Thursday, February 10, 2011

Let me introduce myself,
I'm all smiles.
You may know me as a former ‘most love only last a while.’
Pessimistic, so realistic,
You get the picture.
I met you now my world is so much bigger.
-He is We

Today, my sister and I hung out.
It was the first time in a while.
Which was really cool.
I mean, we didn't do much.
She came over here and played
around on the computer and we talked
a bit, and I showed her some stuff.
Then we went to mcdonalds,
and had a 'sister moment'
where we both did the same dorky
thing at the same time.
And then after we got mcdonalds went
to her place. Then we watched some
TV. Played some video games.
I dunno. Nothing fancy. But it was
just cool, hanging out with my
sister. I'm glad.

Anyway, other than that today was pretty
bland. I meant to record some music but I
was far too lazy.
I've been honest more than usual lately,
and maybe that scares me.
Or maybe, just maybe it's a smart thing
to do.

Patience is not a common trait of mine,
Oh but for you I'll try,
I said for you I'll try. ♥

-Ms. Conduit

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