Monday, March 30, 2009

Am I adored?

Oh dear,I do believe I had some success.Holy hell,I did.So I walked through those doors as usual and he greeted me with that same lovely smile.He said,"I won't be able to give you a ride home tonight,because my niece is here and I have to have her home by 9:30,her bedtime."I just smiled and said,oh that's ok.I was kinda worried I wouldn't get anywhere,and nothing would happen and it would be another wasted night.Practice started and we went through it as usual yadda yadda.Then it ended and I was sitting there as he was out dancing,and his niece was sitting by herself.I decided I should introduce myself to her.It turns out she's pretty cool for a 12 year old.Her name is Ashley,and she asked me all kinds of things.It was nice talking to someone who is so interested in hearing what you have to say.Then he came over to us and started talking.I could of died.And of course someone asked him to dance and he went back out again and me and Ashley kept talking.She lives with him,which is really cool and I got to learn a lot about him.She asked me if I liked him and my response was,"what?!" haha then she said,as a friend.And I said oh yeah,he's a cool guy.He came over and asked me to dance,which made me utterly happy.And she ended up asking me for my phone number so we could hang out sometime.I was kinda happy,I guess I'm pretty cool to a 12 year old,but hey I can't complain,if she goes anywhere I think he would have to take her.Which means I would get more time with him.And good news!I reminded him that he promised me some more practice and he asked if I could come at 6:30 next week.(yeah I know,only an hour early but hey it's better then nothing)I said sure that sounds great.And he said his niece would be there and he wants me to help teach her cause I guess she's just beginning,and I could tell that during practice.Sooo,yeah I'm getting somewhere with him I hope.And I hope on the way home,Ashley told him all about me.Aha.

So I guess it is random quotes time...

You've got to stand for something or you will fall for anything.

Don't ever give up on something or someone that you can't go a full day without thinking about.

Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.

Sometimes questions are more important than answers.

What's teenage love? It's staying up late for each other, and barely staying awake in class the next day. It's passing each other between classes and stopping to say hi, but ending up running to your next class right before the bell rings. It's going to the mall, wandering around hand-in-hand, with a silence that's comfortable. It's watching a movie in the theatres, with his arm slowly creeping onto your shoulders, and you resting your head in his arms. It's walking around at night, for no reason at all. His chest, her head, looking at the stars. It's uncertainty of how long it will last, a risk you're both willing to take, even if it means you'll have a broken heart. It's not yet true love, not like, nor lust, nor infatuation. It's teenage love, here to stay. Here to play with our hearts, and never go away.

Most people are stronger than they know.
They just don't choose to believe in themselves.

Why don't you open up your eyes?
These are more than passing glances
Why don't you say what's on your mind?
Cause I'm taking all the chances.

To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. To just give. That takes courage, because we don't want to fall on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt.

It takes a life time to find someone,
but only a moment to fall in love.

You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything.

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

“Sometimes I wish that I was the weather, you'd bring me up in conversation forever. And when it rained, I'd be the talk of the day.”

--John Mayer

I want a reaction.
I want you to do something about this. I'm tired of wondering if you feel the same way. I just wish I could tell you how I feel, to either set the ball in motion, or end it all right here.

O,is for the Only one I see.... ?

Yes I'll admit,I don't have anything in order.I'm a complete nutcase,I'm a rollercoaster ride,I'm crazy,I change my mind every 5 minutes,but baby I promise I'm worth it.

Dear (super amazing guy who I have a stupid secret crush on),I just thought you should know some things.I love your hair,your eyes,your smile,your arms,your muscles,your feet,your movements,your laugh,your voice,your everything.Your hair,is super wicked amazing,it's not too long or too short,but it's long enough to run my fingers through,if someday I'm ever able to do that.Your eyes light up in the most amazing way,when your eyes look into mine I lose my train of thought.Your smile can brighten up my day,and my week,and the world.Your arms,I'd love to be in them.Your muscles....uhh hahah.Your feet,I don't know how you do it but they move super fast.The way you move,is like a full on rainstorm and I'm a house of cards<3>

Saturday, March 28, 2009

We are all fools in love...<3

We are all fools in love. -Pride and Prejudice

We are complete idiots really.
We spend our days and nights completely obsessing over someone and yet
when we are with them we are unable to admit our true feelings and desires,
even when they might feel those same things towards us.
Even so,it is the way we are.-Christina Shumard

"Lovely. You're always, Lovely."

"No Mountains too high and no oceans too wide.
Cause together or not, our dance won't stop.
Let it rain, let it pour.
What we have is worth fighting for.
You know I believe, that we were meant to be!"-HSM

"Now hold me tight, tell me I'm the only one, and then I might, never be the lonely one," ~Hold Me Tight by The Beatles

"You are an angel, making all my dreams come true tonight"

"I'd give up all I have just to breathe, the same air as you, 'till the day that I die, I can't take my eyes off of you"

Time square can't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true...

I wish I could drive away to the sunset back to the day that we first met,
only believe the things I wrote,I'll put it in a note yeah,
cross my t's and dot my i's better say hello
don't you dare say goodbye....

Can you stay strong?
Can you go on?
Kristy are you doing okay?
A rose that won't bloom
Winter's kept you
Don't waste your whole life trying
To get back what was taken away-The Offspring

Allo!I am utterly tired of these bloody rude people.I can't believe that I thought they changed.I wish they would go back to Arizona,stay out of my life,and stop screwing everyone over.I know it's kind of mean...but come on!If it were someone important who had won that contest,the prize would of stayed at $50 instead of going down to $25 when I won.And I didn't even get it till a month after!That made my mother so angry,she was going to complain to the head quarters (ahaha) but now it's too late anyways.Frods,fakes,they just drive me nuts.

On the other hand it's almost Sunday,which makes me quite happy.I'll just go through the day living my life and make it a point to stay away from those people.I won't let anyone in tomorrow.Only the people who I love and who love me.Then I will end the day thanking God.I will also begin it that way.Cause if I don't pray first thing in the morning,my day turns out horrible.I can hardly wait till Monday,as I always wait for it.(If you are just tuning in,read my other blogs and you shall see why Monday is so wonderful)But whatever.I need to go on a vacation or something.An escape.West Virginia,oh how I would love to go down there.The men have such wonderful country accents.But,I get stuck here with all these people.The ones that frustrate me to no limit,and the ones I love with my whole heart.I'm pretty sure the ones that I love make it with living here with all these people who try to make my life a living hell.

All I ever do is try to help people.And I'm little miss innocent.I never do anything bad.But when I try to do one tiny bad thing,I get caught.That is so messed up.And the people who are doing horrible stuff all the time never get caught,and people think that those bad people are oh so innocent little angels.How sickening!How utterly repulsive!But they will get what they have coming.I progress.Oh what a strange week.

