Monday, March 28, 2011

Woah. Blogger.
I missed you.
Long few days.

Saturday I went to starbucks
and church with some friends.
Had a pretty awesome time.
Sunday I went to church,
and wendy's with dad which
was nice. And then I went to
the mall with friends. Got to have
a little bit of a heart to heart with
a new friend, hopefully helped him
grow closer to God.
Today was fun too. Didn't do a whole
lot. Wendys again though. I'ma be
so fat. But again, I've quit caring =P

Kinda bummed, but I know that
the joy of the Lord is my strength
so I'm cheering up. I know everything
will work out, and for some reason that
keeps me smiling.

Subway hasn't called; who knows
if I have the job or not.

Staying up all night tonight to play video games,
write, watch disney movies, and just jam to music
on my iPod. I'm feeling pretty good about it.

Just praising God through everything,
and doing my best to follow the path He
gives me. Somehow, every little thing is
alright. I wish there was a way to explain it.

Maybe video games at my sisters tomorrow.
Church Wednesday.
After that, I have no idea yet.
But lately plans are happening for me
at the last minute. Keeps things interesting.

I love you all.
I'll do a helpful and/or quote post
tomorrow or later. I'm kinda lazy
right now. ♥

-Ms. Conduit

Friday, March 25, 2011

"What is there to fear when You're beside
me, You are my strength, You're my strong tower."

Oh hey,
I didn't blog yesterday.
My bad. Nothing too
significant happened

So! Tonight golden corral
and laserquest with my bible
study folks. Looking forward
to making some new friends,
then shooting em. =P

I'm doing more than surviving,
I'm living. I'm not striving,
I'm thriving. Because I know
my true source. I can do everything
THROUGH Christ. I give Him my
weakness, He gives me strength.
He gives me the strength, the ability,
the empowerment to do the right thing,
to make the right choices.

In relationships with other people,
when there's problems, you have to work
with what you can control, and that's
yourself. You can't change anyone else.
They choose what they do. You can only
change yourself. And in doing that, you
may inspire someone else to change.

"Heaven meets earth like a beautiful kiss
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest
I don't have time to maintain these regrets
When I think about the way
He loves us
Oh how He loves us
Oh how He loves us
How He loves us so."
-How He Loves

-Ms Conduit

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I woke up happy today.
And generally, if I'm woke up
by texts over and over again
while trying to sleep I don't
wake up happy. But I did.
Awesomely enough,
I woke up at 8:30.
Shocker, I know. That's
like way early for me
on a day that I don't have
to be somewhere early.
But the point is, mcdonalds
was still serving breakfast,
chyeah. ♥ hashbrowns and
bacon,egg,and cheese bagel?
Heck yes.

Besides that, I read my bible.
Talked on the phone. Fretted
about what to wear to my job
interview tomorrow. I settled
for a black button up shirt and
black dress pants. Good enough
for me. My hair is still green,
but I'm sure they'll get over that
fact. I hope.

So, it'll be time to leave for church
here in an hour. But in the meantime,
I'm just drinking coffee and lazing
around. It's a pretty good feeling.

Somehow everything is working out.
Probably because "All things work together
for the good of those who love God, those who
He has called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28?)
I'm called to His purpose. Nothing can get in my
way. It's not always gonna be smooth sailing,
but I'm confident that I can do all things through

So yeah, short rant over.

-Ms. Conduit

p.s. I love you all ♥

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Oh hai there,
guess who has a job interview
at subway Thursday at 9am?
Yes sir, that would be me.
I'm so pumped. Pray that I get
this job. Seriously.
Unless you pray to buddha,
or someone other than Jesus.
Because I only want prayers for
me going to Jesus x)

yeah. I just wanted to
mention this.
I'll do a post later. ♥

-Ms. Conduit

Monday, March 21, 2011

I discovered when I tell bible stories,
I tell them in ghetto talk. No joke.
I have no idea how the bible and ghetto-ness
go together, but it's just how it comes out for
me. x)

But besides that point,
I'm feeling pretty good right
now. Today is good.
The first day in forever that
I've just been able to sit at
home and be lazy. I kinda
don't know what to do with
myself. I'll probably get to work
on those books that I got at
the library Saturday. :]

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
If Rebecca Black
wins an award,
Kanye, you know what
to do."

That Friday song is really getting
annoying. BUT, the jokes are awesome.

"If you think you're too small to have an impact,
try going to bed with a mosquito in the room."

"Beauty is not in the face,
Beauty is a light in the heart."

