Saturday, February 26, 2011

Rant and a song I wrote ♥

So, literally 5 minutes ago I wrote this song. I really just am speechless.

Most people are always saying they love God. I've always been one of those people.

But then some random preacher will come out of nowhere and say,

"That's all fine and dandy that you love God, and it's a good start.

But you have to FALL IN LOVE with God." A few months ago, I started thinking

about this. I thought I was in love with God. But think about it. We get all giddy,

sappy, and somewhat stupid when we like someone. Our thoughts surround this

person, you think your heart might burst, when you see them you get tingly and

feel like jumping up and down like a total idiot, you catch yourself doodling their

name, if you're like me you even write songs about them. Somehow, you're so amazed,

by a simple human being. And you get distracted by them. You'll get a text from them,

and stop whatever you're doing to check it. You'll fall out of your chair when they

comment one of your pictures giving you a compliment. And oh, if they dare to give

you a hug, you'll never forget that moment. You'll relive it a thousand times a

thousand, and it'll never get old. Why am I saying this?

Well you see, my point is this; We need to be this way about God.

A simple human being, getting all this glory, we should multiply it, and be that

way about God. Think of this, if you've ever been a giddy, sappy idiot over someone,

God created that person. God. Created. Them. And get this, that person will fail you.

Maybe not right now, maybe not tomorrow, but they will fail you and disappoint you

at some point in time. But God, the one who's always trying to get your attention,

who is constantly singing over you, who thinks you're absolutely amazing and says

so, who's presence is surrounding you like an invisible hug.. He will never fail you.

In thinking about this, over the past few months, I've started to understand it.

I've started to fall in love with God. I've gotten caught up in worship songs while

listening to my iPod, and people might look at me funny; but I don't care. I'm distracted

by the One I love. My first love, the one who I've built my life around, and someday

I'll be with Him. I don't care if people think I'm talking to myself when I'm praying in the

store, or while walking down the street, or if they realize I'm praying. I want to

talk to the One I love. About everything. Every single little thing, no matter how

simple or insignificant it may seem. He cares about it. Because He loves me.

More than my mere human mind can comprehend. And I just have to sing about it.

Because I'm in love. And my heart is filled to bursting, because it is truly the most

amazing feeling.

The Love Song by: Christina Shumard

The most deserving of everything I could be

The one who believes in me when I'm just hopelessly

Trying to live up to the expectations of everyone

Trying to keep the pace, when it's already done

You planned my destiny

Through my mistakes you see the best in me

So here I am, here I am

Before your throne I stand

Why you would choose to love me I'm not sure

But you're all I've ever wanted and so much more

You make my heart beat

You sweep me off my feet

You take me away

Into your everlasting peace

I don't know why it took me so long

You're all I've needed, this love is so strong

It's not much, but Jesus I'll sing You this love song

You've taken my mistakes Traded them in for a new day

To wake up to the glory of your face

You saved my life, when you took my place

You're always there, Your love casting out my fear

In your arms is where I belong

It's where I'll stay, singing Your love songs

So here I am, here I am

Before your throne I stand

Why you would choose to love me I'm not sure

But you're all I've ever wanted and so much more

You make my heart beat

You sweep me off my feet

You take me away

Into your everlasting peace

I don't know why it took me so long

You're all I've needed, this love is so strong

It's not much, but Jesus I'll sing You this love song

I will I will, sing to You

No matter what the world tries to do

You're always the one to bring me through

I'll hold on, hold on to what's true

And Lord, I'll always sing to You

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