L is for the way you look at me....?

It will all get better,I know it will.
I'm not okay today,and I can't guarantee that I will be okay tomorrow,but in the future I will be okay,and that I am sure of.

Dear Skylie,you are the girl!I love you so much,and I know you are probably tired of trying to help me out,but you are my best friend.You seem to have it all together,but if you ever need anything I promise I will be here for you!See you tomorrow night.<3

Thursday, March 26, 2009

If you got the poisen I've got the remedy..

So,I'm really getting somewhere for once.I'm serious this time.At least I think so.I picked up where I left off on everything and I'm starting from there.This all feels so new to me though,I've changed so much.I'm a new person.Not that that's a bad thing.I wasn't the greatest person before but now I'm starting to like what I'm turning into.I'm starting all over again.

There are many things that I would like to say to you but I don't know how.-Oasis

"I’m weak in the knees for you , but I’ll stand if you want me to"

"When you’re gone
Will I lose control?
You are the only road I know
You show me where to go"

"when i sleep i dream and it gets me by
i can make believe that youre here tonight"

"i can wait but i cant wait forever"
-simple plan

"heres to the nights we felt alive
heres to the tears you knew you'd cry"
-eve 6

"i just wanna scream and lose control
throw my hands up and let it go"
-avril lavigne

And I don't want the world to see me because i don't think that they'd understand...

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

You smiled at me; it made my day.
You talked to me; it took my breath away.

He walks fast, but is never in a rush.
I wish I could understand him more, but it's awful hard
when you can't stop staring at his eyes

Did you ever notice that there is always
that particular line in that certain song that
always stands out in a certain way and
reminds you of that one person you can't forget?

because you're beautiful & you don't know it because you're smart & you don't believe it. you're the kind of girl that guys don't get over. & you're the kind of the kind of other girls get compared to.

Summer is a declaration of independence. A time to be free, to have fun, to live life with no expectations and no pressure. But
summer is a time of change - and summers can bring fears of losing who you are and what you believe. One summer can alter a life forever. One summer could change everything about you. Everyday in the summer
is an experience, a chance to reinvent. Let summer change you - but never get too far from where you've been.

you can't describe the feeling to anyone.. not even your best friends. because the rush that you get around him is more than anyone could ever explain.

I'm not a fan of showing how i feel.
so take it as you get it and run.

Hold me in your freezin' arms
Before we have to go.
I wince a little, but it's not because I know the truth. – Snow Patrol

It's not a quote until you write it down, It’s not a phrase until you say it; you don’t Know love until you experience it.

" I need the smell of summer, I need its noises in my ear. "

Sometimes when you look back on a situation, you realize it wasn't all you thought it was.
Someone walked into your life, you fell in love. Or did you?
Maybe it was only a childish infatuation.
Or maybe it was a brief moment of insanity.

If you think my eyes are beautiful, it's because they're looking at you.

Someday your prince charming will come. Mine just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions.

The way you move is like a full on rainstorm
and I'm a house of cards
And you stood there in front of me just
Close enough to touch
Close enough to hope you couldn't see
What I was thinking of

Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile
-sparks fly,Taylor Swift

She can't see the way your eyes
Light up when you smile
She'll never notice how you stop and stare
Whenever she walks by
And you can't see me wantin' you the way you want her
But you are everything to me

And I just wanna show you
She don't even know you
She's never gonna love you like I want to
And you just see right through me but if you only knew me
We could be a beautiful, miracle, unbelievable
Instead I'm just invisible

There's a fire inside of you
That can't help but shine through
She's never gonna see the light
No matter what you do
And all I think about is how to make you think of me
And everything that we could be
-Invisible,Taylor Swift

The heart wants what the heart wants.

Because the remedy is an experience....-Jason Mraz

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Today will soon be gone....


She told him she�d rather fix her makeup

Than try to fix what�s going on
But the problem keeps on calling
Even with the cellphone gone
She told him that she believes in living
Bigger than she�s living now
But her world keeps spinning backwards
And upsidedown
Don�t say so long in the cellphone
Don�t spend today away
Cuz today will soon be

Gone, like yesterday is gone,
Like history is
Gone, just trying to prove me wrong
And pretend like your immortal

She said he said live like no tomorrow
Every day we borrow
Brings us one step closer to the edge (infinity)
Where your treasure, where�s your hope
Forget the world and lose your soul
She pretends like she pretends like she�s immortal
Don�t say so long
Your not that far gone
This could be your big chance to makeup
Today till soon be

Gone, like yeterday is gone,
Like history is gone,
The world keeps spinning on,
Your going going gone,
Like summer break is gone,
Like saturday is gone
Just trying to prove me wrong
You pretend like your immortal your immortal

We are not infinite
We are not perminate
Nothing is immediate
We�re so confident
In our accomplishments
Look at how dark it is

Gone, like frank sinatra
Like elvis and his mom
Like al pichino�s cash nothing lasts in this life
My highschool dreams are gone
My childhood sweets are gone
Life is a day that doesn�t last for long

Life is more than money
Time was never money
Time was never cash,
Life is still more than girls
Life is more than hundred dollar bills
And oh the town fills
Life more than fame and rock and roll and thrills
All the riches of the kings
And up in wills we got information in the information age
But do we know what life is
Outside of our conveinent lexus cages

She said he said live like no tomorrow
Every moment that we borrow
Brings us closer to the God who�s not short of cash
Hey bono I�m glad you asked
Life is still worth living, life is still worth living

That song kinda makes me think.Today will soon be gone...Yikes.Gotta make it worth it,aye?I've just been living like everyday is nothing,like I have another one to live everyday but you never know.It could all end at any time.I'm gonna try to make it all worth it.I know I can do this.

So anywho,oh my.You'll never guess.I might get to spend some time with the guy I like next week,quite exciting.You honestly have no idea how happy this makes me.I've liked him for a few months but finally started making moves now.I just kept quiet about it before,but now I'm giving some hints.So we're gonna set up a time....I'm finally getting somewhere,...again.

One of my ridiculous friends went and told my mom some stuff,you know the kinda stuff you really don't want your parents to know.I mean,my friend had no idea that my mom would freak out about it,or maybe she was trying to get back at me since the guy she likes,likes me.Now is that my fault?No.Should I be less awesome?No.I can't help it that he likes me.The kid hardly knows me,I mean come freaking on!But whatever.So my mom flipped on me,and also my friend made up some stuff.How stupid is that?I don't know if she's my friend anymore or not.I mean,if she's gonna treat me like this,I really don't need her in my life.

