Sunday, March 1, 2009

Yadda yadda...

It is so,so amazing how fast things can turn around.
It just boggles my mind.I swear,about 3 weeks ago I was so depressed about something,that I now don't even care about.It really does pay off,to praise God through the storm.Trust God in your worst days,and it will get better.I was so beat down..Now I'm just a lot better.My heart is great,I'm great.I got nominated for youth group spotlight and had to fill out some questions,so I'll be in the March newsletter.I'm so pumped.I'll have to take a picture of it and put it in my blog,aye?I guess I inspired someone,I don't know how I managed that.I finished my diet finally,and I'm so excited about that also.I tried to do this 30 day shred workout,and about passed out.I finished that for the first time though.I'm gonna keep doing it cause I need to be stronger physically anyways.I think I've gotten pretty strong emotionally as 2009 rolled around.Which I am so grateful for.God has been moving so much in my life lately,I just can't fathom,why he would choose to care about me.I mean,I'd been going through some pretty rough times,thinking God was just busy doing something else,rather then helping me.But he never left my side.As soon as I praised him through my troubles,bam!things improved so much.Sure they're still not as good as I'd like,but I'm fine where I'm at.I really miss keeping in touch with all of my friends,I think it's time to pull out the ol' email,aye?Well I guess that's a logical idea,considering how many old friends I'd found by that blasted myspace site that I'm now addicted to.I wouldn't really call it "Addicted" though.I actually hardly use it now.Due to business.I've just been so busy lately.So strange,before I had nothing to do.Now I'm out almost everyday.It's insanity.Thankfully,all I have tomorrow is ballroom dancing practice.But I'm excited for that since I enjoy it so much.But after that my week is just crazy,"Zoom zoom zoom!"There is a really good thing that will happen tomorrow,but you special people already know;) Shoot,I have a Bible thing I'd like to write about,but I'll put it in a different blog.People probably think I'm a freak for blogging all the time.Haha I don't really care,it's my escape.My time to speak after a long,hard day.So please let me have the microphone for a few moments.To write how I feel,what I think,who I am,who I follow.But anyways,I'm gonna use the rest of this one just to say what all is up.I'm still single,haha yes still.Not too bad.Not as bad as it was at least,I'm doing quite lovely.I do have my sights set on this one guy,but I'll see what happens.He might like me,there's a 45% chance,and that's pretty darn good.March 18th is approching quicker then I thought it would.Not that that's a bad thing.I get to see my favorite singer,Jimmy Robbins on March 18th.The bad thing is,I haven't bought my tickets yet,and I'll have to skip youth band.I feel bad about that but it's all good.I'm currently on the third Twilight book,and I'm really starting to like it.It's quite lovely.I'm also trying to read 3 other books.The Bible(of course),Nicolea,and Lies young woman believe and the truth that sets them free.I am starting to love reading.I read when I'm sitting,waiting to go.Or if I'm early to somewhere.I always keep books handy especially the Bible,it is always with me.Wow,Jesus is all I need.Jesus is everything I need.Sorry haha had an,"earth to Christina" moment there.I really enjoy st. patricks day.Except for when you're not wearing green and people come up and pinch you.That's not pleasent,but I'm smart enough to wear green.It's also my favorite color so that's fun.Me and Taylor still have our stupid bet going on,about who will get asked out first.I swear she's gonna get asked out before me.Guys just take forever.I wanna win this bet and laugh at Taylor(my best friend)when she has to do something uber embarrasing.Oh how I will enjoy that moment.I don't think anyone is gonna ask me out anytime soon.I don't know what it is,am I scary?Are all the guys taken?I know I'm not ugly,because all my best guys already told me I'm beautiful,although I don't believe that at all.People say I'm nice,and fun.So what is it?Is it because I'm crazy?Well that I cannot help.I am sorry.On the bright side,I'm mad good at babbling on and on about the most random things.No one can beat me at that.I need a new notebook.Mine is getting completely filled up with Bible notes and random doodles.Oi.I feel like high fiving someone right now.Arg I wish I could.High fives are fun.Yeah,I think I'll stop for now.I'll try to write on Wednesday about my life.I'll post random quotes and songs before then probably.Or more of my stories.I just can't help but write.I guess it's my addiction,better that than something bad right?Aye.I suppose I should stop now.


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