Saturday, January 16, 2010

Count sheep? blech.

I'm so terribly lonely right now :/
No one is ever awake when I am.
Why is that?
There's got to be someone out there...
wishing to catch some beautiful
dreams,rather than living through
these lonely nights... all the silence
that the music can't even break through.
I just don't know what to do with myself.
It used to be better...there used to always
be someone,no matter what time I could
find someone who was awake. But now,
there's no one awake. Dwayne
said I can text him anytime. I wouldn't
mind that,but I'm not in much of a
Dwayne mood. I know the people I feel
like talking to now.. and all of them
are unconscious,dreaming of the way
things could be,or things should never
be. I wish I could do that right now.
It's 3:21am. I've been waiting to see it
at this time for weeks,because it's 3-2-1..
like a count down. I try to find joy in silly
things. Sometimes it's real tough cause
there's big things keeping me from joy.
I've had it with sleepless nights.
That is IT! If I can't sleep by 10 tomorrow,
I'm gonna try those blasted disgusting
sleeping pills. I hate feeling like this.

-Ms. Conduit

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