On the bright side,tomorrow is band practice and church.Finally!Something to get a little excited about.Although the majority of people at the church are fakes and are just there to see their friends or get attention.I'm not meaning to call anyone out though,I'm just sick of it.If you're not there for God then don't be there at all!And some of the people hate me for no flipping reason,basically because this one chick hates me,and they're all on her side.But that's another story.And who gives a crap?I'm not there to be liked or wanted,I'm there for God.

So where the hell is my life going?I haven't the slightest idea.Seems like the only one who is really there for me now,is Tyler.I've been told by a few people,that when someone really gets to know me,it's impossible not to like me and it's impossible not to fall in love with me.I honestly don't think I'm that great.Someone kinda famous fell in love with me once,although that had no chance of going anywhere.And all these kids say they like me.But not many people truly know me.No one really takes the time anymore nowadays.It's like,no one really has time to listen,or help anyone but themselves.How messed up is that?I swear it makes me angry.People need to stop judging,before they get to know someone.Don't judge me and I won't judge you,cause we all get judged in the end.

When I fall in love I take my time
There's no need to hurry when I'm making up my mind
You can turn off the sun but I'm still gonna shine.-Jason Mraz,The Remedy

I've been living by the song "The Remedy" By Jason Mraz lately.It's a really good song.And it makes me feel happy,just blaring the song in my speakers and singing "I-I-I I won't worry my life away ayy oh oh oh" (:

Life is a song,sing it.-Christina Shumard

You know how people always talk about how they have this best friend,and they just happen to fall in love with them?And how they're afraid to tell them that they love them for fear of ruining their friendship?I want that.I want that best guy friend who I fall in love with,the one that I see everyday who knows everything about me.I wouldn't be afraid to tell him how I feel.I'd tell him...

Girls always talk about how they'd rather be called "beautiful" instead of "hott" but nowadays the word beautiful gets overused.As do the other words,hott,sexy,beautiful,cute,pretty,gorgeous.I'm looking to be called something different.A word that isn't said to me a thousand times a day,or just someone new who will say those words to me in such a way,that they sound completely new to me.<3

I'm gonna start making my life something I'd be proud to live.

Lately,I'm starting to notice the small things in life that make me happy,the things I sometime take forgranted.I don't expect anything good to happen anymore.When it does,it will be amazing.

The girl that I used to be jealous of,is now someone I never wanted to be.She was never someone I wanted to be but I was blind to her ways.Even though she's changed so much.And everyone is oblivious to it,her and her ways.She treats everyone like crap but they don't even notice.They sit there kissing her butt.So frustrating.I'm not jealous of anyone anymore.I'm not the jealous type.

Someone said to me the other day, "you're not very pretty" I smiled and said,thanks.The person looked at me and lifted their eyebrows and said,I didn't say you were very pretty,I said you weren't pretty.And I just replied,yes I know.But I don't really care what you think of me.I'm confortable in my own skin,I know who I am.I'm made in God's image and I know that I'm beautiful,and I have people that love me.So why should your little opinion of me matter to me?Then that person rolled their eyes and walked away.Funny how they had nothing to say.-True story

I got some cupcake socks at walmart the other day,they're so rad.I think I'll wear them tomorrow,and find a reason to take off my shoes..just so everyone can see their radness and be jealous :D

So,I've been working on being classy,graceful,and ladylike lately.I'm trying to dress up more,and walk like I'm confident and have all eyes on me.I'm trying to be someone people will look up to,someone people will respect.I'll let you know how it goes.So far,I'm not sure how it's going,but I'm trying.

I'm going to give up my cell phone for a week.I'm not sure when,but I'm just gonna turn it off for a whole week.I sometimes think I can't live without it,and I text when I feel awkward.I wanna see how much better my life would be,and how many more people I'd talk to in real life,if I just turned off my cell phone for one week.

I gave up TV for a week,about last year I think,and I don't even watch it anymore.I actually hate watching TV now.I like movies still,but I don't like to sit around and watch TV constantly like I used to.Maybe that same thing will happen when I give up my cell phone for a week.I also lost 30 pounds when I gave up the TV.Wonderful,aye?It helped me so much,I'd just go out and walk or exercise.And I wasn't as depressed as I'd used to be,when I gave it up.I guess the things that happened on tv,with the characters..were putting a toll on my life,if something bad happened to one of the people on the show,I'd get depressed.So I'm a lot better now without tv.The one thing I don't think I'll try giving up,is my computer.I have to blog and email and google,or I fail at life XD

I did have myself reading tons of books just a month ago,but now I've kinda just pushed the books in a corner,I don't know why either.I was addicted to reading.Now I can't even pick a book up.But I know when I finally do,I won't be able to stop reading.I'm just more of a writer.I love to much.

I need to give up chocolate and start drinking more water...

I don't know what else I can ramble about,so maybe I'll just end this for now.Peace out blogger,until next time;D


Monday, March 23, 2009

I'll be Fearless for You Baby<3

Taylor Swift - Fearless

There's somethin' about the way
The street looks when it's just rained
There's a glow off the pavement
You walk me to the car
And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there
In the middle of the parking lot
Oh yeah

We're drivin' down the road
I wonder if you know
I'm tryin' so hard not to get caught up now
But you're just so cool
Run your hands through your hair
Absentmindedly makin' me want you

And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I'd dance
In a storm in my best dress

So baby drive slow
'Til we run out of road in this one horse town
I wanna stay right here in this passenger seat
You put your eyes on me
In this moment now capture it, remember it

Cause I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I'd dance
In a storm in my best dress

Well you stood there with me in the doorway
My hands shake
I'm not usually this way but
You pull me in and I'm a little more brave
It's a first kiss,
It's flawless,
Really something,
It's fearless

Oh yeah
Cause I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I'd dance
In a storm in my best dress

Cause I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I'd dance
In a storm in my best dress

Oh, oh yeah

The end ^ ^

I'd give anything for him to know,
for him to understand me,get to know me..
We have so much in common but never get to spend time together.
Once a week,every week,3 hours at the most.
I don't even get to spend that time talking to him.
I'm so thankful for it though.
I'm just happy I know him,he's a really great guy.
And maybe I'll get a chance with him,maybe I won't.
He's the only guy I like right now.
Crazy huh?I always used to like 4-5 guys at a time,and hoped that one of them would like me.
Now I'm at 1.Just one.
And other guys are interested in me now.
I don't like any of them!
We have...:
Bear: he's sweet but too immature,and younger then me,that was never a problem for me,dating younger guys I mean..but I just need maturity.
Ethan: I met this kid for the first time on Sunday,and apparently he likes me now.Weird huh?And my friend likes him,I feel bad for her.But I don't like him,so he's wasting his time liking me.
Ty: No no no no no.'nough said.
I don't even wanna go through the other two guys.
Ugh >.<
I might also be wasting my time liking the guy I like,
But I honestly can't help that.
I see him again tonight,and I'm gonna try my best to talk to him a lot.
He really needs to get to know me.
I'll probably do another post tonight,about how it goes.
I always do that.
His eyes light up when he smiles,and when he smiles at me,I wanna be the one causing that smile.I wonder what's going on inside his head,that makes his eyes sparkle like that,it must be something amazing.A guy like him would probably never go for a simple girl like me.-Christina Shumard.Sure enough,here am I wasting time chasing something that I might never get.
But I'm gonna keep on fighting.There's a 39% chance that he could like me,yes folks the percentage went down,why?Because I was just so sure of myself before,now I'm not so sure.But there's the chances,and that's still pretty good.Well,I know someday I'm gonna get a chance with him.I know it.

