Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I just found out there's no such thing as the real world,just a lie you've got to rise above.

Hey there blogger!
I'm finally getting better at posting more often.
I'm gonna try to post everyday though.
I said on my 2010 to do list
"500 posts on blogger"
There's only 365 days in a year,
and I only have like 70 some posts
so far... I don't know what I was
thinking. Bahaha. I'm gonna try

So tonight I've got free food,
before church,and then church.
I'm gonna text Taylor in a few minutes
and see if she'd like to come with.
Everything is a LOT more fun with
Taylor around. I miss her. Makes
me kinda miss BWC.
Blech. Brody's been texting me,
I guess he misses me too hah.
I told him if I stop back at BWC
to visit I'll sit with him.
But anyways,there's that.

Tomorrow I'm going shopping.
Woo!At gamestop. Haha.
My most favorite place in zee world.
And stopping at the beauty school.
I wanna get highlights in my hair,
but I don't know if I want to
until I refresh my color and
all that girly junk.

I don't know what plans I have
after those. I try to figure out
my plans the day of. It's always
more fun and unexpected that
way. I like a bit of adventure.

I know this isn't much like me,
but I'm ready for spring.
It's too blasted cold,
like 15 degree's... and I haven't been
able to go for walks or hikes.
Tooo cold.

Lets see here,
I really have nothing more to say.
Well I do,but I really
need to get a shower.
So I'll post again when I get
home tonight if I remember...
500 posts -.-
I'm an idiot bahah.

-Ms. Conduit

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