Monday, February 28, 2011

Tonight, I went outside to get the mail, and
noticed the stars were really bright tonight.
I'm talking like, BAM! Right there in the sky,
thousands of stars. I just kinda stood there in
awe, letting the beauty take my breath away.

And in doing so, I got to thinking. I used to
lay beneath the stars a lot. I would always think
of one thing.
"Who else is staring at these same stars, thinking
the same thing that I am? Hoping to find destiny,
and hope and someone to love in this crazy world."

Anyway, just a random thought because I felt like
starting off with something clever instead of my ridiculous

But now, I will share my schedule, for whatever reason.
Tomorrow I've got zumba dance class in the morning,
and right after I have voice lessons. At 11:30 I'm going
out to lunch with an old friend. Then, I have to kill time
before zumba again. Unless I can get home. But I doubt
that. I'll probably just shop around or something.

"Yes sir you came and you took my breath
My head is feeling a little light
All right, I hope that you feel it too." -He is We

Not in much of a huge blogging mood right now.
I'll post something better later.

-Ms. Conduit

P.s. I'm doing fine.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Rant and a song I wrote ♥

So, literally 5 minutes ago I wrote this song. I really just am speechless.

Most people are always saying they love God. I've always been one of those people.

But then some random preacher will come out of nowhere and say,

"That's all fine and dandy that you love God, and it's a good start.

But you have to FALL IN LOVE with God." A few months ago, I started thinking

about this. I thought I was in love with God. But think about it. We get all giddy,

sappy, and somewhat stupid when we like someone. Our thoughts surround this

person, you think your heart might burst, when you see them you get tingly and

feel like jumping up and down like a total idiot, you catch yourself doodling their

name, if you're like me you even write songs about them. Somehow, you're so amazed,

by a simple human being. And you get distracted by them. You'll get a text from them,

and stop whatever you're doing to check it. You'll fall out of your chair when they

comment one of your pictures giving you a compliment. And oh, if they dare to give

you a hug, you'll never forget that moment. You'll relive it a thousand times a

thousand, and it'll never get old. Why am I saying this?

Well you see, my point is this; We need to be this way about God.

A simple human being, getting all this glory, we should multiply it, and be that

way about God. Think of this, if you've ever been a giddy, sappy idiot over someone,

God created that person. God. Created. Them. And get this, that person will fail you.

Maybe not right now, maybe not tomorrow, but they will fail you and disappoint you

at some point in time. But God, the one who's always trying to get your attention,

who is constantly singing over you, who thinks you're absolutely amazing and says

so, who's presence is surrounding you like an invisible hug.. He will never fail you.

In thinking about this, over the past few months, I've started to understand it.

I've started to fall in love with God. I've gotten caught up in worship songs while

listening to my iPod, and people might look at me funny; but I don't care. I'm distracted

by the One I love. My first love, the one who I've built my life around, and someday

I'll be with Him. I don't care if people think I'm talking to myself when I'm praying in the

store, or while walking down the street, or if they realize I'm praying. I want to

talk to the One I love. About everything. Every single little thing, no matter how

simple or insignificant it may seem. He cares about it. Because He loves me.

More than my mere human mind can comprehend. And I just have to sing about it.

Because I'm in love. And my heart is filled to bursting, because it is truly the most

amazing feeling.

The Love Song by: Christina Shumard

The most deserving of everything I could be

The one who believes in me when I'm just hopelessly

Trying to live up to the expectations of everyone

Trying to keep the pace, when it's already done

You planned my destiny

Through my mistakes you see the best in me

So here I am, here I am

Before your throne I stand

Why you would choose to love me I'm not sure

But you're all I've ever wanted and so much more

You make my heart beat

You sweep me off my feet

You take me away

Into your everlasting peace

I don't know why it took me so long

You're all I've needed, this love is so strong

It's not much, but Jesus I'll sing You this love song

You've taken my mistakes Traded them in for a new day

To wake up to the glory of your face

You saved my life, when you took my place

You're always there, Your love casting out my fear

In your arms is where I belong

It's where I'll stay, singing Your love songs

So here I am, here I am

Before your throne I stand

Why you would choose to love me I'm not sure

But you're all I've ever wanted and so much more

You make my heart beat

You sweep me off my feet

You take me away

Into your everlasting peace

I don't know why it took me so long

You're all I've needed, this love is so strong

It's not much, but Jesus I'll sing You this love song

I will I will, sing to You

No matter what the world tries to do

You're always the one to bring me through

I'll hold on, hold on to what's true

And Lord, I'll always sing to You

You don't know me.