I don't get excited about much anymore,and I missed the Jimmy Robbins concert on March 18th,it was so upsetting!But he's coming down to Cleveland on April 1st,and I'm gonna talk about that and how I need a ride to it around my crush,and maybe he'll over to take me.I mean,there's very small chances of that but it's worth a try anyways,right?

I finally got my webcam,and I've gotten to use it.I had so much fun on that thing with Tyler and Dwayne.We are so effin funny,aye?Wanna see me on cam?Ask for my aim,msn,or yahoo.

Only about 3 more hours till I get to see him tonight.I'm pumped.This is what I've been waiting for all week.I haven't got excited about anything else.

Danny owes me my gift card still!He said he'll have it for me Wednesday,and if he doesn't,I'm gonna make him just give me some money.If it was one of the Pastors kids who won the contest,they would have gotten their gift card the day of.Oh but noooo,I don't get mine for weeks because I'm not so special I guess.I don't even wanna get into things about Pastors kids,any pastors kids,not just any of my pastors in particulier.I always used to like PS's,I'd automatically fall in love(or whatever you wanna call a crush in simpler words) with pastors sons.So freakin weird.Ugh.All that ever brought me was problems haha!I now know what Diana meant when she always warned me not to marry a preachers son.Haha that's just too funny.

Holy hell,I miss the past somewhat.I mean,I'm cool where I'm at,but being young was so much easier.Like back in the past,with Mufu and Charlie,and video games and sneaking guinea pigs in the house cause my parents wouldn't let me have one.Ah,good times good times.And the first TWAM trip.It was so amazing,but 2008's wasn't so great.And this one is gonna be horrible because they told us it's only gonna last 2 days.What the hell?How can you even do a mission trip in 2 days?It upsets me so much.I actually liked youth group better when we had it at the church I think.The Roc is kinda cool,but the church,well it was just...I can't explain it.Things are so different now.Summer is finally coming though,and that's the time when I make all the great memories.I always make good,unforgettable memories in the summer..but in the winter I always make memories that I regret.I find that so odd.It makes me confused and angry.I hate winter with a passion!It's so annoying.

I know I can't live in the past,and I can't wish for the future.I've gotta toughen up and be okay with the Now.The now is me writing a blog about what's going on now,although here I am typing about the past.Lovely isn't it?But nothing is happening right now.I'm waiting to see him,and hopefully get him to see how we have so much in common.But maybe that's not what he's looking for.I don't know if I'm what anyone is looking for.But I know,there is someone out there.Someone for me.Just for me.The trouble is,finding that person.It's so bloody hard.He could be billions of miles away for all I know.

I got a really cute shirt at walmart the other day.I already have what I'm wearing picked out,for today.I'm not wearing my new shirt today,but I'm going to wear it Wednesday to youth group and next week when I see him.That's one of the things I love about going a bunch of different places with different people and different friends.You can wear the same thing that you wore with one group of friends,with another group of friends,and they don't even know that you wore it the day before.Haha funny,but now everyone knows my secret.Oh well,I don't really have anything to hide anymore.What can I say?I'm Christina,I'm a utter freak.But I'm ok with that.I don't care who doesn't like me or who does.In the end,I'll always have God.And hopefully Taylor;D

I've recently started listening to a classic radio station,and I'm starting to like classic music.Mostly the classic rock,but hey.The only types of music I don't like are rap and screamo.Well,I can live with screamo but I really don't like it.And rap is just awful.Bloody annoying to my sensitive ears.The only type of music that has never failed me,is country<3

I don't know what else I can babble on and on about.That's probably about it.Maybe I can do another blog right now to kill time,like working on another one of my stories.I like to write(:

-ClassyChristinaConduit AKA Wolf.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

And so here I sit thinking...

I rather enjoy it when you can't get someone off your mind.
Well,maybe not so much.Especially when they're not yours,and you don't see them often.
But,I absolutely love it when,they make the time you do get to see them completely worth it.
I like a little something to get me through the week.
His lovely smile,His amazing eyes,That wonderfully fabulous personality.
If not for this,I don't know what would get me through the week.
Although he's not mine(yet)it's still nice to pretend,aye?

And I'm not okay. There is a lot going on. I'm not okay today, and I cannot guarantee that I will be okay tomorrow, but I will be okay in the future, and that I know.

Bloody hell,is it fair?
All I ask for is a man,and I get a boy.
I ask for a sweetheart,and I get a douche bag.
I ask for maturity,and I get immaturity.
I ask for trust,and I get shut out.
But somewhere out there,
Is a man,who would treat me right,pull out chairs for me,and do wonderfully sweet things without me asking for them.A man who is mature,one that knows how to have a good time,but also knows when to be serious.One that will trust me,and in return I will trust him.
This is not unattainable,I don't ask for too much.
I don't ask for stunning good looks,or a six pack,or blue eyes,or anything of the sorts.I ask for a man.Simple enough.

If you've got the poison I've got the remedy

The remedy is the experience.
This is a dangerous liaison
I say the comedy is that it's serious.
This is a strange enough new play on words
I say the tragedy is how you're gonna spend
The rest of your nights with the light on
So shine the light on all of your friends
When it all amounts to nothing in the end.

I won't worry my life away.

I won't worry my life away.-Jason Mraz

What is time,but the tick of a clock?Live your life the way you want,regardless of time tick tock tick tock.-Christina Shumard

Said, if you want to call me baby
Just go ahead, now
And if you'd like to tell me maybe
Just go ahead, now
And If you wanna buy me flowers
Just go ahead, now
And if you'd like to talk for hours
Just go ahead, now-Spin Doctors

You don't know me,you don't even care,
she said I think I'll go to Boston,I think I'll start a new life..
Where no one knows my name.

I looked at you and said,
"And I'll never forget all those nights we spent together..."
You looked at me with that adorable confused look you make,
"What nights?"
I smiled at you and replied,
"The ones I dream of every night,the ones we have yet to create."-Christina Shumard

Me:Holy hell Skylie,you know what I just realized?
Skylie:And what would that be,Christina?
Me:I have everything I could ever want,and then some.But I don't have him,and I finally figured out why.
Me:Because I don't want him,I need him.For some reason,I just lack the things I truly need.

