Thursday, February 3, 2011

I am such a doofus sometimes.
So here I am walking through the Texas mall all by
myself, and those people in the middle of the mall
start attacking me putting lotions on my hands and
makeup on me.
The makeup girl said she'd give me a special deal
"just for me." (yeah right, she says that to everyone)
two eyeshadows for $20. Well, all I had on me was $21.
I said I'd think about it. After walking around I let her talk
me into it. (after shaking off the lotion guy who massaged
my hand and said I'm cute, rofl! anything to make money,
eh?) I bought two eyeshadows. Then found a dress, for $16
on sale. It was amazing. So, I tried to take the eyeshadows
back. NO REFUND! What? I'm such a sucker.
But on the bright side, I got more cashola, and tomorrow morning
hopefully the dress is still there. ♥

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is passing
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be
praised. Proverbs 31:30

I swear, those mall people are crazy though.
They'll tell you anything to sell you stuff. Like makeup
lady, she said my makeup was beautiful. Ha.

I'm homesick.
As nice as this has
been, home sounds
so good. Saturday
can't get here soon
enough. I'm gonna miss
all these southern folks
though. They're amazing.
And they're bringing my
southern accent back out.
I only have one sometimes.
Now I keep slippin' out "yall".
Oh brother.

I'm tired of people thinking I'm younger
than I am. It's really, really quite sad.

I guess I'm going to lay in my hotel room and
wait for a phone call. Cause I feel kinda bummy
right now.

-Ms. Conduit

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