! Not my own, or anyone elses.
I'm about to pass out though.
Goodnight blogger.
-Ms. Conduit
It’s not everything it seems - the world and its dreams
Slipping like water through my hands tonight
All the things I thought would fill me up inside
Left me empty here - and now I know why
All along I was looking for something else
You’re something else
All along I was looking for something more
You’re so much more
I finally found what I could never see before
You’ve always been the one that I was looking for
Slipping like water through my hands tonight
All the things I thought would fill me up inside
Left me empty here - and now I know why
All along I was looking for something else
You’re something else
All along I was looking for something more
You’re so much more
I finally found what I could never see before
You’ve always been the one that I was looking for
-Remedy Drive
I'm Yours. I don't belong to this world.
This world hates me. But I love You.
I don't care what they do to me. I don't care
what they say. I'm going to live for Your purpose.
Not my own.
Church tonight.
I can see the floor in my room,
I'm so proud of myself.
-Ms. Conduit
Monday, January 3, 2011
I'm odd.
is going to be wonderful.
There's a few things I'm curious about.
I know you probably don't want me to
explain, but I'm going to anyway;
1. "Why are you trying to fit in,
when you're born to stand out?"
-Eon from "What a Girl Wants"
This, is basically for everyone
in the world. I mean, everyone
wants to be like someone else.
2. Why do those very rare nice people
pretend to be so full of themselves?
I mean, in reality they're just as insecure
as anyone else, Right?
Maybe I'm wrong. It just seems that way
to me.
3. Why does everyone like the people who
treat them the worst? I'll never understand.
Oh, and one more.
4. Why does my blogger have like, 2,500
views on it, and I only have 23 followers?
That's disappointing. I follow everyone
Oh well, I guess it'll all be alright.
So, my cranium almost burst today.
Earlier, I was going mad. All these thoughts
filling up inside my mind about the past two
days I've went through... and no one to
share them with! Let me tell you, this is a tragic
thing. I'm sure Jesus got tired of listening :P
(actually I don't think He did, but still)
Anyway, my cranium survived because my
phone rang. And it's going to ring again later
Have you ever had a cranium-almost-exploding
moment? :]
Oh. Also, I've been trying to keep up with
tumblr. But I feel so much safer ranting on here,
so I just put random stuff on there. Though,
I already have 6 followers on there. Not that
anyone says anything on my stuff. But still,
you know. It's kinda neat. Maybe I shouldn't
filter myself on there. It's just, a little scary.
Because mostly people only post pictures on there.
And it's kinda blah. Because it's supposed to
be a blogging site, isn't it? But yet, mostly
all the people I'm following post, is pictures.
Pardon me, but I don't really care about your
cute random pictures. Okay, sure some of them
are neat, but still. I'd rather read about someones
day than to see a picture. Ya dig?
You know, it seems like I've finally escaped the
dramatic people. It seems that in December, I had
all of these drama-folks trying to wreck havoc in my
life. But now, they're gone! Hallelujah, thank You Jesus!
Drama free is the way to be.
So, I'm enjoying my quietness. My time of absolutely
no problems. And, my two free days to do whatever.
Well, actually today is almost over. And it was mind blowingly
boring. But, I have tomorrow. Maybe I'll go to the library
or something. Then, again on Wednesday I get to go to church.
And the rest of the week/weekend is full. But I am so.
Excited. And nervous. And scared. And pumped. And happy.
And hopeful. And about a billion other things that I'll spare you
by not mentioning.
This is really irrelevant,
but I ate way too much today.
-Ms. Conduit
is going to be wonderful.
There's a few things I'm curious about.
I know you probably don't want me to
explain, but I'm going to anyway;
1. "Why are you trying to fit in,
when you're born to stand out?"
-Eon from "What a Girl Wants"
This, is basically for everyone
in the world. I mean, everyone
wants to be like someone else.
2. Why do those very rare nice people
pretend to be so full of themselves?
I mean, in reality they're just as insecure
as anyone else, Right?
Maybe I'm wrong. It just seems that way
to me.
3. Why does everyone like the people who
treat them the worst? I'll never understand.
Oh, and one more.
4. Why does my blogger have like, 2,500
views on it, and I only have 23 followers?
That's disappointing. I follow everyone
Oh well, I guess it'll all be alright.
So, my cranium almost burst today.
Earlier, I was going mad. All these thoughts
filling up inside my mind about the past two
days I've went through... and no one to
share them with! Let me tell you, this is a tragic
thing. I'm sure Jesus got tired of listening :P
(actually I don't think He did, but still)
Anyway, my cranium survived because my
phone rang. And it's going to ring again later
Have you ever had a cranium-almost-exploding
moment? :]
Oh. Also, I've been trying to keep up with
tumblr. But I feel so much safer ranting on here,
so I just put random stuff on there. Though,
I already have 6 followers on there. Not that
anyone says anything on my stuff. But still,
you know. It's kinda neat. Maybe I shouldn't
filter myself on there. It's just, a little scary.
Because mostly people only post pictures on there.
And it's kinda blah. Because it's supposed to
be a blogging site, isn't it? But yet, mostly
all the people I'm following post, is pictures.
Pardon me, but I don't really care about your
cute random pictures. Okay, sure some of them
are neat, but still. I'd rather read about someones
day than to see a picture. Ya dig?
You know, it seems like I've finally escaped the
dramatic people. It seems that in December, I had
all of these drama-folks trying to wreck havoc in my
life. But now, they're gone! Hallelujah, thank You Jesus!
Drama free is the way to be.
So, I'm enjoying my quietness. My time of absolutely
no problems. And, my two free days to do whatever.
Well, actually today is almost over. And it was mind blowingly
boring. But, I have tomorrow. Maybe I'll go to the library
or something. Then, again on Wednesday I get to go to church.
