Sunday, January 2, 2011

Long day.

Long. Day.

Dear 2011,
Why must you start with a super long
day? Please be easy on me this year.
A very worn out girl.

So, nonetheless, today freaking rocked!
I tried to go to bed early last night, but
ended up laying there for a really long time.
Then, when I woke up this morning,
I was so tired. This was easily fixed with
the little bit of sparkling grape juice that
was left and some pizza rolls. So, I got all prettied

Kid, thanks for the wall post. It made my morning.

Church, went awesomely. I finally took my choir robe.
Then, we all went to the mall. Ate some delicious food,
chatted with some folks.. And,
I invited the guy who works at the coffee shop to church.
You see, when I used to go to the mall everyyy Sunday after
church for food, I would simply go into the Seattle Cafe, just
to drop money into the tip jar for that guy. The same guy.
Every Sunday. So, one day he asked me why I do that. And
I replied "I just want to be a blessing to you." And he said he really
appreciated it. So, today I actually was getting coffee there.
He said he hadn't seen me in a while and asked how I'd been. We
chatted a little bit, and I of course left money in the tip jar.
Then, a little later on, I went back in. And invited him to church.
He acted like he was going to come. Psyched I am!

So, that made my afternoon. When I FINALLY made it home,
I ended up going shopping. Mother and Sandy went. It was completely
absurd, but an awesome time. Dancing in the car for the win?
Being creeped on at walmart for the win? Heck. Yes.

Hey, kid, you should call me again tonight.
Because I haven't talked to you in almost two days!
Sheesh. Busy busy.

Here's to 2011,
it's going to rock. I'm gonna change the
world. I'm gonna be a soul winner. I'm gonna
get more folks in church. I'm gonna do my
best. This year, is gonna be a fun one.

-Ms. Conduit

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