"She don’t know no lover,
None that I ever seen,
And to her that ain’t nothing
But to me, It means, means everything.

She paints those eyes as black as night now
She pulls those shades down tight
Oh yeah, there’s a smile when the pain comes,
The pain gonna make everything alright, alright yeah"

"Don't tell me I deserve better, unless you intend to give me better."

-Ms. Conduit

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh my gosh.

So I wake up around 9 in
the AM, mhmmm. And after
lazing in bed for a bit, I decide
to go to the library. And it's
a nice day, so I walk. (and pretty
much end up freezing to death.
But that's besides the point.)
Anthony asks what I'm up to,
and I say nothing. So, he wanted
to chill. I was cool with that.
I went to the library, got some
CD's and books, and went back
home. My brother was there
with my dad. Don't see my brother
too often, so I talked to him which
was freakin' awesome. Anywho,
Anthony shows up. We go to subway,
so I can see if they're hiring.
I put in an application, and I'm pretty
sure I have a job, yo. Sure, they haven't
called yet but it's the weekend and I
just put it in a few hours ago. I'm believing
God for this. I claim this job. I do I do.
Anyway, after that stopped at wendy's,
and talked to my sister. Then to the playground.
Then the walking trail. And that's basically
it. But it was all day man. I'm sore from all
the walking, but I am so happy.

Though some things are still foggy,
but I'll figure them out as days go by.
I'm just holding onto my Jesus. ♥

Finally got my SOAP journal.
Er, SOAP =
So basically it's a way to do
daily devotions.
Of course I always do devotions,
but this SOAP thing is so cool.
Today's exactly fit my dilemma for
today. It's like, oh hai there God,
you knew just what I need to hear.
Thanks. ♥

I'm ranting like a doofus,
but it's my blog :P So I'm sorry
if it bothers you.

So yeah.
Phone call; Bed; Church in
the morning. Not sure what
after that. Probably to the mall
after church to eat with folks.
Maybe do a bible study. I'll take
the day as it comes.

"You won't relent until You have it all
My heart is Yours
You won't relent until You have it all
My heart is Yours

I'll set You as a seal upon my heart
As a seal upon my arm
For there is love that is as strong as death
Jealousy demanding as the grave
Many waters cannot quench this love

Come be the fire inside of me
Come be the flame upon my heart
come be the fire inside of me
Until You and I are one"
-Misty Edwards

-Ms. Conduit

Friday, March 18, 2011

Had church today. I was kinda super tired, and didn't feel good.
But I got to see Ivana! ♥ I lurvee her. Tomorrow I don't think I
have much going on. Hoping one of the places I tried to apply
at will call eventually. But it doesn't look so good. /Sigh.
God'll provide. Might pass out church fliers tomorrow.
Church Sunday, and Anthony's coming too. It'll be cool,
showing him my church and such.

I had a really cool moment at church though. So, my Sunday
morning/every other Friday night church, is Pentecostal.
(Girls always wear skirts, don't wear makeup, don't cut their
hair, ect.) I've always worn makeup there, and did whatever
with my hair. I wore jeans there tonight, for the first time in
months. I was feeling out of it tonight, and talking to this young
girl. I was just like "I feel out of place." and she said "Why? because
you're the only girl in jeans?" and I was just like... "actually, no."
and then we talked about how she likes to wear jeans but she feels
like people are judging her. I brought out the whole "what you
wear doesn't change your character/who you are" speech. And
I just felt good. I'm pretty happy about it. I don't care if people
judge me. Church folks shouldn't judge, and I know my church
folk love me regardless. I determine how I feel about myself,
no one else can do that for me.

"Well I found a list of flaws
That I saw in myself and other people
And I threw it away because
Bon voyage

Isn't it nice to know
That the lining is silver
Isn't it nice to know
That we're golden

I found a love in me
I always somehow knew that it existed
It just needed to be set free
Bon Voyage"
-Relient k

-Ms. Conduit

p.s. I love you all. ♥

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Yo blogger,
I'm pretty tired right now.
But I'ma tell you what I
been up to anyway. :)

Today, stuck in two
job apps. Maybe I'll get
one. It'd be awesome.
Just trusting God with
that though.

Hung out with Anthony the
majority of the day. Went for
a walk after putting the job
apps in. Then chilled on my
porch playing guitar and talking
to dad. It's been a prettyyy good

Church tomorrow,
or today rather.
It's 1am. Ha.