And the rest of the week/weekend is full. But I am so.
Excited. And nervous. And scared. And pumped. And happy.
And hopeful. And about a billion other things that I'll spare you
by not mentioning.
This is really irrelevant,
but I ate way too much today.
-Ms. Conduit
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Long day.
Long. Day.
Dear 2011,
Why must you start with a super long
day? Please be easy on me this year.
A very worn out girl.
So, nonetheless, today freaking rocked!
I tried to go to bed early last night, but
ended up laying there for a really long time.
Then, when I woke up this morning,
I was so tired. This was easily fixed with
the little bit of sparkling grape juice that
was left and some pizza rolls. So, I got all prettied
Kid, thanks for the wall post. It made my morning.
Church, went awesomely. I finally took my choir robe.
Then, we all went to the mall. Ate some delicious food,
chatted with some folks.. And,
I invited the guy who works at the coffee shop to church.
You see, when I used to go to the mall everyyy Sunday after
church for food, I would simply go into the Seattle Cafe, just
to drop money into the tip jar for that guy. The same guy.
Every Sunday. So, one day he asked me why I do that. And
I replied "I just want to be a blessing to you." And he said he really
appreciated it. So, today I actually was getting coffee there.
He said he hadn't seen me in a while and asked how I'd been. We
chatted a little bit, and I of course left money in the tip jar.
Then, a little later on, I went back in. And invited him to church.
He acted like he was going to come. Psyched I am!
So, that made my afternoon. When I FINALLY made it home,
I ended up going shopping. Mother and Sandy went. It was completely
absurd, but an awesome time. Dancing in the car for the win?
Being creeped on at walmart for the win? Heck. Yes.
Hey, kid, you should call me again tonight.
Because I haven't talked to you in almost two days!
Sheesh. Busy busy.
Here's to 2011,
it's going to rock. I'm gonna change the
world. I'm gonna be a soul winner. I'm gonna
get more folks in church. I'm gonna do my
best. This year, is gonna be a fun one.
-Ms. Conduit
Dear 2011,
Why must you start with a super long
day? Please be easy on me this year.
A very worn out girl.
So, nonetheless, today freaking rocked!
I tried to go to bed early last night, but
ended up laying there for a really long time.
Then, when I woke up this morning,
I was so tired. This was easily fixed with
the little bit of sparkling grape juice that
was left and some pizza rolls. So, I got all prettied
Kid, thanks for the wall post. It made my morning.
Church, went awesomely. I finally took my choir robe.
Then, we all went to the mall. Ate some delicious food,
chatted with some folks.. And,
I invited the guy who works at the coffee shop to church.
You see, when I used to go to the mall everyyy Sunday after
church for food, I would simply go into the Seattle Cafe, just
to drop money into the tip jar for that guy. The same guy.
Every Sunday. So, one day he asked me why I do that. And
I replied "I just want to be a blessing to you." And he said he really
appreciated it. So, today I actually was getting coffee there.
He said he hadn't seen me in a while and asked how I'd been. We
chatted a little bit, and I of course left money in the tip jar.
Then, a little later on, I went back in. And invited him to church.
He acted like he was going to come. Psyched I am!
So, that made my afternoon. When I FINALLY made it home,
I ended up going shopping. Mother and Sandy went. It was completely
absurd, but an awesome time. Dancing in the car for the win?
Being creeped on at walmart for the win? Heck. Yes.
Hey, kid, you should call me again tonight.
Because I haven't talked to you in almost two days!
Sheesh. Busy busy.
Here's to 2011,
it's going to rock. I'm gonna change the
world. I'm gonna be a soul winner. I'm gonna
get more folks in church. I'm gonna do my
best. This year, is gonna be a fun one.
-Ms. Conduit
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Now is a phase and it's changing
It's rotating us all
Thought we're safe but we're dangling
and it's too far to survive the fall
And this I know
It will not bend
Invisible and indivisible
That fire you ignited
Good, bad and undecided
Burns when I stand beside it
Your light is ultraviolet
Visions so insane
They travel unraveling through my brain
Cold when I am denied it
Your light is ultraviolet
-The Stiff Dylan's
It's rotating us all
Thought we're safe but we're dangling
and it's too far to survive the fall
And this I know
It will not bend
Invisible and indivisible
That fire you ignited
Good, bad and undecided
Burns when I stand beside it
Your light is ultraviolet
Visions so insane
They travel unraveling through my brain
Cold when I am denied it
Your light is ultraviolet
-The Stiff Dylan's
It's weird to think that it's 2011. I don't know why every
year I expect the first day to be something special. Sure,
last night was fun, yes. But it wasn't indescribably life-changing.
Neither was today. Though, I have started working on my book.
A lot. And, it's kinda good. At least I think so. Today wasn't all
that exciting. I wrote. Sat here. Slept a lot because I didn't feel
good. Oh, also I watched "Nick and Norah's infinite playlist".
Not bad. It sort of made me feel happy inside. Ha. Now, I'm just
over thinking, and wondering.
About a lot of things.
Today has been really long. Last night was fun. I went
to the roc, which, I was going to stay for the over-nighter..
But! They had just a hang out time from 8-12. Then, whoever
was staying was to be forced to play horrific games. Yes,
I wimped out and high tailed it out of there. And I came home
with more than I went with. What you ask?
1. A dollar made into an airplane.
2. A guitar pick.
3. A Strasburg hall pass.
Thanks bear, for the dollar and hall pass.
Maddy, thanks for the guitar pick.
It was a fun night, I suppose.
Anyway, I'm ready for some church tomorrow.
Kid, haven't talked to you today. But I know
you had a lot going on last night, so I figure
when you got home you just went to bed. It's
cool. :P
-Ms. Conduit
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