Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's now or never.

Things have been going good for a while now.
But I'm wondering for how long,I can't possibly
keep having good days,in a row so many times.
It's been a good ride though. I have a feeling,
tomorrow it might end. Or,maybe it may not.
Maybe it'll be the beginning of something new.
But I am going to say what I feel,regardless of what
could happen. If I don't say how I feel,I'll never know.
And I'm tired of that. God,give me the strength
to say these things. I know all things work together
for the good of those who love Him,so it's all gonna
work out either way. In the end. But now,I gotta
take risks. Nothing risked,is nothing gained.

It's now or never,
take my hand before this one
last dance
don't live your life full of regrets
take these words and scream out
loud can't you see,that this is how
life is supposed to be. -Alex Weihs.

So,that's it. It's now or never,
all or nothing. Although,it's technically
now "now" more like tomorrow night.
But you know. The thought of it makes
me nervous and excited at the same

But I know I don't have to be nervous,
Cause as always,it'll all go according to
God's plan for my life because that's
what I'm praying for. I may not understand
it now,but someday I will.

Things change all the time for me,
and so do feelings. I want unshakable
feelings. Ones that won't change no
matter what. That's why I've just got
to find the right crowd and such and so.
We shall see,all in due time;all in time.

It's kinda funny how things turn out
sometimes. I'm probably going to do
like 30 posts to blogger tonight haha!
I have a lot of separate things to say..
but yet they're all connected in one way,
they all come from my heart. No matter
how silly they are. My heart sometimes
feels silly things. Not my fault.

Haha. So there's that.


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