Friday, March 11, 2011

So, bible study tonight was awesome.
Hands down. I have the coolest God ever.
Just sayin'. Met someone who's been on
my facebook friends list forever but never
met.. She's gonna come to bible study
next time. Heck yeah!
Oh. my gosh.
Mocha cookie crunch?
Deliciousness yo.

Tonight was amazing.
I'll post notes later because
my notebook is downstairs
and I'm kinda lazy
right now because I'm tired
and have to stay up doing

Tomorrow, mall with some awesome folks ♥
Soooooo freaking excited. It's gonna rock.
My sisters coming along too. Didn't see that
one coming.

Bottom line;
1. God rocks.
2. I made some awesome friends.
3. See some people I love
4. Coffee makes me loco.
5. I'm going to start talking
more positively and cut the
and stupid
out of my vocabulary.
6. All that bummed me
out yesterday disappeared this
"Though the sorrow may last for
the night, joy cometh in the morning"
-the bible.
7. I'm way too hyper right now.
8. I love you all. Really, I do.
Don't be afraid to chat with me if you
need anything. If you need my email
just leave a comment and I'll add it
in my next post.
I ♥ you =P

-Ms. Conduit

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