Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What a good sermon.
I love my pastor, I really do.

And not to mention my
church folks, they're amazing.
Them people bought me
mcdonalds. I'll love them always :)

Anyway, here I am just thinking.
Thinking about Texas. I've gotta
start packing. I know, I'm only going to
be there for a week.. but I don't know,
it feels like it should be life changing.
I want to make friends, or something.
The sermon tonight was actually about
that. Making friends, and such.
I guess it was kind of a confirmation for
me. 95% of my friends go to church.
Which just proves I need more friends,
because.. Well, my goal is to witness to
people and get them into church. So, I
guess I need to try harder to make more
friends. I mean, I'm nice to everyone I meet.
I'm just shy. I can't go up to someone and
introduce myself. And some people are too
intimidated by me to come up to me..
So, I guess I just wanna try to start talking to
people first. Especially on this trip to Texas.
I hope that I can make friends at the airport
even, or on the plane, and definitely at the hotel.
I guess I won't know how it's gonna be til 4am Sunday.

I'm just so happy. Which is weird. Because before
today I was kinda blah feeling. Not exactly sad, but
not really happy either. An in between I guess.
It just proves that time in God's presence/fellowship
at church really lifts a persons mood and all. I still want
to start a bible study here in town, yet I hardly know anyone
well enough. I mean, the people that I do know from around
disappoint me and make me label this whole town as
druggies,perverts, and just... I don't know, not the type of
people I want to be around. But I guess I can't let a few people
change my idea of how everyone is going to be. I think I'll
start going out more often around town, with the intention of
making friends. It's so important. Plus it'd be nice to have friends
that are close-by, considering all of my friends are so far away.

I'm bouncing off the walls because of
this frappe. I might as well put it to use
by putting some gospel music on and
just dancing around?

I'm weird.

-Ms. Conduit

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