Thursday, January 28, 2010


I don't remember what this post was,
but it's blank so I obviously deleted it.
I suppose I should put something here
to hide that fact.

Hello,I'm a non-blank secret blog.


Earlier,I watched "Fireproof" with my

I really liked it. It was a pretty decent movie.
I got a little curious about that
"40 day love dare" from the movie,and googled
it. Turns out,it's real. Almost made me wish
I was married so I could try it. Hah!

But,I am not. So I cannot. But that's
alright. I bookmarked the page anyways.

-Ms. Conduit

& in that moment,I swear we were infinite...

So,today I read "The perks of being a wallflower".
I have very many weird thoughts about it.
I personally think it had a lot of bad influences,
but in the end I guess there was a lot of good
messages in it as well. I guess it wasn't a waste
of 3 hours. I couldn't stop reading it.
I feel kinda like Charlie,thinking too much..
Just thinking,so much. It's kinda weird when
you realize that you think too much
about silly things. Then you start to wonder
why which brings about more silly thinking.

It made me think of last summer,in Indiana
at church camp. 1am,walking across the football
fields with Nate,Eby,and Nick. We had only met
two days before,but it felt like forever. We all knew
it was going to end,but we enjoyed the beauty
of the moment anyways. The stars were shining...
"And in that moment, I swear we were infinite."


Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Thoughts on you.

I sat here with my eyes closed for a
few moments.. and all I seemed to notice
was the humming of my heater,and my
tired breaths. I was hoping for something
a little more meaningful. No thoughts
came. Sometimes I'm so thankful when
the thoughts just won't come.

It was only 5 months ago that
I was completely crazy over
something that was impossible
at the time anyways.

It was only 2 months ago
that I had something that was
more possible,but didn't happen

It was only a month ago that
something almost happened,
but I decided it wasn't what I really

Now where am I? I was only Saturday,
that I discovered this is a lot better
for me than those other things. Although
there isn't much of a chance,it's a
beautiful dream anyways.

Thoughts on me.

Am I who I should be?Would I be
proud of myself if I were someone else?

I'm NOT perfect.
As much as you expect of me,
perfect is something I cannot be.
I am going to make mistakes.
My hair is too thin,
I've got a few pimples.
I'm not stick thin,
& I'm not the most beautiful.

But I forgive,with all I've been hurt.
I love,with whatever I have left.
I dream,with the shattered pieces.
I may look like a mess to you,
but you can't see what I'm becoming.
You must first become beautiful on the
inside,before it'll truly show on the

Thoughts on everyone.

Nobody is perfect,no matter how
we try. But there is one thing,
that I know without a shadow of
a doubt.. Jesus loves every single
one of us. Unconditionally,
more than we could imagine.
He's always there,and He always
will be. You just gotta say yes,
and let Him wrap you up in His
loving arms. He's the best thing
that's happened to me,and anyone
for that matter.

I'm trying to love everyone. Just like
He does. It's not always easy,but
I want to be more like him. So it's
something I really need to work on.

As much as people irritate me,
I've come to the conclusion that
people will always hurt me. It's
unavoidable. Even people I love
with everything I've got,they're gonna
hurt me. Cause we don't get it. We just
don't. We're human,but we try our best.

We live,we love,we forgive and never give up.

- Ms. Conduit

It's now or never.

Things have been going good for a while now.
But I'm wondering for how long,I can't possibly
keep having good days,in a row so many times.
It's been a good ride though. I have a feeling,
tomorrow it might end. Or,maybe it may not.
Maybe it'll be the beginning of something new.
But I am going to say what I feel,regardless of what
could happen. If I don't say how I feel,I'll never know.
And I'm tired of that. God,give me the strength
to say these things. I know all things work together
for the good of those who love Him,so it's all gonna
work out either way. In the end. But now,I gotta
take risks. Nothing risked,is nothing gained.

It's now or never,
take my hand before this one
last dance
don't live your life full of regrets
take these words and scream out
loud can't you see,that this is how
life is supposed to be. -Alex Weihs.

So,that's it. It's now or never,
all or nothing. Although,it's technically
now "now" more like tomorrow night.
But you know. The thought of it makes
me nervous and excited at the same

But I know I don't have to be nervous,
Cause as always,it'll all go according to
God's plan for my life because that's
what I'm praying for. I may not understand
it now,but someday I will.

Things change all the time for me,
and so do feelings. I want unshakable
feelings. Ones that won't change no
matter what. That's why I've just got
to find the right crowd and such and so.
We shall see,all in due time;all in time.

It's kinda funny how things turn out
sometimes. I'm probably going to do
like 30 posts to blogger tonight haha!
I have a lot of separate things to say..
but yet they're all connected in one way,
they all come from my heart. No matter
how silly they are. My heart sometimes
feels silly things. Not my fault.

