Saturday, January 29, 2011

If any of ya'll blogger folks pray,
you should keep my trip to Texas
in your prayers.
Just that I'd be able to be a light
unto others, and traveling mercies,
and just... that I'd make some friends
and have a good trip. :)
Much appreciated, if you do.

Other than that, I'm on my second cup of
coffee, all packed, and doing my hair.
40 minutes til I head up to Cleveland.
Oh my goodness.

P.s. I miss you kid. :)

keep my sane on this trip.
A week without church could
possibly drive me crazy.

-Ms. Conduit

I loooooove you blogger folks!
I do, and I don't care if it's creepy.
So yeah.
Hopefully I can blog while I'm gone..

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