Thursday, January 13, 2011

Instead of fueling peoples drama,
I'm going to ignore whatever they
try to say. :)

I love it when God just gets a hold
of me and shows me what's truly important.
Those, are my favorite moments in life.
As long as I have Jesus, everything is
gonna be fine. More than fine actually.

Sit enthroned upon my heart,
With everything You are
Come and live Your life in me
Reign supremely
I'm not just giving You my sin,
But everything within
Come take control and make me holy
You are my King
Enthroned to be
My everything.
-School of Worship

I'm so, so happy I found the school of worship
CD at berean's. I loved them at ATF.
It's amazing.

I didn't do much today. Cleaned a bit.
Found out my sister wrecked her car,
but she's alright. She came over and
we hung out a bit. I took a nap for who
knows how long. Played some guitar.
Sat around on here. Read my bible.
Stuff like that.

So yeah.

-Ms. Conduit

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