Monday, January 11, 2010

I want to line the pieces up,yours and mine.

So another day. Here we go again.
I have all this stuff to do,things to think about.
Sometimes I wonder why I bother.

Job training again today,
then my training is done and I can
start whenever. Woo.

Tomorrow,spice of life.
Working with the senior citizens woot
woot!Then afterwards I'm getting
my eyebrows waxed. I'm not gonna lie,
they's getting hairy. xD

Wednesday is church,as usual.
Which is the thing that gets me
through the week anyways.
I'm thinking of picking a new
home church though. I don't
like what I see going on here...
Time to try other places.
True hope community church?
I'll try that first (:

I don't think I'd get myself
to leave COL for good,I've
been there for 8 years... it'd
be too tough.. or maybe not.
Depending on if I find God's
presence somewhere else.

Taylor and I are going to be
making a webshow together,
which I'm hoping will turn
out completely awesome.
Just not sure of a name yet,
although we have tons of great ideas
for it so far. I might try to take
a video Wednesday at church,
like a band interview or something.
Who knows. But anyhoo,
lets see here...

Uh,that's about it. Nothing
else going on that I can think of.
Beci says she misses me,
and so does the rest of the BWC
crew. Yeah?Well they've had
my number ever since I left,
and my phone ain't been
ringing. Hm.

So anyways,Happy Monday,
Jesus loves you,wish me luck
at work,and don't bother with
the people who are only interested
when you're becoming someone.


P.s. A scattered memory like a far-off dream. A far-off dream like a scattered memory. I want to line the pieces up, yours and mine. -Sora
Had to throw a Kingdom Hearts quote in,because I finally got my keyblade
necklaces and I've been thinking of it all day!

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