Where words fail,music speaks.

I hate the way he looks at her marveled and amazed,and she looks at him disgusted and annoyed....

Dear Diary,everything is turning out alright for once,I don't think I'll need to complain to you anymore.So now what the bloody hell do I write in this thing?-Christina Shumard

Everytime I log into myspace,and see my friends statuses,all I see is depressing quotes or them whining about how life sucks.Oh my goodness,you foolish people.If you don't like what you're getting,change what you're doing.

And maybe I should find some new friends who have a better outlook on life then to whine about it in a myspace status.XD

Me:Oh and Skylie,I just realized something else..
Skylie:What is it?
Me:He's simply amazing.His eyes light up when he smiles,and his smile...I'd love to be the one causing that.He's such a sweetheart.
Skylie:Then go to him.Tell him this,not me.

And I sit and watch the sunset,ending another day.Not much has been accomplished this day,just waiting for tomorrow.But what if tomorrow never comes?We musn't waste our todays wishing for tomorrows.-Christina Shumard

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A passengers seat,had never looked so good to me...<3

Top O' the morning to ya laddy!Or however they say it.Happy St. Patricks day everyone.

Well anyways,I have wonderful news.People have been starting to notice the way I've been changing.I've been more outgoing lately,and brave,and a person most people would enjoy knowing.
I am quite happy with what I am turning into.I guess I'm growing up.Holy hell,I never thought it would happen,I don't know whether to be scared or excited.But I've decided I wanna still be a kid as I start growing up,so I will never lose the fun childish side of me.However,I will give up the immature,foolish side of me.Care to hear some of the lovely compliments I've gotten?

Danny(my youth pastor who I love and respect very much) said to my mother:Wow!Christina's really getting out there,she's so different.She can preach now.She surprised me so much on Wednesday.

Judy(my wonderfully happy friend) said to me:you sang so beautifully up there tonight,I never would of guessed you had that in you.And when you preached,I would of never thought you could do that.Keep on smiling darling.

Hearing things like that are what makes life worth living.I always wanted to be someone that people would respect and look up to,but I never was.I was always just,the shy girl who always smiled.Or people thought I was stuck up when I was just shy.But now I'm very different.

And also,I got some lovely advice from my friend Tyler,about the guy I like.I spilled out everything to Tyler and how I was so afraid to tell the guy I like,that I like him or even give him hints.Well let me tell you,Tyler is just simply amazing at advice.Yesterday when I saw the guy I like,I talked to him a little bit.And I ended up needing a ride home where I was at,so I went over to the guy I like(I guess I'll call him bdg) and some other guy.And I said,can someone give me a ride home?And bdg asked,how far away do you live?And I replied,just about a mile.And he said,I'll take ya darling.So I went over to my friend Billy and then Billy asked me,well did you ask him to dance?And I said,no but he's gonna give me a ride home now.And Billy was like,that's even better high five!So we enjoyed the lovelyness of a high five and my happiness.So a few minutes later,bdg said it was time to go.We walked out to his car,and he opened my door for me and closed it.What a sweetheart.Then he asked me what kind of music I listened to,and I told him country,and he put a country music radio station on.He talked to me a little bit about random things and I was extremely happy.We made it to my house way too soon and I said,well hey do you ever come down here other then on Mondays?And he said,no actually I don't,I live about 20 minutes from here.And I said,oh are you up in Canton?And he replied yes.I said well I'm up there a lot for band practice and stuff.And he was like oh that's awesome,we'll have to get together sometime and get some extra practice in,tell your parents we'll be stealing you some days other then Mondays real soon.And I smiled and said ok.I didn't want to get out of his car but I knew I had too.I apologized for making him go out of his way to take me home,and he said oh it wasn't too far.I finally said bye,and he said see ya next week darling.And let me say,that was the most amazing car ride of my life!He is such a sweetheart,and good looking,and amazing.Oh and I forgot to mention,a song came on the radio that we both knew,and we were singing it together.It was nice.I had been too shy for about a whole month to ask him if he came down here often,and I finally did it.Wow.I know I have more to do too.It can't end there.I have to get somewhere with him.

Tyler got a nice thank you,for his wonderful advice too.I'm going to start a thing called "Ask Tyler" where people send me emails asking for advice,and me and Tyler help give it.Need advice?Send your problem to my email : . I'll post advice either in these blogs,if that's ok with you,or I'll email it back to you.Whichever,and it can be anonymous.

Ok!That being said,I think I'll put some quotes and some more random stuff about how I'm feeling lately.

Forgive me if I st-stutter
From all of the clutter in my head
Cuz I could fall asleep in those eyes
Like a water bed
Do I seem familiar, I've crossed you in hallways
a thousand times, no more camouflage
I want to be exposed, and not be afraid to fall.

I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
And cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
You always want what you can't have
But I've got to try
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will
For you
-Teddy Geiger.

This is the story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done & Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody, when Nobody did what Anybody could of done.

but love, I've come to understand,
is more than three words mumbled
at the end of a goodbye. love is sustained by
action, a pattern of devotion in the
things we do for each other every day.

Shes a daydreamer. Everyone can see that.
But what they don't see, is her dreams.

You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll
find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty
yesterdays. I don't know about you, but I'd
like to make today worth remembering.
--» Harold Hill, the Music Man

Love; an attempt to change a piece
of the dream world into reality.

What you see depends on what you're looking for.

Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work.

Don't frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most.

Well,I think that's all the quotes for now.I used to have a quote,that I made myself,"You foolish people with your hopes held so high,only bound to be disappointed"-Me.That was a very dumb quote.:D

Anyways,God has been blessing me more and more everyday.I haven't been this happy...I remember when I thought I loved someone,now I know I was wrong about that too.I still haven't loved someone either(I mean in the way of dating and relationships)I'm not worrying too much about it.I will find someone in time.I really like bdg though,hopefully I get my chance.

-Christina aka Wolf.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Some quotes and updates!

All I have to do is look into his beautiful brown eyes,
smile and watch him smile back. && it lets me know, that everything’s going to be okay.

There are always two choices.
Two different paths to take.
One of them is easy,
but the only reward is that it's easy.

The woman came out of mans ribs, not from his feet to be walked on, not from his head to be superior, but from his side to be equal, under the arm to be protected and next to the heart to be loved.

if you don't like what you're
getting; change what you're doing.

Any girl can look in your eyes a million times & still not get what I see in just a single glance.

age is a number; not a limitation.

he has the most gorgeous eyes you could ever fall for and the cutest smile that takes your breath away. He has the ability to make you laugh every time he speaks and when you look into his eyes it's hard to turn away.