Haha. So there's that.


All of those memories,and all of those times...

I've seen this situation too many times before,
and I can't let this happen to me again.

I'm great,I just dig that song haha!
I want this really bad though.
So,tomorrow I've got church,
which I'm super duper excited for.
It's gonna be awesome!
I really wanted to go to homecoming,
but of course... blech.
Always,always bail on me,why?
I'll probably never get to go to a homecoming.
It'll be too late soon. But that's okay.
I guess if I don't go to one,it wasn't meant to be.
Maybe a prom? Who knows.

Sooo I wrote a song again today.
I wanted to write one,but couldn't
think of lyrics,then I just grabbed my guitar..
and started playing chords,and words
came out of my mouth. It was like,
a EUREKA!Moment... it turned out really
good... Well,somewhat anyway. It's not
perfect,but it's a start.

I will be a talented person someday.


My heart won't stop.

-Ms. Conduit

I'm on top of the WORRRRLLLLLD!

I really like this.
I've had the best few days,
and it's still going good.
It's gonna get even better
tomorrow. It's really
amazing how fast things turn

My heart is beating once more,
and I love this feeling,I'm on
top of the world.

Can't it be like this forever? Except
maybe a little better,with what I want.
The one thing I'd like to have right now.

But things are fantastic either way.


I'm falling.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Count sheep? blech.

I'm so terribly lonely right now :/
No one is ever awake when I am.
Why is that?
There's got to be someone out there...
wishing to catch some beautiful
dreams,rather than living through
these lonely nights... all the silence
that the music can't even break through.
I just don't know what to do with myself.
It used to be better...there used to always
be someone,no matter what time I could
find someone who was awake. But now,
there's no one awake. Dwayne
said I can text him anytime. I wouldn't
mind that,but I'm not in much of a
Dwayne mood. I know the people I feel
like talking to now.. and all of them
are unconscious,dreaming of the way
things could be,or things should never
be. I wish I could do that right now.
It's 3:21am. I've been waiting to see it
at this time for weeks,because it's 3-2-1..
like a count down. I try to find joy in silly
things. Sometimes it's real tough cause
there's big things keeping me from joy.
I've had it with sleepless nights.
That is IT! If I can't sleep by 10 tomorrow,
I'm gonna try those blasted disgusting
sleeping pills. I hate feeling like this.

-Ms. Conduit

Friday, January 15, 2010


So today,out of boredom...
I took it upon myself to learn one
of the star wars languages.
I was on facebook also,as I
was looking up the languages
I got a message from a friend,
"What are you doing?"
"Looking up the Ewokese language
from star wars *sends link*"
So,now we're both somewhat
fluent in Ewokese hahah!
We decided to give ourselves
Ewokese names,so I'm "Luufi"
which means flower,and he's
"Pagoola" which means darkness.
Haha,so there's how a lot of my Saturday

In other news,I'm kinda sick and have
a belly ache. Not to mention my brother
came over last night and ate all my
moon pies. Darn you Isaiah!

So,check it. I'm practicing guitar and
stuff and it's amazing. I woke up with
blood all over my toe and bruises
on my knee and I have NO idea how
this happened. Weird.

I really wish tomorrow was Sunday.
But no,I got another whole day to
go through. Bleh. I love church.
And Sundays,and sundae's mmm....
rofl. Hungry :/ ice cream?yes.

-Ms. Conduit.

p.s.,I'm sorry I'm crazy.

P.p.s obviously when I said "that's how a lot of my Saturday went.."
I meant Friday.Told you I'm confusedd/

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I'm finding me in you..

You know what?
I am going to learn how to cook!
"Julie & Julia" has inspired me
to try. If yall know anything about
me,you know that I can't cook
worth diddly squat.
Only thing I can make in the oven,
is bagel bites. And on the stove?
Canned soup. Yes,I'm THAT
bad. It's weird,the other day
at walmart,I was looking at video
games that are on sale,
and there was one that teaches you how
to cook,on sale for $10. I laughed,
thinking it had to be ridiculous.
Then!I saw this movie,and was like..
okay God,you want me to learn how
to cook don't cha?
So low and behold,I tried to make fancy
french toast sticks tonight...and they're
gross. They were so awful I spit them out.
I'm gonna need some help. Hah. :/

Guitar is coming along awesome though!
I'm so excited for it,and I'm gonna be
practicing constantly tomorrow. It's
just something I really,really enjoy.
I'm thinking for my moms birthday,
I'm gonna play "bubbly" by Colbie Calliot
or however you spell her name.
I know,weird choice of song but it's real
easy. Either that or,"Sanctuary"
Both good,cause they're easy.

I am so ridiculously tired.
I just wanna lay in bed writing,
watching movies,and listening
to music for about a week.
But I know I have no time for
that. I've got a lot to work on.