So all I can really think to say
about all that's happened this
weekend is "Lolwut?"

The first night of conference was
amazing. Then everything went
downhill. No joke.

So, I didn't get to go yesterday.
But I watched the 7pm service
live online. And it was amazing.

I'm just chilling in my room with
headphones on, joining in with the praise
and worship... my mom comes in my room,
looks at me funny, grabs her papers and
leaves. xD

Anyway, I'm going to watch today's service
at 2:30pm. So, I suppose it'll almost make
up for missing it.

Good try, satan. But it didn't work.
I dare you to try again. Dare you.
I'm not gonna be brought down.

God will take you out of your misery,
and turn it into a ministry.
God will take your mess, and turn it
into a message.
God will take your test, and turn it
into a testimony.
Because that's just what He does.

You may think there are some things
that have died in your life.
Your happiness, passions, dreams, hopes,
plans... But they aren't dead.
They're just sleeping. You have to wake
them up, stir them up inside of you,
and feed them. Whatever you feed grows.
So make sure you're feeding the right

When you stir up water enough,
it becomes a whirlpool and everyone
around gets caught up in it.
Faith is the same way, you gotta
stir it up and get that momentum going.

We always wait for someone else to do
something. Someone else to speak a word
over our life. We wait for our pastors, and
our youthleaders to do something. When
we ourselves hold the key. You gotta take
action. Nothing just happens, you gotta
stir it up.

Jesus isn't the key to never having another
problem in your life, He's the key to solving
the problems in your life.

Does your faith dictate your circumstances,
or do your circumstances dictate your faith?

God's word tells you who you are.
You have to know who you are.

When satan or circumstances are trying to
come against you, just show them how
crazy you are. A little bit of intimidation,
and they will run off.
When they see they can't shake you,
and that you're not gonna let it happen,
they'll be amazed.
satan doesn't know you. Throw God's
truth in his face.

I'm not defined by what people say about me,
I'm defined by what God's word says about
The bible doesn't just tell you who you are,
it tells you who He is. And that's so much
more important. He makes up for all that
I lack. He makes up for my mistakes
and my imperfections.

Faith isn't about WHAT you know,
it's about WHO you know.

Hope prevailed is always worth the
wait. My God makes the impossible,

-Ms. Conduit

(p.s. this post is very random because
I wrote some of the notes down that I
took during conference whilst watching
online. I just added some of my own

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Alright guys,
lucifer, (AKA satan, and yes, I'm aware I didn't
capitalize his name. He doesn't deserve that.)
has been attacking my friends lately.
He's been throwing so many unexpected
tough situations at them, and it's affecting me
too. Because generally I worry more about
my friends than I do myself. That is both a
good, and a bad thing. So everyone is running
around, freaking out, worrying about everything.
How they're gonna have the money to do this,
how they're gonna fix this, how they're gonna
figure out what God has for them, so many
things. I've let myself worry a little bit, and
that's bad. I was doing good for a while at not
worrying, but now, so many things are happening.

But I've been thinking. (a scary thing for me to do sometimes)
No matter what happens, no matter what we lose..
We'll still have God. I know, kind of a lame thing to say
to cheer someone up. But think about it, the creator of
the universe. Even if we lose everything we have, the
people we love, we still have God. He never leaves us.

"If you take everything,
Lord I'll still have you
When my friends walked away,
Lord I ran to you
Your mercy endureth forever and a day
Because you're real and I can feel,
That you're gonna make a way"
-Coffey Anderson

So, people, we need to let go of our worries.
If we're worrying, we're not really trusting God.
We have to let go of our concerns to truly see
how amazing He is.

"God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in times of trouble.
That is why we are not afraid
even when the earth quakes
or the mountains topple into the depths of the sea.
Water roars and foams,
and mountains shake at the surging waves.

Let go of your concerns!
Then you will know that I am God.
I rule the nations.
I rule the earth. "
Psalm 46:1-3; 10

After letting go of our worries,
we can see God in all His truth and righteousness.
We can prepare to fight against the enemy
who comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
But to do this, we've gotta put on the
armor of God.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." Ephesians 6:10-17

This must be done everyday, or satan will kick us while
we're down and make us feel like failures. We are more than
overcomers when we have God.

So relax,
trust God
Put on His armor
Kick satans teeth in
follow the truth
lead others to the truth
love everyone
don't worry
and be joyous.