I'm just living my life & being the best version of a woman I can be. I’m not always going to please everyone. At the end of the day, the only person I should be answering to is myself. You have to speak your mind. Don’t let anyone talk you out of being you.

She never even knew she had a choice.
And that's what happens when the only
voice she hears is telling her she can't.
- keith urban

But did you know,you can let go?
Let loose sometimes,and maybe dance,maybe hold hands..
Just don't give up tonight.~Jimmy Robbins

If there's one piece of advice I can give you, It's this. When there's something you really want, fight for it. Don't give up no matter how hopeless it seems. And when
you've lost all hope, ask yourself if in 10 years from now, your gonna wish you gave it one more shot. Because the best things in life, they don't come free.

it's amazing how i can have the worst
day ever and all you have to do is smile
to make it better.

"Sometimes the most real things in life are the things that can't be seen."

So let's lie in the grass
and stare at the stars.
Live through the moment,
figure out who we are.

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.
~Dr. Seuss

When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."

It will be as if I'd never existed.-Edward Cullen

If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.

What do I look like?The wizard of oz?You need a brain?You need a heart?Go ahead,take mine.Take everything I have.-Twilight.

your eyes, they shine like the sea
and the sky, that's what i think of
when i think of you and me
and your smile glows brighter
than anyone I've known
i want that smile all for my own.

I’m not like anyone you’ve ever known, & maybe that scares you a little bit. Cause here you are, with a girl that actually cares for you, & for once in your life, you don’t know how to deal with that.

Sometimes, we expect too much. The key is to just expect nothing. That one time when you're not all caught up in thinking about what you want to happen, it will.

"There is a great difference between worry and concern. A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem."

I spent too much time chasing something I thought I couldn't have,then decided I didn't want it and moved on.
Now it's after ME!-By Christina Shumard(me)

Once you've made it through the storm,you turn around and see what's left.
Two good friends ready to help you put the pieces back together.-Christina Shumard(me)

Ok,so there's some random quotes about how I'm feeling lately.
I've decided on a few things.
1.I'm changing who I am.I need to stop worrying so much,and let things happen.I need to start taking risks,instead of wondering what could of been.I need to show people who I really am,instead of hiding behind a mask that I can't stand.
2.No guy is unattainable,it's a true statement.The ones I really think are unattainable,I get.And then I see they're not as great as I thought they were.-Christina Shumard.
3.If someone hurts you for no reason at all,they are most definitely not worth it.
4.Don't waste your time on something you only want,fight for the things that you truely need.
5.Don't bail out on the people who were always there,for someone who will leave at the first sign of trouble,people aren't always who they say they are.-Christina Shumard.
6.Be who you are,and not what others want to see.

I'm tired of being on the bleachers,I wanna be out there in the game!-Christina Shumard.
I'm gonna fight for what I need.It seems I never get anything I want,I just give things away and get nothing in return.I'm going to stop that for a little bit,until I find someone worth giving my all to,without expecting anything in return.Cause if they are worth it,they will return it all when I least expect it.

If someone says they love you too quickly,don't believe them.Wait until they prove it.-Christina Shumard

Questions,with answers solving them.
1.Why is the thing I want so impossible to get?
-With God,ALL things are possible.the thing you want just might not be what you need.

2.Why do I feel so empty all the time?
-Without love,there is no point to life.
The love of God will fill you up.
Dance with God,and at the right time,he will let the right guy cut in.

3.Why do people treat me so badly?
-Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be given to you. For with the same measure you measure it will be measured back to you."

Eh those are the top questions I found solutions too.
Any questions?Send them to me at ,
I'll answer them in a blog.I also give advice,need it?Email,I'll also post the answers in a blog.Use a nickname so you know who the advice is for.;D

Lets see here,what else?
That's actually about it.
God has been blessing me so much lately,and I haven't the slightest idea why,but I like it.<3

-Christina AKA Wolf.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Say what?Updatttttteeeeeeeeesss!!

So,I was looking at the guy I like through binoculars about last Monday(Yeah I know creepy aye?)I'm pretty sure he saw me too but I pretended I was just looking around the room haha so fun.Nancy says she bets that I won't like him anymore after about a month or so.I say I'll still like him.He's just that awesome.Gah,I hate the fact that it seems like no one likes me.I feel so unwanted.But it's all good.

Still waiting for the newsletter from "The Roc" with me in it.Then I'll post a pic of it.But in the meantime,I'm super happy with my hair.It's brunette now and much,much better.I feel so much more mature,it kinda makes me look older.Which is good cause the majority of people think I'm 13.Jeez people,wayy off.I swear I need a vacation.Next trip to West Virginia,I'm going.I don't care what I have to miss.I wish I could just turn my room into Hawii or something,how cool would that be?Oh far-fetched haha.Mondays are pretty awesome.
Am I freaky or what?Well anyways,I'm utterly exhausted.Again.Me and my boring scedule.We have spice of life this Tuesday.Oh joy.And Amy is gonna be there *rolls eyes*.She just bothers me a bit too much.I think I should write sweet letters for random people,or ding dong ditch some cookies in,make cookies,ring someones doorbell and leave them on their doorstep then run like the dickens!It sounds so fun(: Maybe the leftover cookies from spice of life.I also love writing letters,so I'll do both.↓↓↓↓↓ There's my new hair.Well,kinda the new me.

I'm kinda trying to be a whole new person.I doubt it's working.I'm somewhat better though,in personality.Trying to be better,a better friend,better person,better...I donno.But whatever.(:

Ehh should I do a quote for the day?I'll do one written by me to end this.

I spent too much time chasing something I thought I couldn't have,then decided I didn't want it and moved on.
Now it's after ME!-Christina Conduit.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pedestal by BarlowGirl

You're the coolest person
That I have ever seen
So perfect with your pretty face
On the TV screen

You're a god I know it
How you stand above them all
You are my perfect person
Man I'd hate to see you fall

I want someone to believe in
Yeah well don't we all
Cuz in this life of imperfection
I need someone who won't fall

You got it
You got it
You got it all

You got it
You got it
You got it all

Got a magazine today
That was full of you
Shocked to read the words they said
Tell me they're not true

Add you to my fallen list
One more has hit the ground
The fault was mine
I held you too high
Your only way was down


I can't deny this need inside
I have to find the perfect one
But I wonder if behind my need
There might just be a reason

Is my life just one big searching
For the one I can adore?
It never works
And I'm just left here wanting more

Could it be this hunger's there
To drive me to the one
Who's worthy of all worship?
Would my searching then be done?