I kinda miss the way things were,
like only a month or two ago.
I'm really not liking that feeling.
I think it's just the fact that it's
late and I've had too much thinking
time,and not enough time with

I really,really need to work
on my daily bible reading and
praying and stuff. I spend time
with God everyday,but not enough.
I get distracted so easily. Which
is my biggest problem. I can
spend hours on the internet,
but time with usually
10 minutes... It's terrible.
I really need to work on that.

I was looking through my older
posts on here,and I always used
to post a bunch of quotes. I don't
do that much anymore... hmm...
Maybe I'll try to in my next post.

Close my eyes and move to the
back of my mind,where worries
are washed out to sea,see the changes
people's faces blurred out,like
sunspots or raindrops,now all those
feelings those yesterday feelings
will all be lost in time,but today
I've wasted away for today
is on my mind...

I really wish Sora was real at this moment,
and that I could talk to him. He seems
like the only person who could understand
how I'm feeling. Although he's a video game
character. Just,who he is... he seems so real
to me. I know,I'm cheesy. But I know he'd
understand me...

Guess I'm just thinking out loud.
I try to keep the loony thoughts to myself.
Sometimes they slip out anyways.

Life is so hard sometimes. But I know,
I know. I'm here for Jesus,to make my
decision between life and death.
It's just gotta be so tough though,
doesn't it?I should chill. Grab my
bible,pray,chill,and get lunch with
a good friend tomorrow.. or call
a friend or something. Who knows,
maybe when I wake up it'll all just go
away. Or maybe it won't.

Life is beautiful,life is beautiful
And you are so beautiful too
Life is beautiful,love it's miracle
And you are my miracle too,
I'm finding me in you. -Jimmy Robbins

Will I ever find my perfect

-Ms. Conduit

p.s.,I'm sorry for all the weird
jumbled up stuff. I'm just a bit funny

& you are my miracle too...

Hey heyyy!
It's Thursday.
Fosho. My homie.
Haha. I'm feeling
pretty good (:

Well anyhoo,
yesterday I made up with
some people. So things are
going on the up side.
I also got to talk to some
people I've been meaning
to talk to. And was honest
with a few people.. who needed
to know some stuff.
So!yesterday was great.

Taylor and I had a fantastic time foshizzle.
It was great fun. Church was amazing..
and it turned out awesome. I'm just
tuckered out now. Dunno what to do next.
I was gonna go shopping today,
but that's out the window. I'll probably
just watch some movies and re-cooperate.

Psalm 23
1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul:
he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
thou anointest my head with oil;my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

There's more to that than you think. <3

-Ms. Conduit

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I just found out there's no such thing as the real world,just a lie you've got to rise above.

Hey there blogger!
I'm finally getting better at posting more often.
I'm gonna try to post everyday though.
I said on my 2010 to do list
"500 posts on blogger"
There's only 365 days in a year,
and I only have like 70 some posts
so far... I don't know what I was
thinking. Bahaha. I'm gonna try

So tonight I've got free food,
before church,and then church.
I'm gonna text Taylor in a few minutes
and see if she'd like to come with.
Everything is a LOT more fun with
Taylor around. I miss her. Makes
me kinda miss BWC.
Blech. Brody's been texting me,
I guess he misses me too hah.
I told him if I stop back at BWC
to visit I'll sit with him.
But anyways,there's that.

Tomorrow I'm going shopping.
Woo!At gamestop. Haha.
My most favorite place in zee world.
And stopping at the beauty school.
I wanna get highlights in my hair,
but I don't know if I want to
until I refresh my color and
all that girly junk.

I don't know what plans I have
after those. I try to figure out
my plans the day of. It's always
more fun and unexpected that
way. I like a bit of adventure.

I know this isn't much like me,
but I'm ready for spring.
It's too blasted cold,
like 15 degree's... and I haven't been
able to go for walks or hikes.
Tooo cold.

Lets see here,
I really have nothing more to say.
Well I do,but I really
need to get a shower.
So I'll post again when I get
home tonight if I remember...
500 posts -.-
I'm an idiot bahah.

-Ms. Conduit

Monday, January 11, 2010

I want to line the pieces up,yours and mine.

So another day. Here we go again.
I have all this stuff to do,things to think about.
Sometimes I wonder why I bother.

Job training again today,
then my training is done and I can
start whenever. Woo.

Tomorrow,spice of life.
Working with the senior citizens woot
woot!Then afterwards I'm getting
my eyebrows waxed. I'm not gonna lie,
they's getting hairy. xD

Wednesday is church,as usual.
Which is the thing that gets me
through the week anyways.
I'm thinking of picking a new
home church though. I don't
like what I see going on here...
Time to try other places.
True hope community church?
I'll try that first (:

I don't think I'd get myself
to leave COL for good,I've
been there for 8 years... it'd
be too tough.. or maybe not.
Depending on if I find God's
presence somewhere else.

