Saturday, March 7, 2009

Completely Random

"You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her."

That quote is simply amazing.I've been thinking lately.You know when you meet someone,and think they aren't too attractive at first?But then you get to know them and they have the most amazing personality,and they become that much more good looking.Or,when you meet someone who is amazingly attractive,and you get to know them and they turn out to be a jerk,and they don't seem as attractive as they did before.So true indeed.

"Don’t waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window — or break down a door."

I think I'll be breaking a door down very,very soon:)

"Love is when you jump blindly over a pit without thinking about it because if you think too long, you know you won’t do it. When you jump, you may fall or you may be caught in the arms of the one you love the most."

"you have to put up with a little rain to get to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."

"Wake up in the morning
Get to living my life
Making sure that Im all that I can be
Went to church on Sunday
There was a moment that came
I swear it was like the Lord spoke right to me

So now I'm slowing it down and I'm looking around
And I'm lovin' this town and I'm doing alright
Aint' worried 'bout nothing cept for the (wo)man I wanna be
I'm thinking maybe it's time to be livin' the rhyme
When I'm singing a song about nothing but right
And it'd sure be nice if you would roll with me" -Montgomery Gentry

"All she's ever felt is held back
She says, "It's kinda nice to hear myself laugh"
She's gonna do a lot more of that
She's makin' plans and makin' tracks
She said, "Oh, oh I gotta go and find me"
Oh, oh she found the strength to break free

Like a painted wild mustang
Flyin' out across the open range
Finally gets to live her life that way
No fear, no fences, nobody - no reins"

John 16:33

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Boy is that a good promise^^

Being skinny won't bring you attention, wearing makeup won't make you prettier, dying your hair won't make you cooler, having lots of friends won't bring you trust, smoking or drinking won't bring you respect. It's about who you are, what you do; it's about how you act, if you're trustworthy, if you're loyal.

Life is a highway,I'm gonna ride it all night long.....

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