Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Super rant.

The sands on the shore, Your thoughts for me are so much more
The stars they shine so bright, they're echoing Your love at night
When I sleep, when I rise You are on my mind
I can't stop thinking about You, You won't stop thinking about me
I can't take this smile off my face, cause Your love song resonates in me
The morning comes reminding me of Your unfailing love
The day goes by You're watching over me all the time
When I sleep, when I rise I am on Your mind
Can't stop, can't stop, can't stop I'm falling for You.
-School of Worship

Quit getting your conclusions people.
This song is about my God. My ONE TRUE love.
He's first. And the way things are looking, He's
gonna be my only love.
People make me feel sick. Especially guys.
Except for a select few.
Like my brother Ted.
And... Josiah. But, that's beside the point.
90% of the guys in this universe make me
want to vomit. I love everyone though.
Because God has called me to love.
Even if I don't love people romantically.

It's funny, when people say this, this, and this.
Like they "heard" it from God. But in reality they're
manipulating His plan to be what they want.
Or when they try to say things I supposedly went
through in my past, or am going through now.
No, I did not have an anti-God past. I was raised by
a christian family, and I've been in church my entire
life. Sure, I've stumbled sometimes, but I've never
EVER been anti-God. So don't just say I went through
something like that. Because I didn't. And do not,
I'm telling you, do not say that I have problems in my
life right now. Actually, it's the best it's ever been.
I got past my situations, and now everything is great.
I'm focusing on God first, and then He put some amazing
new friends in my life, and reconnected me with old ones.
And He's given me inspiration for new music/stories.
I've been singing my music a lot. I've been laughing.
I've been opening up a little. Even if only to one person.
I've been a better person all around. And I'm proud of myself.
I give all the credit to my Savior Jesus Christ. I love Him.
This world just disturbs me. The way people live with no fear
of God. The way everyone moves to fast in everything. Especially
relationships. It scares me. It scares me to think of what these
people have in store. Lots of problems. This world has always
been too much to take, too much to hold onto. That's why I've
let go of it and hold onto Jesus instead. Everything falls together
much better that way.

I'm not perfect. And I won't be until I make it to heaven.
But, I'm not who I was.
So don't you dare try to say I am. I won't listen to Lucifer's
lies about me. He's just... satan. And he will never have power
over me, no matter which of my friends he tries to speak
through. Or even my own mind sometimes.

I'm a conquerer through my God. More than a
conquerer even. You don't define me. I'm defined
through my Maker.

"I'm not the shoes I wear.
I'm not the clothes I buy.
I'm not the house I live in.
I'm not the car I drive.
I'm not the job I work.
You can't define my worth.
By nothing on God's green earth.
My Identity is found in Christ!" -Lecrae

Sorry for the super rant.
I'm just tired of it.
Tired of people trying to
define me. You can't read
my mind. Don't believe
what you hear. Come to me
about it if you want to know
the truth about me.

-Ms. Conduit

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