God loves you, and so do I.(I'm not creepy)
and there's nothing you can do about it.

-Ms. Conduit

love is red conference tonight-Saturday.
Heck. Yes.
probably won't blog much.
But I'll have tons more bible stuff
when I do.

I met my sisters boyfriend today.
He's nice. Except he hasn't played
kingdom hearts ever. Heretic.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rah rah ♥

Oh hai thur blogger.
I'm really tired right now.

So, I guess I'm now the guitarist
for a girl who lives in Wyoming.
She's a singer, her guitarist quit on
her, and I'm super girl.
(p.s.; that last part really is true)
I told her I'd do it. So, here's how it
The first song she wants to do is
a cover. Some random song I've never
heard before, but I listened and played
along with it, and I dig it.
It's really easy too. So, I'll listen
to the song a few more times, get it down,
and record it when I'm not busy.
Then email it to her, she'll add her vocals..
boom. Song.
After that we're gonna do a song she
wrote. I get credit as a guitarist :3

I have to be up at
6am. /sigh.
Zumba and voice lessons.
That should be it though,
I'm not in the mood for
an all day thing.

"I just wanted to send you a message without any talk of the subject we were on and let you know that I have HUGE respect and admiration for you. The way you type and express your opinion without totally losing control shows so much more control than people have. You're truly one of the most respectable and wonderful people I've met." -shall not be named*

I really, really love to get messages like this. It's so encouraging for what I
do. I share my views, encourage others, and give advice. But most people think
I'm some judgmental "holier than thou" type of girl. I'm not, I swear.
Heck, I'm just like everyone else, I'm just trying to do my best.
It makes me happy to know that there are others out there who care,
and have respect for people who deserve it. I ♥ you all.

"I pour out myself
All that I am
You love me so much
That you fill me again
And may these words on my heart, on my lips
Somehow mean so much more than this

Jesus, I pray
Know what I'm trying to say

All that I have
I lay before
With my pride on the floor
'Cause to you less is more
All that I have
I lay before
With my pride on the floor
Cause to you less is more"
-Relient K

Life has been epic lately.
But never, will I ever let it become
about me. All glory forever goes
to my first love, Jesus Christ. ♥

"Proverbs 24:14
Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. "

-Ms. Conduit
"The more I see of American Idol, the more I think
you can make it! CONFIDENCE!"-Ken
"Me? Why me?"-Me
"See.. no confidence.
Cause you're different and they like
"Well I don't want to be famous haha."-Me
"Well I WANT you to. Just think about the
testimony you would bring." -Ken
"Someone I know went twice to audition and never
got to because there were too many people anyway."-Me
"Listen to me. IT TAKES PATIENCE! And perserverence.
Just saying that I think you got it babe."-Ken
"I don't know about that. If you take me I'll do it."-Me
"We'll count on it. We'll split the first million."-Ken
"Haha okay!"-Me
"Now I am SERIOUS. When I get home I'm checking
it out." -Ken
"We'll see what happens lol."-Me
"Ok dokey, I'm excited. I love you pretty girl."-Ken

Okay, seriously? I love Ken and Carol.
They can't move to Florida if Ken really wants
to take me to audition for American idol.
I don't think I'd make it, but it'd be fun for the
heck of it.

today is the only day I'm not doing anything
this week. It's weird. You know, going from
"Ughh I never do anything." To being nonstop.
Tomorrow is zumba(dance) and voice lessons
which I started last Thursday. (haha, maybe that'll
help me make it on American idol.)
Wednesday... Is church. Church party thing at
faith family with Anthony.
Love is red conference, also with Anthony.
I'm pretty excited. It should be fun.
God's gonna touch peoples hearts and whatnot.
That's always great.

I kinda don't know what to do with myself now.
I'm out of it. It's weird to be at home now. =P
I was thinking again of going to apply at the diner..
But I don't feel like it. So whatever. I'll do it
eventually. xD

shower time. I'm going to cover a song
for youtube (still don't know which one)
and then... I don't know what.
Soo yeah. ♥

-Ms. Conduit

Saturday, February 19, 2011

"You know what I don't like?"-Shatosha
"Wait what?"-Shatosha
"Lawl. You don't like me?" -Me
"What no! I do like you.
You're awesome!"-Shatosha
"Yay for making friends!"-Ted


So here we are, watching Ted's niece
together. We find this toy (we're at a church
in the nursery) with like, letters on it.
You press the letter and it says it...
The first thing I did?
"I C U P"
rofl. I see you pee.
Epic. And everytime someone
said something..
Ah, good times. ♥

"Oh. my gosh. A SIT N SPIN!
I'm gonna see if I still can do this." -Me
*spins around on the spinny thing laughing*
"You're so funny. You're so adventurous." -Shatosha
"Most people think I'm a loser. But I could care less.
I do what I think is fun. I'm very random and spontaneous."-Me
"People think you're a loser? I think you're awesome." -Shatosha.
:) ♥

Why yes, I am very random, spontaneous and adventurous.