Taylor and I are going to be
making a webshow together,
which I'm hoping will turn
out completely awesome.
Just not sure of a name yet,
although we have tons of great ideas
for it so far. I might try to take
a video Wednesday at church,
like a band interview or something.
Who knows. But anyhoo,
lets see here...

Uh,that's about it. Nothing
else going on that I can think of.
Beci says she misses me,
and so does the rest of the BWC
crew. Yeah?Well they've had
my number ever since I left,
and my phone ain't been
ringing. Hm.

So anyways,Happy Monday,
Jesus loves you,wish me luck
at work,and don't bother with
the people who are only interested
when you're becoming someone.


P.s. A scattered memory like a far-off dream. A far-off dream like a scattered memory. I want to line the pieces up, yours and mine. -Sora
Had to throw a Kingdom Hearts quote in,because I finally got my keyblade
necklaces and I've been thinking of it all day!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I might have a video on MTV :P

Why oh why are people so....irritating?
I swear it. They can frustrate me like nothing else.
Well anyways,I'm not going to make
this post a useless rant. Because I have
better things to talk about.
So check this out,
I got an email today from an MTV producer,
from the show "pranked" they want to
use one of MY video's on the show!
Impossible eh? I never would of expected
something so awesome to happen.
I don't really like MTV,or any of that
to be honest,(shhh!) But if that happens,
I could have so many opportunities to get
into many more things. Just think...
"Now starring: Christina Conduit"
*stars in eyes* Ha,okay,not gonna happen.
I know. But still,it'd be cool wouldn't it?
Yesterday,church was awesome!
(Quick subject change cause I'm a girl,
and I do that. Just to let any guy readers know)
My friend and I felt like something was gonna
happen. It did fosho! God is so fantastic.
I believe this year is the double anointing year.
Those who chase after Him are gonna find Him
like never before. And I'm chasing,you better
believe it. 2010 is the year I'll find God more than ever before.

So,I think I'll go for my job training tomorrow,or Monday.
I'm starting a job at a woman's fitness facility. Curves.
But for the life of me,I cannot remember if I already told you
guys about this in a past blog. 2010 is already wacky busy.
But that's the way I like it. So,job. Yes,check.
Money money money money,MONEY!
First thing I'm saving up for?A car please. I really am
tired of having to mooch people for rides and stuff.
It's not fun you know. And I have to listen to the music
they like,the whole ride. I swear,if I hear that "fireflies" song one more
time... I'm gonna go INSANE!

Guitar?Why yes. I'm making music for some of the lyrics I've
wrote. I'm da bomb like that. I mean,it's not any good or
anything,but at least I'm trying.

Drama- I'm staying away from drama makers. But they find
me anyway. What did I ever do to you? Blah!


That is all.

-Ms. Conduit

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Maybe it's not my weekend,but it's gonna be my year.

Hai,it's 2010!So,to start the new year off,I've made my 2010 to do list,
and it is tons more exciting than my 2009 to do list. I've made all my resolutions,
and I am gonna be a new person. No more of ms.negative, or ms. I'm not happy with myself.
I'm gonna fix it this time around. An hour a day with God,a healthy diet,all kinds of cool
jazz I gots going on.

I'm going to practice guitar every single day,because guess what?I can almost play a few songs perfectly. I just gotta get the switching down. I can play A,Am,E,Em,D,G,and C. Or maybe more,I forget. But that's coming along. My moms birthday is Jan. 23rd,so I want to play a song for her on
the guitar. I'm hoping I got it down by then.

This is gonna sound kinda goofy,but I made a list of qualities I want in a guy. There are at least 30 things on this list,and only two have to do with the way he looks. The rest are beliefs and such. I am not settling for less this year. I've been a fool going after any good looking guy,or any that took the time to listen to me. Not no more. Christina Conduit is starting over,not settling. I'm not going to tell any guy I am interested unless he has all of those qualities on my list. I'm not being selfish,I'm being smart. I want someone I can be happy with forever. And I can only be happy if they have the things on this list.

More time with God,is my biggest goal. I'm working on putting more focus on Him,and less on people. I'm a people pleaser so I do what I can to make everyone happy. But now it's my turn.
God has all my attention this year.

Bottom line,this year I'm gonna live it up,rock it out,and make it the best year ever.
I will beat how good 2007 was. No matter what it takes.

Who you are today determines who you are tomorrow.

This year,I'm gonna make it an effort to change someones life. For the better. I'm going to help somebody every chance I get. I'm gonna be positive,I'm gonna praise God through every situation. I'm going to follow my resolutions for more than a week.

I am gonna win,in two thousand and ten.

-Ms. Conduit