There was a poisonous spider
crawling in my hair earlier.
I didn't freak out. I laughed.
But now I keep scratching myself
cause I feel like there's spiders

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty chill.
I had a nice day. And a nice night,
after all the freaking out was done.
I felt sick, and figured the spider
got me. I feel better now. Maybe
I have spiderman powers. We'll
find out. =P

Oh, by the way,
I figured I would announce this.
Josiah is the only one for me.
(After Jesus of course.)
Don't fret kid. I actually used
your name in my post. You're
my favorite.

"Higher than the mountains that I face
Stronger than the power of the grave
Constant in the trial and the change
One thing remains
This one thing, remains

Your love never fails, never gives up,
it never runs out on me
Your love never fails, never gives up,
it never runs out on me

On and on and on and on it goes
It overwhelms and satisfies my soul
And I never, ever, have to be afraid
One thing remains

Your love never fails, never gives up,
it never runs out on me."
-Jesus Culture

It's bedtime blogger.
Better post tomorrow,
might do more quote
posts. If anyone cares.

-Ms. Conduit

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quote post :)

I haven't done a quote post in a while.
And lately I've found a lot of quotes.
So here you go.
Learn four new things everyday:
something about yourself,
something about the people you love,
something about the world,
and something about a stranger.

You can’t live your life for other people.
You’ve got to do what’s right for you,
even if it hurts some people you love.
~The Perks of Being a Wallflower

You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by. It's actions, not words, that matter.

If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it.
If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.
If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.

I love that moment. When you're on a long car ride, or listening to music, or reading. And you completely zone out. You forget your troubles, and everyone around you. You're focused on that one thing, and that one thing only. You're content, and everything seems peaceful.

Oh, it's church time.
Louis is coming again :)
See you, blogger.

-Ms. Conduit

p.s. I love you all ♥

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

So, I decided to change my background on here.
I couldn't find one I really liked, so I just settled
for this one. Not that it really matters, as I've
said before; what's important is how fancy the
writing is, not what it's written on.

"Gravity don't mean too much to me
Is this our destiny?
This world is after me, after you

Run away like it was yesterday
And we could run away, run away, run away,
Run away from here."

I don't have much to say right now,
today I'm just lazing around instead of going
to zumba. Voice lessons are Thursday this
week. So I'm gonna watch a movie.

-Ms. Conduit

Monday, March 14, 2011

"And you give me this feeling
It's like no other feeling
But it knocks me off my feet

Please don't ask me what I like about you
Cause it's every little thing you do
And that's just the way you make me feel"
-Fm static

Oh hi.
I don't think you know how
amazing you are.

So blogger,
I apologize for my absence.
I've been sorta busy.
And not really in the mood
to blog. But I'm baaack!
So, be happy.
Or annoyed,
but still.

I remember saying a while back,
"So many people marveled at what
Jesus said and did. They all tried to bring
Him down, and get Him to say or do the
wrong thing and He never did. They
would then marvel at him. I want
to be like Jesus. I want people to marvel
at the things I say."
Well, yesterday at church I heard
one of the most awesome things ever.

"When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, “I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”"
Luke 7:9

Jesus MARVELED. He, the savior of the world, MARVELED at a mere man.

"The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered them to be stripped and beaten with rods. After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully. When he received these orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose." Acts 16:22-26

When we live by faith, and praise God through trials, messes, temptations, and all kinds of suffering, He MARVELS at us. When God marvels at us, the prison doors open. The chains are broken. But it takes perseverance. We have to praise Him, we have to live by faith, we
have to serve Him even when we're persecuted for it. Then He blesses us. Then He sets us
free from the prisons we're trapped in.

Bottom line,
I wanted people to marvel at the things
I say. Then when I heard this, I was amazed.
God could marvel at me. That's exponentially more
important than a simple person marveling at me.
I have to live by faith. I have to do my best.
I want God to marvel at me.
I want to be free.

-Ms. Conduit

Friday, March 11, 2011

So, bible study tonight was awesome.
Hands down. I have the coolest God ever.
Just sayin'. Met someone who's been on
my facebook friends list forever but never
met.. She's gonna come to bible study
next time. Heck yeah!
Oh. my gosh.
Mocha cookie crunch?
Deliciousness yo.

Tonight was amazing.
I'll post notes later because
my notebook is downstairs
and I'm kinda lazy
right now because I'm tired
and have to stay up doing

Tomorrow, mall with some awesome folks ♥
Soooooo freaking excited. It's gonna rock.
My sisters coming along too. Didn't see that
one coming.

