Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Today will soon be gone....


She told him she�d rather fix her makeup

Than try to fix what�s going on
But the problem keeps on calling
Even with the cellphone gone
She told him that she believes in living
Bigger than she�s living now
But her world keeps spinning backwards
And upsidedown
Don�t say so long in the cellphone
Don�t spend today away
Cuz today will soon be

Gone, like yesterday is gone,
Like history is
Gone, just trying to prove me wrong
And pretend like your immortal

She said he said live like no tomorrow
Every day we borrow
Brings us one step closer to the edge (infinity)
Where your treasure, where�s your hope
Forget the world and lose your soul
She pretends like she pretends like she�s immortal
Don�t say so long
Your not that far gone
This could be your big chance to makeup
Today till soon be

Gone, like yeterday is gone,
Like history is gone,
The world keeps spinning on,
Your going going gone,
Like summer break is gone,
Like saturday is gone
Just trying to prove me wrong
You pretend like your immortal your immortal

We are not infinite
We are not perminate
Nothing is immediate
We�re so confident
In our accomplishments
Look at how dark it is

Gone, like frank sinatra
Like elvis and his mom
Like al pichino�s cash nothing lasts in this life
My highschool dreams are gone
My childhood sweets are gone
Life is a day that doesn�t last for long

Life is more than money
Time was never money
Time was never cash,
Life is still more than girls
Life is more than hundred dollar bills
And oh the town fills
Life more than fame and rock and roll and thrills
All the riches of the kings
And up in wills we got information in the information age
But do we know what life is
Outside of our conveinent lexus cages

She said he said live like no tomorrow
Every moment that we borrow
Brings us closer to the God who�s not short of cash
Hey bono I�m glad you asked
Life is still worth living, life is still worth living

That song kinda makes me think.Today will soon be gone...Yikes.Gotta make it worth it,aye?I've just been living like everyday is nothing,like I have another one to live everyday but you never know.It could all end at any time.I'm gonna try to make it all worth it.I know I can do this.

So anywho,oh my.You'll never guess.I might get to spend some time with the guy I like next week,quite exciting.You honestly have no idea how happy this makes me.I've liked him for a few months but finally started making moves now.I just kept quiet about it before,but now I'm giving some hints.So we're gonna set up a time....I'm finally getting somewhere,...again.

One of my ridiculous friends went and told my mom some stuff,you know the kinda stuff you really don't want your parents to know.I mean,my friend had no idea that my mom would freak out about it,or maybe she was trying to get back at me since the guy she likes,likes me.Now is that my fault?No.Should I be less awesome?No.I can't help it that he likes me.The kid hardly knows me,I mean come freaking on!But whatever.So my mom flipped on me,and also my friend made up some stuff.How stupid is that?I don't know if she's my friend anymore or not.I mean,if she's gonna treat me like this,I really don't need her in my life.

On the bright side,tomorrow is band practice and church.Finally!Something to get a little excited about.Although the majority of people at the church are fakes and are just there to see their friends or get attention.I'm not meaning to call anyone out though,I'm just sick of it.If you're not there for God then don't be there at all!And some of the people hate me for no flipping reason,basically because this one chick hates me,and they're all on her side.But that's another story.And who gives a crap?I'm not there to be liked or wanted,I'm there for God.

So where the hell is my life going?I haven't the slightest idea.Seems like the only one who is really there for me now,is Tyler.I've been told by a few people,that when someone really gets to know me,it's impossible not to like me and it's impossible not to fall in love with me.I honestly don't think I'm that great.Someone kinda famous fell in love with me once,although that had no chance of going anywhere.And all these kids say they like me.But not many people truly know me.No one really takes the time anymore nowadays.It's like,no one really has time to listen,or help anyone but themselves.How messed up is that?I swear it makes me angry.People need to stop judging,before they get to know someone.Don't judge me and I won't judge you,cause we all get judged in the end.

