Thursday, January 7, 2010

I might have a video on MTV :P

Why oh why are people so....irritating?
I swear it. They can frustrate me like nothing else.
Well anyways,I'm not going to make
this post a useless rant. Because I have
better things to talk about.
So check this out,
I got an email today from an MTV producer,
from the show "pranked" they want to
use one of MY video's on the show!
Impossible eh? I never would of expected
something so awesome to happen.
I don't really like MTV,or any of that
to be honest,(shhh!) But if that happens,
I could have so many opportunities to get
into many more things. Just think...
"Now starring: Christina Conduit"
*stars in eyes* Ha,okay,not gonna happen.
I know. But still,it'd be cool wouldn't it?
Yesterday,church was awesome!
(Quick subject change cause I'm a girl,
and I do that. Just to let any guy readers know)
My friend and I felt like something was gonna
happen. It did fosho! God is so fantastic.
I believe this year is the double anointing year.
Those who chase after Him are gonna find Him
like never before. And I'm chasing,you better
believe it. 2010 is the year I'll find God more than ever before.

So,I think I'll go for my job training tomorrow,or Monday.
I'm starting a job at a woman's fitness facility. Curves.
But for the life of me,I cannot remember if I already told you
guys about this in a past blog. 2010 is already wacky busy.
But that's the way I like it. So,job. Yes,check.
Money money money money,MONEY!
First thing I'm saving up for?A car please. I really am
tired of having to mooch people for rides and stuff.
It's not fun you know. And I have to listen to the music
they like,the whole ride. I swear,if I hear that "fireflies" song one more
time... I'm gonna go INSANE!

Guitar?Why yes. I'm making music for some of the lyrics I've
wrote. I'm da bomb like that. I mean,it's not any good or
anything,but at least I'm trying.

Drama- I'm staying away from drama makers. But they find
me anyway. What did I ever do to you? Blah!


That is all.

-Ms. Conduit

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