Saturday, February 26, 2011

You don't know me.

So all I can really think to say
about all that's happened this
weekend is "Lolwut?"

The first night of conference was
amazing. Then everything went
downhill. No joke.

So, I didn't get to go yesterday.
But I watched the 7pm service
live online. And it was amazing.

I'm just chilling in my room with
headphones on, joining in with the praise
and worship... my mom comes in my room,
looks at me funny, grabs her papers and
leaves. xD

Anyway, I'm going to watch today's service
at 2:30pm. So, I suppose it'll almost make
up for missing it.

Good try, satan. But it didn't work.
I dare you to try again. Dare you.
I'm not gonna be brought down.

God will take you out of your misery,
and turn it into a ministry.
God will take your mess, and turn it
into a message.
God will take your test, and turn it
into a testimony.
Because that's just what He does.

You may think there are some things
that have died in your life.
Your happiness, passions, dreams, hopes,
plans... But they aren't dead.
They're just sleeping. You have to wake
them up, stir them up inside of you,
and feed them. Whatever you feed grows.
So make sure you're feeding the right

When you stir up water enough,
it becomes a whirlpool and everyone
around gets caught up in it.
Faith is the same way, you gotta
stir it up and get that momentum going.

We always wait for someone else to do
something. Someone else to speak a word
over our life. We wait for our pastors, and
our youthleaders to do something. When
we ourselves hold the key. You gotta take
action. Nothing just happens, you gotta
stir it up.

Jesus isn't the key to never having another
problem in your life, He's the key to solving
the problems in your life.

Does your faith dictate your circumstances,
or do your circumstances dictate your faith?

God's word tells you who you are.
You have to know who you are.

When satan or circumstances are trying to
come against you, just show them how
crazy you are. A little bit of intimidation,
and they will run off.
When they see they can't shake you,
and that you're not gonna let it happen,
they'll be amazed.
satan doesn't know you. Throw God's
truth in his face.

I'm not defined by what people say about me,
I'm defined by what God's word says about
The bible doesn't just tell you who you are,
it tells you who He is. And that's so much
more important. He makes up for all that
I lack. He makes up for my mistakes
and my imperfections.

Faith isn't about WHAT you know,
it's about WHO you know.

Hope prevailed is always worth the
wait. My God makes the impossible,

-Ms. Conduit

(p.s. this post is very random because
I wrote some of the notes down that I
took during conference whilst watching
online. I just added some of my own

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