When I fall in love I take my time
There's no need to hurry when I'm making up my mind
You can turn off the sun but I'm still gonna shine.-Jason Mraz,The Remedy

I've been living by the song "The Remedy" By Jason Mraz lately.It's a really good song.And it makes me feel happy,just blaring the song in my speakers and singing "I-I-I I won't worry my life away ayy oh oh oh" (:

Life is a song,sing it.-Christina Shumard

You know how people always talk about how they have this best friend,and they just happen to fall in love with them?And how they're afraid to tell them that they love them for fear of ruining their friendship?I want that.I want that best guy friend who I fall in love with,the one that I see everyday who knows everything about me.I wouldn't be afraid to tell him how I feel.I'd tell him...

Girls always talk about how they'd rather be called "beautiful" instead of "hott" but nowadays the word beautiful gets overused.As do the other words,hott,sexy,beautiful,cute,pretty,gorgeous.I'm looking to be called something different.A word that isn't said to me a thousand times a day,or just someone new who will say those words to me in such a way,that they sound completely new to me.<3

I'm gonna start making my life something I'd be proud to live.

Lately,I'm starting to notice the small things in life that make me happy,the things I sometime take forgranted.I don't expect anything good to happen anymore.When it does,it will be amazing.

The girl that I used to be jealous of,is now someone I never wanted to be.She was never someone I wanted to be but I was blind to her ways.Even though she's changed so much.And everyone is oblivious to it,her and her ways.She treats everyone like crap but they don't even notice.They sit there kissing her butt.So frustrating.I'm not jealous of anyone anymore.I'm not the jealous type.

Someone said to me the other day, "you're not very pretty" I smiled and said,thanks.The person looked at me and lifted their eyebrows and said,I didn't say you were very pretty,I said you weren't pretty.And I just replied,yes I know.But I don't really care what you think of me.I'm confortable in my own skin,I know who I am.I'm made in God's image and I know that I'm beautiful,and I have people that love me.So why should your little opinion of me matter to me?Then that person rolled their eyes and walked away.Funny how they had nothing to say.-True story

I got some cupcake socks at walmart the other day,they're so rad.I think I'll wear them tomorrow,and find a reason to take off my shoes..just so everyone can see their radness and be jealous :D

So,I've been working on being classy,graceful,and ladylike lately.I'm trying to dress up more,and walk like I'm confident and have all eyes on me.I'm trying to be someone people will look up to,someone people will respect.I'll let you know how it goes.So far,I'm not sure how it's going,but I'm trying.

I'm going to give up my cell phone for a week.I'm not sure when,but I'm just gonna turn it off for a whole week.I sometimes think I can't live without it,and I text when I feel awkward.I wanna see how much better my life would be,and how many more people I'd talk to in real life,if I just turned off my cell phone for one week.

I gave up TV for a week,about last year I think,and I don't even watch it anymore.I actually hate watching TV now.I like movies still,but I don't like to sit around and watch TV constantly like I used to.Maybe that same thing will happen when I give up my cell phone for a week.I also lost 30 pounds when I gave up the TV.Wonderful,aye?It helped me so much,I'd just go out and walk or exercise.And I wasn't as depressed as I'd used to be,when I gave it up.I guess the things that happened on tv,with the characters..were putting a toll on my life,if something bad happened to one of the people on the show,I'd get depressed.So I'm a lot better now without tv.The one thing I don't think I'll try giving up,is my computer.I have to blog and email and google,or I fail at life XD

I did have myself reading tons of books just a month ago,but now I've kinda just pushed the books in a corner,I don't know why either.I was addicted to reading.Now I can't even pick a book up.But I know when I finally do,I won't be able to stop reading.I'm just more of a writer.I love to write....so much.

I need to give up chocolate and start drinking more water...

I don't know what else I can ramble about,so maybe I'll just end this for now.Peace out blogger,until next time;D



  1. Christina,I find it so lovely that you are finally going to get to spend some time with him.Don't worry about anyone who says you aren't pretty,they're just jealous,plus you handled that nicely.I have faith in you that you can live without your cell phone for a week.And you are doing just fine at being a lady.That's something I should be working on,Ha!So yes.There you have it,your first comment on here.I still haven't got mine=P

  2. Christina I'm very overjoyed for you (: I'm glad you're not as depressed and it makes me smile to know your keeping healthy as well as all these other amazing things you do...Keep doing what you do best; being you!! =D
