Sunday, January 23, 2011

I feel like I haven't seen people in ages.
Which is weird. Because I was at church
today, and my sister and her friend are
over now. But what I'd really like, is
for everyone to just go away for a while.
I heard a really good ol' Clint Brown gospel
song on youtube,
and just wanted to dance around and
sing and shout hallelujah, but there's people
And they might think I'm weird.
Though, after living with me this long you
think they would realize that fact.

Life is really, really good.
Church was good. Oh gosh.
So, choir sang today. I couldn't
find my robe, so I just took a
random one that was a tad bit too
big for me. Then, to add to it,
we sang a new song I didn't know.
I never practiced. Luckily, it
was one of those songs where you
basically repeat everything the
lead singer says. Thank you
Jesus. I still felt silly mumbling
and panicking when I didn't know
the words.

Oh yeah,
it's mums birthday today.
And for it we did what?
Nothing. Ordered a pizza.
Got ice cream cake.
Chris and dad watched football.
Sarah and I hid in my room
watching silly youtube videos.
Mom laid in bed watching
"Mean Girls" rofl.

It's been a pretty chill day.
Tomorrow, my music program
comes. I got tired of waiting on
Friday night and looked it up.
That's when I discovered it
wasn't coming til Monday.
So tomorrrroww! I can make
music. And I'm pretty excited
about it.

This girl I tried to get to church a while
back said she went to church with someone
today. It made me SO happy to hear that.
Though, it's not the church I'd pick for her..
since I was there two years and... well,
regardless of how I feel about their beliefs,
they're a good crew and you gotta start
somewhere. So, I'm happy. I told her if she
has any questions she can feel free to ask me.
She seemed happy about it.

Lets see.. did anything else happen...
Eh. I can't remember much else.

-Ms. Conduit

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