Bottom line;
1. God rocks.
2. I made some awesome friends.
3. See some people I love
4. Coffee makes me loco.
5. I'm going to start talking
more positively and cut the
and stupid
out of my vocabulary.
6. All that bummed me
out yesterday disappeared this
"Though the sorrow may last for
the night, joy cometh in the morning"
-the bible.
7. I'm way too hyper right now.
8. I love you all. Really, I do.
Don't be afraid to chat with me if you
need anything. If you need my email
just leave a comment and I'll add it
in my next post.
I ♥ you =P

-Ms. Conduit

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"I just can't get you off my mind, and why would I even try?
Even when I close my eyes, I dream about you all the time.
'Cause I just always wanna have you right here by my side.
The future's near but never certain, so please stay here for just tonight."
-Chase Coy

-Ms. Conduit
So, though I should be cleaning...
I find myself here on blogger. This happens
way too often. But that's besides the

I invited a guy to church yesterday.
Well, I mean I invited him to yesterdays
service, I invited him like a week ago.
But yeah. So I'm all texting him, waiting
for him to show up.. and he says "I can't.
I'm too nervous. I'm shy. What if this this
and this happens. I'm sorry."
And I'm just like..
Lawl. It's church, nothing bad will happen.
Good things will happen! My church folks don't
bite! So, I talked him into coming. Though
he got lost and was a little late.
I was just praying, praying that the sermon
would be what he needed to hear. You see,
he hasn't been to church in years.
And you know what? God came through for me.
It was a WONDERFUL sermon. Very chill, but
convicting. So, he's coming back next week.
Ow ow!
Finally making some progress. Usually people ignore
me or make excuses when I invite them to church.
Thanks God. ♥

So tomorrow night I've got small group bible study.
It'll be my first time at it with this crew, and we're
going to a coffee shop. Apparently your first time with
these folks, they pay for your coffee.♥
I'm down. Coffee is amazing. Free coffee is better.
And along with some Jesus talk, oh yes. Tomorrow's
gonna rock.

I'll be hanging out with some awesome kids.
Not exactly sure what we're doing, but you know
how it is. So excited for that though. ♥♥♥♥

Um.. So yeah.
This is a really boring, irrelevant post
about my coming weekend.

-Ms. Conduit

p.s. I love you all.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New hurr!

Oh hai there,
my hair is blue/green now.

-Ms. Conduit

Monday, March 7, 2011

I just followed a massive amount of blogs on here,
by going to google and typing in random things I liked,
and going to the "pictures".
There, I found all of you awesome people who I decided
to follow.
Not that you'll read this,
but if you got a random follow from me;
you're rad cool.
Just sayin'.

-Ms. Conduit

p.s. I love you all ♥

It's hard sometimes. Sometimes we don't know what to do with our own situations that we're
experiencing. What's worse? We don't know what to do about the situations those we care
about are facing. Things can be perfect one day, and spiral downward the next. It's when you
never see things coming that they really throw you off. If people knew a problem was coming, they would prepare for it. Problems will always be unavoidable. There will always be problems in life, and complications. Some people try to run from their problems. The more you try to avoid them, the worse it gets. Don't be bitter, and don't be surprised when problems come. Because no matter how well you live your life, they're going to come. Happy people understand that, and they learn how to handle problems the right way. Somehow, they learn that they can be happy regardless of the problem. Instead of turning around and running from the problem, they run to it. Because they know that the longer you wait, the worse it's going to get. But they also know this; you don't have to face your problems alone.
No matter who you are, someone loves you. It doesn't even have to be in a romantic way.
Maybe you have a friend that loves you. Someone in your family.
It may not seem like it, but someone will always love you.
If not those people, God will. He's always there, and has the answer to
every single problem. Don't be afraid to ask Him, or someone that cares
for help. People wear themselves out trying to get through life alone.

You never have to go through anything alone.

-Ms. Conduit

It's really not that hard to make me
happy; All I ask for is a cup of coffee
every morning with my ipod on shuffle,
and a sunrise that I can watch whilst sitting
on my porch as cars go by.
It makes me think. When I actually get the
chance to do this, I mean. I'm just sitting
there, enjoying a quiet, happy moment;
while the people whom are driving by are
rushing to get to work, or school, or wherever
their schedules take them. I don't ever want
to live by a schedule. It ruins a lot of the simpler
moments that people need to get them by.
That's why everyone is so stressed.

Don't let the sadness of your past or the
fear of your future ruin the happiness of your

Don't let your surroundings change you,
Change your surroundings.