And oh my word.
I am so sick of getting notifications on facebook from
stupid game requests. It's like "ohmigosh a notification
someone loves me! ohh.. just a game request..." lolwut.
But seriously. I don't play farmville anymore. =P

So, the sun is finally back in Ohio.
And that makes me so indescribably happy
inside. Due to plans for today probably being
completely screwed up, I'm going to go on a walk.
And apply for a job while I'm at it.

I kinda can't wait for church tomorrow.
I really just need some church.
I mean, yeah I have church everyday by myself..
but still.

Somehow, I always come back to this verse;

Trust in the LORD, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
Delight yourself also in the LORD,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light,
And your justice as the noonday.
Psalm 37:3-6

4-Delight yourself also in the Lord and He shall give
you the desires of your heart..

That's NKJV.
The message version, (which I really don't like,
but still check out to see what it says sometimes)
"4-Keep company with God,
get in on the best. "
Keep company with God...
get in on the best?
That right there is truth.
If you just chill with God,
you'll get what you really desire.
What's best for you.
A lot of us think we know what we
desire, but in reality it's just a
temporary desire.
But deep down in our hearts,
there's a God given desire.
The only way to truly be happy.

“ Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.
1 Corinthians 2:9-10

The only way to know what God has planned for
us is to be in on the holy spirit. We've gotta focus
on Him, and have the spirit living inside of us.
Or else we'll just keep chasing the temporary.

-Ms. Conduit

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I need more people to follow on here.
The majority of you are really awesome,
but you don't post enough.

Today was long.
The past 3 days
have been.
I'm far too lazy
to write about them.
Plus I'm like, half
I'm thinking I'm going
to sleep until my phone
If it does.
Either way, I'm tired.
Nap time.

-Ms. Conduit

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines day.
Or, if you prefer;
Happy hallmark making you waste your
money on cards, candy, and teddy bears.
Happy singles awareness day.
Happy I wish I wasn't single day.
Happy this is a stupid holiday and everyone
should let people know how much they care
everyday of the year day.

this year is like..
different for me.
Out of allllllllll of the other
Valentines days I survived
All of them I spent single.
This one? Not a chance :)
way to make my day kid.
Just by being mine. ♥

But besides all this,
there's one love that's far
more important than any

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.

1 John 4:9-12
By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has beheld God at any time; if we love one another, God abides in us, and His love is perfected in us.

Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 8:37-39
But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

1 John 3:1
See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God; and such we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.

God's love.
His love for us,
Our love for Him.
He should always
be everyone's first
love. But so often,
people forget that.
And that's one of
the worst things you
can do. Why?

"Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have forgotten your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent." Revelation 2:4-5

Anyway, I don't know.
and one more thing.
Because this is so typical
for Valentines day, and so
love related...

"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13

-Ms. Conduit

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chillaxe man.
Every little thing, is gonna be alright.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Oh hai thur!

Lets go over some things, shall we?
-I am.
-I am not.
-I will.
-I do.
-I won't.

I am.
I am a christian.
I am loyal.
I am a bookworm.
I am a good friend.
I am trustworthy.
I am a winner.
I am a coffee addict.
I am a writer.
I am a singer.
I am a musician.
I am a blogger.
I am a lyricist.
I am a holy roller.
I am smart.
I am overly nice.
I am different.
I am unique.
I am a dork.
I am hilarious.
I am random.
I am a Grammar Nazi.
I am human.
I am hard to understand.
I am Christina.

I am not.
I am not stupid.
I am not a conformist.
I am not above making mistakes.
I am not perfect.
I am not too good.
I am not a complainer.
I am not dramatic.
I am not foolish.
I am not naive.
I am not what you expect.
I am not as intimidating as I seem.
I am not a failure.
I am not a mistake.
I am not worthless.
I am not an object to be used.
I am not like anyone else.
I am not what the world wants me to be.

