Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm odd.

is going to be wonderful.

There's a few things I'm curious about.
I know you probably don't want me to
explain, but I'm going to anyway;

1. "Why are you trying to fit in,
when you're born to stand out?"
-Eon from "What a Girl Wants"
This, is basically for everyone
in the world. I mean, everyone
wants to be like someone else.
2. Why do those very rare nice people
pretend to be so full of themselves?
I mean, in reality they're just as insecure
as anyone else, Right?
Maybe I'm wrong. It just seems that way
to me.
3. Why does everyone like the people who
treat them the worst? I'll never understand.

Oh, and one more.

4. Why does my blogger have like, 2,500
views on it, and I only have 23 followers?
That's disappointing. I follow everyone

Oh well, I guess it'll all be alright.

So, my cranium almost burst today.

Earlier, I was going mad. All these thoughts
filling up inside my mind about the past two
days I've went through... and no one to
share them with! Let me tell you, this is a tragic
thing. I'm sure Jesus got tired of listening :P
(actually I don't think He did, but still)
Anyway, my cranium survived because my
phone rang. And it's going to ring again later

Have you ever had a cranium-almost-exploding
moment? :]

Oh. Also, I've been trying to keep up with
tumblr. But I feel so much safer ranting on here,
so I just put random stuff on there. Though,
I already have 6 followers on there. Not that
anyone says anything on my stuff. But still,
you know. It's kinda neat. Maybe I shouldn't
filter myself on there. It's just, a little scary.
Because mostly people only post pictures on there.
And it's kinda blah. Because it's supposed to
be a blogging site, isn't it? But yet, mostly
all the people I'm following post, is pictures.
Pardon me, but I don't really care about your
cute random pictures. Okay, sure some of them
are neat, but still. I'd rather read about someones
day than to see a picture. Ya dig?

You know, it seems like I've finally escaped the
dramatic people. It seems that in December, I had
all of these drama-folks trying to wreck havoc in my
life. But now, they're gone! Hallelujah, thank You Jesus!
Drama free is the way to be.
So, I'm enjoying my quietness. My time of absolutely
no problems. And, my two free days to do whatever.
Well, actually today is almost over. And it was mind blowingly
boring. But, I have tomorrow. Maybe I'll go to the library
or something. Then, again on Wednesday I get to go to church.
And the rest of the week/weekend is full. But I am so.
Excited. And nervous. And scared. And pumped. And happy.
And hopeful. And about a billion other things that I'll spare you
by not mentioning.

This is really irrelevant,
but I ate way too much today.

-Ms. Conduit

1 comment:

  1. sorry about this the comment for the blog the day before should actually be under this blog for some reason it switched where i was commenting. so feel free to delete that one and keep this which is a repost of that one.
    hmm well sounds like life just got alot better. those are some very good questions too but i doubt anyone could make more than a very educated guess as to the answers. i for one am joining your following and will comment on anything i find of interest. sounds like you are quite the philosopher for a holy person and sometime we will need to throw around some ideas and thoughts. my only wonder is how two days without seeing or talking to someone is so mind killing. i mean how can u be so attached to someone that a few days apart makes it hard to concentrate. just something to think about.
