Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I really wanted to watch Danny Phantom today.
So I did. Go ahead and call me a dork, I don't care.

New kingdom hearts game for the win?
I've been playing it a bit today. It's fun,
not what I thought it would be, but I'm sure
it'll get better.

You miss me.
That's amazing.
I thought it'd be too silly
to say that I miss you
already. But, you miss
me too.

Oh brother. I'm turning into a stupid sap.

Goodnight blogger.

-Ms. Conduit

1 comment:

  1. Oh if you only knew how much i cared Oh if you only knew... I don't think you do. nor do i think you'll ever understand. You like the kid i know, but it's hard to hear you do like him... it means i've already lost you and i already have lost my chance. I have known you for a while. I really had my hopes set high for you and yet things just never seem to work my way. Why? I dont know.

    I wanted to be able to call you mine. Be able to be there for you when you need it the most. Be able to hold you when you cry. But now that chance is gone. I dont know what to do or how to show you that i care about you. I really like you.

    You said in one of your blogs that people use you then dump you. Ive been reading and following your blog closely. Ive never hurt you, nor will i ever want to or intentionally hurt you, deceive you, lie to you, or not be there for you.

    What do i do? Is this kid going to consume you and make me never have a chance with you? Never be able to show you that i care?

    Is it going to be like one of those movies where you go and marry this kid and all of a sudden i'm sitting at your wedding in the back crying because i was to shy to admit my true feelings for you?

    WHAT DO I DO!!!!!