I will.
I will be your friend til the day I die.
I will make mistakes.
I will fix them.
I will do the right thing when it comes down to it.
I will be who I am.
I will do what I was destined to.
I will wear what I want.
I will eat as much as I want.
I will be okay with who I am.
I will not let other people bring me down.
I will not lose hope.
I will be just fine.

I do.
I do what makes me happy. (most of the time)
I do blog too much.
I do spend most of my time at home.
I do wish I went out more.
I do want clap on clap off lights.
I do love to play video games in the dark.
I do love starbucks.
I do love starwars.
I do love kingdom hearts.
I do drink more coffee than water.
I do need to do something about that.
I do love to play guitar.
I do write songs about everything.
I do love everyone.
I do enjoy looking at the stars.
I do enjoy bright colors.
I do love Jesus above all else.
I do think too much for my own good.
I do believe in eternity.

I won't.
I won't be used due to my overly niceness.
I won't let people walk over me.
I won't be fooled.
I won't let my mind be changed.
I won't let people make me into what they want.
I won't let my heart be broken.
I won't be a copy.
I won't let my time become wasted.
I won't. I just won't.

I guess lately, I'm just letting who I am come out.
Cliche' of course, but you know. I don't want to be walked
on. I don't want to be kicked when I'm down.
I'm tired of people using me.

"Christina earned the power of self-respect."

-Ms. Conduit
Something seems strange about tonight.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Let me introduce myself,
I'm all smiles.
You may know me as a former ‘most love only last a while.’
Pessimistic, so realistic,
You get the picture.
I met you now my world is so much bigger.
-He is We

Today, my sister and I hung out.
It was the first time in a while.
Which was really cool.
I mean, we didn't do much.
She came over here and played
around on the computer and we talked
a bit, and I showed her some stuff.
Then we went to mcdonalds,
and had a 'sister moment'
where we both did the same dorky
thing at the same time.
And then after we got mcdonalds went
to her place. Then we watched some
TV. Played some video games.
I dunno. Nothing fancy. But it was
just cool, hanging out with my
sister. I'm glad.

Anyway, other than that today was pretty
bland. I meant to record some music but I
was far too lazy.
I've been honest more than usual lately,
and maybe that scares me.
Or maybe, just maybe it's a smart thing
to do.

Patience is not a common trait of mine,
Oh but for you I'll try,
I said for you I'll try. ♥

-Ms. Conduit

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Conflicting emotions, a war inside of me
I'm a mess I admit, but I'm what you'll never be.

Today was good.
Very good.
Recorded some music.
Talked to some people.
Got lots of confidence
boosters haha ily people.
Went to church with Anthony.
Which was AWESOME.
They give you a free milkshake
the first time you go there.
Church was great.
Praise and worship, powerful.
Sermon, convicting.
Fellowship, suhweet.
Being around people makes
me so happy sometimes.
Driving around just to talk more
was fun too. I love having those
people that I just can talk about God
The people I talk to, hardly bring God
up. It's not that they don't want to,
it's just... other things come up I guess.
But how could you not wanna talk about
the creator of the universe?
I mean come on people!
Lets talk about God!
The one who gave us things to talk about!
The one who created the people we love!
He's amazing.
Anyway, I had a lot of fun.
A lot. There were some really cool people
Stalkerrrrr, lolwut?

Great day,
thanks God.

-Ms. Conduit

Monday, February 7, 2011

Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And everything you do,
Yeah they were all yellow.

Why I love Christ:

I am a sinner and He is my Savior.
I am foolish and He is my wisdom.
I am unholy and He is my holiness.
...I am weak and He is my strength.
I am in bondage and He is my redemption.
I am lost and He is my salvation.
I am prone to sin and He keeps me from evil.
Because of Christ, I am completely forgiven, fully pleasing, totally accepted, deeply loved, and complete in Him." -Kirk Cameron

I planned to work on a new musical a few weeks ago.
I think I'm gonna start working on that again. Maybe.
Inspiration isn't really around lately, at least not for
the story I had in mind. Maybe I'll make a different one.

I am so happy.
New friends.
New songs.
New creation in Christ.
I'm becoming what
I want to be.
Although I'm a wreck sometimes,
it's just who I am.
No one is going to take that
away from me.

-Ms. Conduit

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Oh hai thur, good day. Please
happen again?