Jesus is the one who should be on our "Pedestal" no celebrity,or some one we adore.Not our youth leader,or our Pastor.They will all fail us at one time or another.Jesus Christ will never leave,He will never make a mistake,and He will never,ever change.While when we put our faith in people on this earth,we're only setting ourselves up for disappointment.Trust in Jesus,he will never fail you.He's always there,He knows everything about you and still loves you!Pretty unbelievable aye?Well believe it kid,cause it's true!God is so amazing hallelujah.:) He loves you and there ain't nothing you can do about it!!

-Christina AKA Wolf.

Better than life by Israel Houghton

Your love is everlasting
It's an everlasting love
Your mercy is as new
As every rising of the sun
And your loving-kindness
Your loving-kindness
Is better than life

Your grace is all sufficient
It's an all sufficient grace
Your power and Your glory
Are forever on display
And Your loving-kindness
Your loving-kindness
Is better than life

Oh, oh, oh, it's better
Oh, oh, oh, it's better than life
Oh, oh, oh, so much better
Jesus, Your loving-kindness
Is better than life

Fairest of ten thousand
Of ten thousand You are fair
And nothing in this world
Could ever measure or compare
To Your loving-kindness
Your loving-kindness
Is better than life

All Your ways are just, oh Lord
You're just in all Your ways
And I will lift my hands, oh Lord
In gratitude and praise
For Your loving-kindness
Your loving-kindness
Is better than life

Jesus, Your loving-kindness
Is better than life itself
Better than life itself
Jesus, Your loving-kindness
Is better than life itself
Better than life

This song is simply amazing and oh so true.

Completely Random

"You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her."

That quote is simply amazing.I've been thinking lately.You know when you meet someone,and think they aren't too attractive at first?But then you get to know them and they have the most amazing personality,and they become that much more good looking.Or,when you meet someone who is amazingly attractive,and you get to know them and they turn out to be a jerk,and they don't seem as attractive as they did before.So true indeed.

"Don’t waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window — or break down a door."

I think I'll be breaking a door down very,very soon:)

"Love is when you jump blindly over a pit without thinking about it because if you think too long, you know you won’t do it. When you jump, you may fall or you may be caught in the arms of the one you love the most."

"you have to put up with a little rain to get to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."

"Wake up in the morning
Get to living my life
Making sure that Im all that I can be
Went to church on Sunday
There was a moment that came
I swear it was like the Lord spoke right to me

So now I'm slowing it down and I'm looking around
And I'm lovin' this town and I'm doing alright
Aint' worried 'bout nothing cept for the (wo)man I wanna be
I'm thinking maybe it's time to be livin' the rhyme
When I'm singing a song about nothing but right
And it'd sure be nice if you would roll with me" -Montgomery Gentry

"All she's ever felt is held back
She says, "It's kinda nice to hear myself laugh"
She's gonna do a lot more of that
She's makin' plans and makin' tracks
She said, "Oh, oh I gotta go and find me"
Oh, oh she found the strength to break free

Like a painted wild mustang
Flyin' out across the open range
Finally gets to live her life that way
No fear, no fences, nobody - no reins"

John 16:33

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Boy is that a good promise^^

Being skinny won't bring you attention, wearing makeup won't make you prettier, dying your hair won't make you cooler, having lots of friends won't bring you trust, smoking or drinking won't bring you respect. It's about who you are, what you do; it's about how you act, if you're trustworthy, if you're loyal.

Life is a highway,I'm gonna ride it all night long.....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Alrighty,I'm trying.

Howdy yall.I know,I completely fail at trying to write in this everyday,or I post like 3 things in one day.I know.I'm trying but it's hard to keep up with it all,or to not post tons of junk on a day when I have time.Plus,it's not like too many people read this.I mean,come on,I haven't gotten one single blasted comment on any of my posts.But that's alright,that's not what this is about.It's about keeping my thoughts,my life,my bible junk,and random quotes in order.So I don't give the slightest who diddly doo care,if anyone comments it.I know people read it,Grant does when his pc is working and I think Sara just started.I'm not really sure who else.But I have livejournal too.Many more people use it although I prefer blogger much more then livejournal.Well anywho,I 'spose I got babbling on about something that doesn't matter at all.I dyed my hair brown,and the outcome is quite lovely.Photos should be on myspace.That's not what matters now anyways.I've been getting tons of revivals from God,and I'm finally starting to grasp that and take hold of it.I refuse to lose it this time.I refuse to let things pull me away from him.I'm taping songs all over my wall,that are good christian songs that remind me of whats important.And a few pages from a book "lies young woman believe and the truth that sets them free" lovely,lovely book.I suggest it for young ladies,13-20.I finally found my bible promise book!It's been so hard scanning the bible for verses about how I'm feeling,so the bible promise book helps a whole lot.Sooo in youth group on March 20-21st I believe..we are having a 30 hour famine.I loved the last one we did,and wow was that a long time ago.I love that I get to make some kind of difference in the world.I feel so useless.I feel as if there is nothing I can do.I can't reach out to kids at my school cause I'm homeschooled,and it's certainly worthless to reach out to kids in my church.But some of them could use a little help..but again far from the point.I don't really get to help many people,I'm just commited to my church and youth groups and try to do whatever I can.It's just not enough to me.Ugh ugh!Well,I know God will put me where I need to be so I shouldn't worry.Man am I worn out.I don't even have too much going on!This is my normal weekly scedule:
Monday:Homeschool.Ballroom dancing practice 7:30-I usually get home round 11pm.
Tuesday:School.Sometimes walking the trail with mom and her friends,sometimes helping mom with her senior group.
Wednesday:School.Youth band.Church.
Friday:School.Usually something at one of my 2 youth groups,or chilling with friends.
Saturday:Mall,movie,friends house.
Sunday:Morning church.Out with family for lunch.Home.Youth group.

That's not bad at all.But I'm so worn out.Pitiful,I know.My body can't handle much.I need to start working out again.I used to,and I felt so much better and went through crazy weeks.Well enough complaining,I suppose I should say the highlight of my week so far.I guess it had to be Monday,when I was talking to Nancy.She always makes me feel much better.Although what her advice was about my problem didn't make me feel too good,I know it was right.Oi,why is it so hard to have what I want?Because what I want isn't what I need.God puts what I need in my life.He knows what he's doing but it is just so hard to understand.I just gotta trust him.After lots of hard searching,and messing up my bathroom,I finally found my purity ring!It's back on my necklace where it belongs.I could really use a massage right now.Ya know,I think I'm gonna just hit the hay.P3AC3.



