Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A passengers seat,had never looked so good to me...<3

Top O' the morning to ya laddy!Or however they say it.Happy St. Patricks day everyone.

Well anyways,I have wonderful news.People have been starting to notice the way I've been changing.I've been more outgoing lately,and brave,and a person most people would enjoy knowing.
I am quite happy with what I am turning into.I guess I'm growing up.Holy hell,I never thought it would happen,I don't know whether to be scared or excited.But I've decided I wanna still be a kid as I start growing up,so I will never lose the fun childish side of me.However,I will give up the immature,foolish side of me.Care to hear some of the lovely compliments I've gotten?

Danny(my youth pastor who I love and respect very much) said to my mother:Wow!Christina's really getting out there,she's so different.She can preach now.She surprised me so much on Wednesday.

Judy(my wonderfully happy friend) said to me:you sang so beautifully up there tonight,I never would of guessed you had that in you.And when you preached,I would of never thought you could do that.Keep on smiling darling.

Hearing things like that are what makes life worth living.I always wanted to be someone that people would respect and look up to,but I never was.I was always just,the shy girl who always smiled.Or people thought I was stuck up when I was just shy.But now I'm very different.

And also,I got some lovely advice from my friend Tyler,about the guy I like.I spilled out everything to Tyler and how I was so afraid to tell the guy I like,that I like him or even give him hints.Well let me tell you,Tyler is just simply amazing at advice.Yesterday when I saw the guy I like,I talked to him a little bit.And I ended up needing a ride home where I was at,so I went over to the guy I like(I guess I'll call him bdg) and some other guy.And I said,can someone give me a ride home?And bdg asked,how far away do you live?And I replied,just about a mile.And he said,I'll take ya darling.So I went over to my friend Billy and then Billy asked me,well did you ask him to dance?And I said,no but he's gonna give me a ride home now.And Billy was like,that's even better high five!So we enjoyed the lovelyness of a high five and my happiness.So a few minutes later,bdg said it was time to go.We walked out to his car,and he opened my door for me and closed it.What a sweetheart.Then he asked me what kind of music I listened to,and I told him country,and he put a country music radio station on.He talked to me a little bit about random things and I was extremely happy.We made it to my house way too soon and I said,well hey do you ever come down here other then on Mondays?And he said,no actually I don't,I live about 20 minutes from here.And I said,oh are you up in Canton?And he replied yes.I said well I'm up there a lot for band practice and stuff.And he was like oh that's awesome,we'll have to get together sometime and get some extra practice in,tell your parents we'll be stealing you some days other then Mondays real soon.And I smiled and said ok.I didn't want to get out of his car but I knew I had too.I apologized for making him go out of his way to take me home,and he said oh it wasn't too far.I finally said bye,and he said see ya next week darling.And let me say,that was the most amazing car ride of my life!He is such a sweetheart,and good looking,and amazing.Oh and I forgot to mention,a song came on the radio that we both knew,and we were singing it together.It was nice.I had been too shy for about a whole month to ask him if he came down here often,and I finally did it.Wow.I know I have more to do too.It can't end there.I have to get somewhere with him.

Tyler got a nice thank you,for his wonderful advice too.I'm going to start a thing called "Ask Tyler" where people send me emails asking for advice,and me and Tyler help give it.Need advice?Send your problem to my email : secretbolivargrl@aol.com . I'll post advice either in these blogs,if that's ok with you,or I'll email it back to you.Whichever,and it can be anonymous.

Ok!That being said,I think I'll put some quotes and some more random stuff about how I'm feeling lately.

Forgive me if I st-stutter
From all of the clutter in my head
Cuz I could fall asleep in those eyes
Like a water bed
Do I seem familiar, I've crossed you in hallways
a thousand times, no more camouflage
I want to be exposed, and not be afraid to fall.

I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
And cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
You always want what you can't have
But I've got to try
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will
For you
-Teddy Geiger.

This is the story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done & Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody, when Nobody did what Anybody could of done.

but love, I've come to understand,
is more than three words mumbled
at the end of a goodbye. love is sustained by
action, a pattern of devotion in the
things we do for each other every day.

Shes a daydreamer. Everyone can see that.
But what they don't see, is her dreams.

You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll
find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty
yesterdays. I don't know about you, but I'd
like to make today worth remembering.
--» Harold Hill, the Music Man

Love; an attempt to change a piece
of the dream world into reality.

What you see depends on what you're looking for.

Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work.

Don't frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most.

Well,I think that's all the quotes for now.I used to have a quote,that I made myself,"You foolish people with your hopes held so high,only bound to be disappointed"-Me.That was a very dumb quote.:D

Anyways,God has been blessing me more and more everyday.I haven't been this happy...I remember when I thought I loved someone,now I know I was wrong about that too.I still haven't loved someone either(I mean in the way of dating and relationships)I'm not worrying too much about it.I will find someone in time.I really like bdg though,hopefully I get my chance.

-Christina aka Wolf.

1 comment:

  1. wow i liked and u are great at that of my opinion.