So, I woke up.
Extremely tired.
Went to church.
Guest pastor preached.
Twas awesome.
End times sermon.
Love it. :)
Scared some people,
got me all excited cause
Jesus is coming back for
me soon ♥

Pops and I went out to eat at Shoney's.
It was okay. Mostly was just nice to be able
to talk.

Went home.
Changed clothes.
Talked on the phone.

Then went to Cathedral for super bowl
party with Anthony. Ha. We talked the whole
time. Which was awesome. Because I really
don't like football to be honest. We talked about
God and whatnot. :) It was neat. And, I got to meet
the 'lil lady my bro Ted likes. I approve. She's cute/

Some random girl told me I'm so pretty. To which
I looked behind me, looked back at her, pointed at
myself enthusiastically and said "ME?!" xD
It made my day. It's a shock when people say things
like that to me randomly haha.

I miss you. /sigh.

-Ms. Conduit

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Oh, hai thur house,
I'm never leaving you again.

But really, I have to leave
you for church in the morning.

Back in Ohio, safe and sound.
After everything that could go
wrong did, anyway.
Too lazy to type now.
I'll tell you about it later.

-Ms. Conduit

Friday, February 4, 2011

New sequiny dress, and some sparkles?
Oh heck yes. ♥

Todays been weird. But it's been good.
It's great to know that I'm going back to
Ohio tomorrow. I'm so happy. Soo

I've wrote two songs, and a poem while
here. Which is kind of a surprise. I didn't
figure I'd have time/inspiration to write..
But it just kinda happened. So, I guess that's
pretty cool.

Home. You never realize how much you're
gonna miss it til you're gone. You go to get
away thinking, "Oh, I can escape my problems
if only for a little while." Those problems are
gonna be there waiting for you when you
get back. And then you think, "Oh. Crap."
Thankfully, I left no problems at home.
It just seems that now that I'm gone, everyone
wants to see me. People who otherwise don't
talk to me. I guess it's just a little weird.
I don't know, I guess I'm rambling and making
no sense. It's what I'm best at?

Montgomery Gentry.
"What do ya think about that."
Been in my head for about
a week now.
"I was here first, this is my piece of dirt,
and you're ramblin' don't rattle me."
Best. Line. Ever.
Yes, it's irrelevant.
But everything I post is.

I've been reading Psalms over and over
again. And David summed it up for me.
Psalms 16:2
"I said to the Lord,
“You are my Lord. Without you, I have nothing good.”

Before I ever read that, I was thinking. My whole
life revolves around God. Church, bible studies, heck,
God's my best friend. I mean, He's the only one who's
always there to listen. He's given me all that I have.
He's given me my talents and abilities. He's blessed
me. And I was thinking, what if I didn't know God?
What would I be? What would I be doing with my
life? He is my life. And I love that I can say that.
Without Him, I would truly have nothing good.
He is everything to me. He's the reason behind basically
everything that I do. And it's just so mind boggling to
think about. I don't know how people live their lives
without Him. If I didn't have Him, I would have
nothing. Literally.

So yeah, ramblin' done.

-Ms. Conduit

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I am such a doofus sometimes.
So here I am walking through the Texas mall all by
myself, and those people in the middle of the mall
start attacking me putting lotions on my hands and
makeup on me.
The makeup girl said she'd give me a special deal
"just for me." (yeah right, she says that to everyone)
two eyeshadows for $20. Well, all I had on me was $21.
I said I'd think about it. After walking around I let her talk
me into it. (after shaking off the lotion guy who massaged
my hand and said I'm cute, rofl! anything to make money,
eh?) I bought two eyeshadows. Then found a dress, for $16
on sale. It was amazing. So, I tried to take the eyeshadows
back. NO REFUND! What? I'm such a sucker.
But on the bright side, I got more cashola, and tomorrow morning
hopefully the dress is still there. ♥

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is passing
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be
praised. Proverbs 31:30

I swear, those mall people are crazy though.
They'll tell you anything to sell you stuff. Like makeup
lady, she said my makeup was beautiful. Ha.

I'm homesick.
As nice as this has
been, home sounds
so good. Saturday
can't get here soon
enough. I'm gonna miss
all these southern folks
though. They're amazing.
And they're bringing my
southern accent back out.
I only have one sometimes.
Now I keep slippin' out "yall".
Oh brother.

I'm tired of people thinking I'm younger
than I am. It's really, really quite sad.

I guess I'm going to lay in my hotel room and
wait for a phone call. Cause I feel kinda bummy
right now.

-Ms. Conduit