Tuesday, January 18, 2011

There's not much to rant about.
I'm trying to be optimistic and not
worry. So then, I have to not let
myself rant.

I spent a heck of a lot of time praying
today. And just reading my bible.
Somehow I'm a lot more at peace.
Yet I still try to take everything into
my own hands. I'm ridiculous.
Le sigh.

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace."

Dude. I know that's an old song.
But I've sang/played it like 500 times
today. I think it's keeping me sane.

I may not be enough for certain people.
Whatever. If I'm not enough, than don't
bother wasting time. I mean, what the
heck? I'm not enough, yet the people who
think this hang around in my life.

Never mind.
I have church tomorrow.
I'll go,
and everything will be okay.
And it'll be amazing.
And the sermon will be just
what I need to hear..
because God is up there
listening to me complain about
people complaining.

There you have it.
I'm not perfect.

-Ms. Conduit

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