Oh shoot, spice of life tomorrow and I offered
to do devotions. I should go prepare something.

-Ms. Conduit

Saturday, March 5, 2011

"I rock too fast for love I’m footloose in my Velcro shoes."

I keep realizing more often lately, that I'm the
"I'll do it myself" type of person. I've always been
that way, but it seems I'm noticing it more lately.
I'll do it myself, I'll take care of myself.
What is the deal with that?

-Ms. Conduit

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm on my way to a positive attitude,
One day, one book, and one sermon at a time.

So, I'm reading tons of John Maxwell stuff
now. And I feel pretty darn great.

I downloaded 425 sermon podcasts today
for my iPod /facepalm. I know, I know.
That's a lot. But I figure, each one is like,
30-45 minutes long.. So, I can listen to
preaching while I'm doing stuff. It's definitely
awesome. I'm really excited.

I just want to be equipped with the right stuff.
I wanna have what it takes to not mess up all the time,
to follow Christ, to do the right thing, to encourage
others, to be joyful in the midst of trials.
And to be honest, I'm doing so much better with
that kind of stuff. But there's always gonna be room
for improvement, so why not keep trying?

For every particular human need there is a particular
supernatural resource. For every definite problem there
is a definite answer. For every hurt there is a cure.
For every weakness there is a strength. For every
confusion there is guidance.

"The Lord's eyes scan the whole world to find those whose
hearts are committed to Him and to strengthen them."
2 Chronicles 16:9

The purpose of prayer is to change. When we pray, asking God
to change a situation, He usually begins with us.

-Ms. Conduit

Some people are the biggest hypocrites.
But I honestly am not here to judge people.
I'm here to blog.

You know what I absolutely love?
When you do the right thing, even though
it's killing you inside and you want to do
something else, but in the future it would
of been the worst idea.
I'm proud of myself. It kinda was saddening,
but now I'm seeing the bright future ahead.

Since we are surrounded by so many examples of faith, we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially sin that distracts us. We must run the race that lies ahead of us and never give up. We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith. He saw the joy ahead of him, so he endured death on the cross and ignored the disgrace it brought him. Then he received the highest position in heaven, the one next to the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2

There is joy ahead, regardless of your situation now.
Keep doing the right thing and you will receive your reward.
It'll be worth every moment of misery.
God will take the misery away, and in return give
you a ministry. Press through. Keep trying.
Don't quit. Get rid of every sin that so easily slows
you down, every weight. Give it all to God.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, and you'll see this
world for what it is. Above all, don't lose heart.
Jesus conquered the world already. ♥

I'm excited about life. I really am.
Things change so fast, and we're all scared
of change. But without change we'll never

What really matters is what happens in us,
not to us.

There is no security on this earth,
there is only opportunity.

Remember; others can stop you temporarily,
but you are the only one who can do it permanently.

We always have a number of opportunities in our hand.
We must decide whether to take a risk and act on them.
Nothing in life causes more stress,yet at the same time provides
more opportunity for growth, than new experiences.

Oh hai,
John Maxwell is pretty much amazing.
Random trip to the library to get all of
his books? I think yes.

I waited up for a phone call,
and then I remembered it wasn't coming.

-Ms. Conduit

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oh hai thur, March.
I will now proceed to wear green for
the rest of this month.
(But really, probably not.)

So, I started off this month quite well I must
say. Woke at 6am, after having 5 hours of sleep.
Went to Curves to do zumba. Walked to the gas
station before zumba and grabbed a cappuccino.
I ended up doing zumba twice. I had the option
of that, or sitting there while I waited for my
voice lessons teacher to finish. So I did it twice.
Never. Again.
Voice lessons were amusing.
"Lets try this voice exercise, "peepeepopapee""-Heather
"Pee... pee poopa... lolsnort"-Me
"Lol, how about "oh how I love to sing" instead?"-Heather
"Good idea."-Me
Immaturity for the win? lolwut.
After voice lessons, I went out to eat with
the lovely, Gloria. Missed her ever so much.
And the hot fudge brownie sundae was pretty
delicious too. After that I mosied about at goodwill,
to no avail. Made it home... and ended up walking.
Somehow, I then ended up at my sisters. And we
went shopping. And had starbucks and breadsticks
for dinner. Yus, I know I'ma get fat. I can live with it.
So, now that that long day is done and over..
lets bring on tomorrow?
I'd love some church ♥


-Ms. Conduit