Thursday, March 5, 2009

Alrighty,I'm trying.

Howdy yall.I know,I completely fail at trying to write in this everyday,or I post like 3 things in one day.I know.I'm trying but it's hard to keep up with it all,or to not post tons of junk on a day when I have time.Plus,it's not like too many people read this.I mean,come on,I haven't gotten one single blasted comment on any of my posts.But that's alright,that's not what this is about.It's about keeping my thoughts,my life,my bible junk,and random quotes in order.So I don't give the slightest who diddly doo care,if anyone comments it.I know people read it,Grant does when his pc is working and I think Sara just started.I'm not really sure who else.But I have livejournal too.Many more people use it although I prefer blogger much more then livejournal.Well anywho,I 'spose I got babbling on about something that doesn't matter at all.I dyed my hair brown,and the outcome is quite lovely.Photos should be on myspace.That's not what matters now anyways.I've been getting tons of revivals from God,and I'm finally starting to grasp that and take hold of it.I refuse to lose it this time.I refuse to let things pull me away from him.I'm taping songs all over my wall,that are good christian songs that remind me of whats important.And a few pages from a book "lies young woman believe and the truth that sets them free" lovely,lovely book.I suggest it for young ladies,13-20.I finally found my bible promise book!It's been so hard scanning the bible for verses about how I'm feeling,so the bible promise book helps a whole lot.Sooo in youth group on March 20-21st I believe..we are having a 30 hour famine.I loved the last one we did,and wow was that a long time ago.I love that I get to make some kind of difference in the world.I feel so useless.I feel as if there is nothing I can do.I can't reach out to kids at my school cause I'm homeschooled,and it's certainly worthless to reach out to kids in my church.But some of them could use a little help..but again far from the point.I don't really get to help many people,I'm just commited to my church and youth groups and try to do whatever I can.It's just not enough to me.Ugh ugh!Well,I know God will put me where I need to be so I shouldn't worry.Man am I worn out.I don't even have too much going on!This is my normal weekly scedule:
Monday:Homeschool.Ballroom dancing practice 7:30-I usually get home round 11pm.
Tuesday:School.Sometimes walking the trail with mom and her friends,sometimes helping mom with her senior group.
Wednesday:School.Youth band.Church.
Friday:School.Usually something at one of my 2 youth groups,or chilling with friends.
Saturday:Mall,movie,friends house.
Sunday:Morning church.Out with family for lunch.Home.Youth group.

That's not bad at all.But I'm so worn out.Pitiful,I know.My body can't handle much.I need to start working out again.I used to,and I felt so much better and went through crazy weeks.Well enough complaining,I suppose I should say the highlight of my week so far.I guess it had to be Monday,when I was talking to Nancy.She always makes me feel much better.Although what her advice was about my problem didn't make me feel too good,I know it was right.Oi,why is it so hard to have what I want?Because what I want isn't what I need.God puts what I need in my life.He knows what he's doing but it is just so hard to understand.I just gotta trust him.After lots of hard searching,and messing up my bathroom,I finally found my purity ring!It's back on my necklace where it belongs.I could really use a massage right now.Ya know,I think I'm gonna just hit the hay.P3AC3.


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