Ok so,(who doesn't own a cell phone?) Haha.
Well anyways,this song is called:

Hungry I come to You
For I know You satisfy
I am empty but I know
Your love does not run dry
So I wait for You
So I wait for You

I'm falling on my knees
Offering all of me
Jesus You're all
This heart is living for

Broken I run to You
For Your arms are open wide
I am weary but I know Your touch
Restores my life
So I wait for You
So I wait for You

I'm falling on my knees
Offering all of me
Jesus You're all
This heart is living for

I just started singing the chorus to this song earlier,and I couldn't remember the verses or where it was from.So I used Mr.Google to help me out.I found it,and remembered we used to sing it in youth group when Jon was around.I don't recall if we've sang it since he left,but I'll get Zach right on that.But anyways,I'm straying from the point.God put this song in my heart.I've been looking for all kinds of worthless things to satisfy me and coming up emptier then I was before.I was so broken,and didn't know what it was.So as usual I turned to God and asked him for his help,even after all the times I'd turned away from him,I always came back.But it's fabulous to know that his arms are always open wide waiting for us to come back when we stray from him.Hungry,for something to fill the void in my heart,I turn to God because I know he satisfies.I am empty but his touch does restore my life if I wait for him.So I fall on my knees offering everything I have,all that I am.Giving my all to Jesus.He's all this heart is living for.This song is so beautiful,only a glimpse of how great God is,and how much more is in store.His touch restores my life!
For they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength,they shall mount up with wings like eagles,they shall run and not be weary,and they shall walk and never faint.Isaiah(40:31??Not sure)But one thing I'm sure of,God sure is good.He loves ya,and there ain't nothing you can do about it:D


Sunday, March 1, 2009

What does America need?

America needs God!!

2 Chronicles 7:14
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

So I think we need to take a small look at that verse^^^^

1.We must confess with Humility.
-If my people will.....humble themselves..I will heal their land.
Humble-having or showing awareness of one's defects,not proud,not self assertive.
We must ask for God's forgiveness and humble ourselves unto him.

2.We must pray with tenacity.
We need to pray frequently,persistently!
Pray=intercede for others.(2 Chron. 7:14)

3.We must seek God with intensity.
If my people will seek my face....I will heal their land.
We need to chase after God and seek after him with all that we have.

4.We must repent with sincerity.
(To turn,change,flip,change your mind.)
We have to turn completely around,we need to turn from the wrong ways.
If my people will....turn from their wicked ways I will heal their land.

So,what will this do?We can change our lives,and the world if we do this!Amazing is it not?Something we turn into something so complicated,is so simple.We just need to trust God and follow his word.It's not always easy,and it won't get easier.But,it'll be worth it in the long run.Take that from a person who has learned a bit over the past year.


Yadda yadda...

It is so,so amazing how fast things can turn around.
It just boggles my mind.I swear,about 3 weeks ago I was so depressed about something,that I now don't even care about.It really does pay off,to praise God through the storm.Trust God in your worst days,and it will get better.I was so beat down..Now I'm just a lot better.My heart is great,I'm great.I got nominated for youth group spotlight and had to fill out some questions,so I'll be in the March newsletter.I'm so pumped.I'll have to take a picture of it and put it in my blog,aye?I guess I inspired someone,I don't know how I managed that.I finished my diet finally,and I'm so excited about that also.I tried to do this 30 day shred workout,and about passed out.I finished that for the first time though.I'm gonna keep doing it cause I need to be stronger physically anyways.I think I've gotten pretty strong emotionally as 2009 rolled around.Which I am so grateful for.God has been moving so much in my life lately,I just can't fathom,why he would choose to care about me.I mean,I'd been going through some pretty rough times,thinking God was just busy doing something else,rather then helping me.But he never left my side.As soon as I praised him through my troubles,bam!things improved so much.Sure they're still not as good as I'd like,but I'm fine where I'm at.I really miss keeping in touch with all of my friends,I think it's time to pull out the ol' email,aye?Well I guess that's a logical idea,considering how many old friends I'd found by that blasted myspace site that I'm now addicted to.I wouldn't really call it "Addicted" though.I actually hardly use it now.Due to business.I've just been so busy lately.So strange,before I had nothing to do.Now I'm out almost everyday.It's insanity.Thankfully,all I have tomorrow is ballroom dancing practice.But I'm excited for that since I enjoy it so much.But after that my week is just crazy,"Zoom zoom zoom!"There is a really good thing that will happen tomorrow,but you special people already know;) Shoot,I have a Bible thing I'd like to write about,but I'll put it in a different blog.People probably think I'm a freak for blogging all the time.Haha I don't really care,it's my escape.My time to speak after a long,hard day.So please let me have the microphone for a few moments.To write how I feel,what I think,who I am,who I follow.But anyways,I'm gonna use the rest of this one just to say what all is up.I'm still single,haha yes still.Not too bad.Not as bad as it was at least,I'm doing quite lovely.I do have my sights set on this one guy,but I'll see what happens.He might like me,there's a 45% chance,and that's pretty darn good.March 18th is approching quicker then I thought it would.Not that that's a bad thing.I get to see my favorite singer,Jimmy Robbins on March 18th.The bad thing is,I haven't bought my tickets yet,and I'll have to skip youth band.I feel bad about that but it's all good.I'm currently on the third Twilight book,and I'm really starting to like it.It's quite lovely.I'm also trying to read 3 other books.The Bible(of course),Nicolea,and Lies young woman believe and the truth that sets them free.I am starting to love reading.I read when I'm sitting,waiting to go.Or if I'm early to somewhere.I always keep books handy especially the Bible,it is always with me.Wow,Jesus is all I need.Jesus is everything I need.Sorry haha had an,"earth to Christina" moment there.I really enjoy st. patricks day.Except for when you're not wearing green and people come up and pinch you.That's not pleasent,but I'm smart enough to wear green.It's also my favorite color so that's fun.Me and Taylor still have our stupid bet going on,about who will get asked out first.I swear she's gonna get asked out before me.Guys just take forever.I wanna win this bet and laugh at Taylor(my best friend)when she has to do something uber embarrasing.Oh how I will enjoy that moment.I don't think anyone is gonna ask me out anytime soon.I don't know what it is,am I scary?Are all the guys taken?I know I'm not ugly,because all my best guys already told me I'm beautiful,although I don't believe that at all.People say I'm nice,and fun.So what is it?Is it because I'm crazy?Well that I cannot help.I am sorry.On the bright side,I'm mad good at babbling on and on about the most random things.No one can beat me at that.I need a new notebook.Mine is getting completely filled up with Bible notes and random doodles.Oi.I feel like high fiving someone right now.Arg I wish I could.High fives are fun.Yeah,I think I'll stop for now.I'll try to write on Wednesday about my life.I'll post random quotes and songs before then probably.Or more of my stories.I just can't help but write.I guess it's my addiction,better that than something bad right?Aye.I suppose I should stop now.
