Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I woke up happy today.
And generally, if I'm woke up
by texts over and over again
while trying to sleep I don't
wake up happy. But I did.
Awesomely enough,
I woke up at 8:30.
Shocker, I know. That's
like way early for me
on a day that I don't have
to be somewhere early.
But the point is, mcdonalds
was still serving breakfast,
chyeah. ♥ hashbrowns and
bacon,egg,and cheese bagel?
Heck yes.

Besides that, I read my bible.
Talked on the phone. Fretted
about what to wear to my job
interview tomorrow. I settled
for a black button up shirt and
black dress pants. Good enough
for me. My hair is still green,
but I'm sure they'll get over that
fact. I hope.

So, it'll be time to leave for church
here in an hour. But in the meantime,
I'm just drinking coffee and lazing
around. It's a pretty good feeling.

Somehow everything is working out.
Probably because "All things work together
for the good of those who love God, those who
He has called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28?)
I'm called to His purpose. Nothing can get in my
way. It's not always gonna be smooth sailing,
but I'm confident that I can do all things through

So yeah, short rant over.

-Ms. Conduit

p.s. I love you all ♥

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