Saturday, January 1, 2011

Now is a phase and it's changing
It's rotating us all
Thought we're safe but we're dangling
and it's too far to survive the fall

And this I know
It will not bend
Invisible and indivisible

That fire you ignited
Good, bad and undecided
Burns when I stand beside it
Your light is ultraviolet
Visions so insane
They travel unraveling through my brain
Cold when I am denied it
Your light is ultraviolet
-The Stiff Dylan's


It's weird to think that it's 2011. I don't know why every
year I expect the first day to be something special. Sure,
last night was fun, yes. But it wasn't indescribably life-changing.
Neither was today. Though, I have started working on my book.
A lot. And, it's kinda good. At least I think so. Today wasn't all
that exciting. I wrote. Sat here. Slept a lot because I didn't feel
good. Oh, also I watched "Nick and Norah's infinite playlist".
Not bad. It sort of made me feel happy inside. Ha. Now, I'm just
over thinking, and wondering.

About a lot of things.

Today has been really long. Last night was fun. I went
to the roc, which, I was going to stay for the over-nighter..
But! They had just a hang out time from 8-12. Then, whoever
was staying was to be forced to play horrific games. Yes,
I wimped out and high tailed it out of there. And I came home
with more than I went with. What you ask?
1. A dollar made into an airplane.
2. A guitar pick.
3. A Strasburg hall pass.
Thanks bear, for the dollar and hall pass.
Maddy, thanks for the guitar pick.
It was a fun night, I suppose.

Anyway, I'm ready for some church tomorrow.

Kid, haven't talked to you today. But I know
you had a lot going on last night, so I figure
when you got home you just went to bed. It's
cool. :P

-Ms. Conduit

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