Jesus is the reason for my existence. I tried to choose between being a bum or a musician, but then I realized they're the same thing. I'm addicted to coffee and Owl City. My purpose in life is to be all things to all people to lead some of them to Christ, and to love everyone to the hilt. I want to show you kindness like you've never seen before. I want to write a song for you. I wanna feel alive forever after.
Monday, May 31, 2010
I just wanted to say thank you. This is a free country I can say what I want, I'm free to believe, free to voice my opinions. Thank you.
Lives were lost so I could be myself, and not have to worry about it.
I was shopping on Sunday, and I was at JCPenneys. My mom went in the restroom so I stood outside waiting for her and looking at stuff. Well, this older lady comes out of the ladies restroom with her grandson, and he says "grandma I wanna go back in there and play that game! can I have a quarter?" grandma starts giggling like crazy, "Honey, that's not a game, it's only for women because they need the "prizes" from those sometimes." I started giggling, because I realized they were talking about a "feminine product" machine. Made my day. :)
Sooo I had a pretty rad Sunday. It was just amazing. Church was incredible. Then the church picnic, well.. after we ate it was just so darn hot outside and I started melting, so I went inside. There was like, no one inside. I grabbed my guitar and sat down, then all these younger girls surrounded me as usual, and I played Taylor Swift songs. Which was rather fun. And "Jesus loves me" after guessing all the chords since I totally didn't remember how to play it. Oh, and I got invited to be in the youth band. I thought about it. I think I might do that. I suppose anyway. Soon after all the girls disappeared and my friends came inside. We sat and just talked and chilled for a while. Then I went home. Got an iced coffee. Sat in the shade. With my iPod. and texted. It was peaceful. And took some pictures. :) I'd say I had a pretty amazing Sunday. Dramafree is the way to be.
-Ms. Conduit
I love those days when you just feel good about yourself. ♥ Those days when someone could say every possible mean thing about you, and you wouldn't even care. The days when your friends are by your side, and you know they'll stay there. Those days when you're in God's presence at peace. I love these days.
Friday, May 28, 2010
I know someday it'll all turn out and you'll make me work so we can work to work it out and I promise you kid, I'll give so much more than I get, I just haven't met you yet. -Michael Buble'
I believe in Jesus. I believe in faith. I believe in the power of prayer.
And if you don't, you may want to rethink it. Look at where this world is going.
The signs the bible predicted, they're happening. Tell me they aren't, and I'll prove you wrong.
Us believers don't talk about it to annoy you, we do it to help. I don't mind annoying a few people, I'd risk annoying them for 5 minutes, so I could help save them from an eternity in hell.
-Ms. Conduit
You know what I hate? When people use fake pictures on the internet. It's really dumb you know.
Today I went to my moms work for her lunch break to have lunch with her. She works at a nursing home. As I was walking through the parking lot I saw an old man getting out of his car very slowly. He then opened the backseat and pulled out this bouquet of flowers. I walked by him and he started talking to me, and asked me why I was here. And he said "I'm coming to visit my wife." Which is what the flowers were for. All I could think was "I hope someone loves me that much someday." <3
Ivana: you're gonna be waiting a long time then. Me: Why? Ivana: He said something about how he isn't having relationships until he's 30. Me: HA!He's joking. Ivana: I don't think he was. Me: Ugh. I'm doomed.
A few minutes later... Me: Mommmm! Mom: Yes? Me: I'm doomed :/ Mom: Why, did he talk to you? Me: No, but Ivana says he's not going to have relationships until he's 30. Mom: That's ridiculous, is he gay or something? Me: ROFLOL, no.
*I walk away whispering to myself* "I hope not."
okay, he's not gay and I'm just silly. so I liked him. I didn't expect a relationship because that's not what I'm focusing on now. God first, then saving up the moolah to get out of this house. And if a guy shows up who GOD picked out for me, cool. Also, I got a car. *dances*.
Oh, and don't you think that's silly? No relationships till 30? I'm hoping to be married by 25. Ha!
-Ms. Conduit
Oh blogger, I'm sorry I've been gone so. A lot has happened in my absence. Ooo boy, you better believe it. I'm dying to tell you about a billion stories.
Tonight was awesome. Nitro was pre' cool. I liked praise and worship most. I just gotta say. The sermon was good for the people who don't attend church though, for me, it was kinda stuff I knew. Not that it wasn't good anyway. I was dancing fo Jesus, and it was awesome. Plus I almost fell down. People noticed. I blushed and kept on dancing. Then, when we went to the skate place afterwards, I had fun there too. I don't skate, so I just kinda sat around... at that point... it
It seemed like a stroll through town, on a sidewalk, wet streets and lights shining down on them. And wishing someone was there with you, but they aren't. They almost are, but they aren't quite. It was nice though anyway.
But ummm anyway, good day indeed. I'm rather happy. And exhausted. Getting home at 3am isn't pleasant. I'm so tired. I'm glad I didn't decide to spend the night anywhere. I like to be home sometimes. Though I've no idea what I'm doing tomorrow. Or, rather, later. But, it'll get here when it gets here, and I'll figure it out then. So yeah. I'm happy, and all. Goodnight yall..
-ms. Conduit.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
New dress? Eh? Good things can come out of second hand stores.
I love goodwill. I love it! best secondhand store. Indeed. I got this amazing dress there for $5 today. And guess what? For once, I actually think something looks good on me. Oo la la I'm looking stunning. It's not an amazing fancy, type dress. More like, something I could wear anytime. Or even maybe on a fancy day. It's nifty. I like eet. :D
Oh me oh my. It'd probably be a lot to say, to say that you took my breath away today. Both of you. You both looked dashing. :)
Breaking down my prideful walls, before You on my knees I fall. I thought I had everything right, but You showed me otherwise tonight. Thank you for Your forgiveness and patience, I could never survive without. You tell me I'm Your beloved, No matter where I go, or what I do. You'll always be there, arms open wide Waiting to join me, I'll let you have the drivers side this time.....
Everyday somehow improves, better than the last. I'm starting to really love it. It takes patience, control, and strength. But I love my life,now.
I don't really have anything special to say, right now. But there's this app/game thing on facebook called "Treasure Isle" and as lame as it may be, I dig it. :-P
And Jimmy Robbins, thank you for your continually amazing music. I love youuu <33 Olive juice. Fosho.
I had an off brand poptart for breakfast; it was just as good as the real ones, for half the price. I'll always buy knock off brand poptarts. =]
I should be getting a shower, I'm going grocery shopping today. But man am I tired. =/
Is your second toe longer than your first? No, it sure isn't. I have huge toes though.
Do you have a favorite type of pen? Bahahahaha! Yellow Pen <3 style="font-weight: bold;">
Look at your planner for March 14, what are you doing? Uh, that's kind of a while ago, My calender says I was at church though.
What color are your toenails usually? The normal color? I hardly ever paint them.
What was the last thing you highlighted? This question, to make it "bold".
What color are your bedroom curtains? White.
What color are the seats in your car? Well, technically not "my car", but I'm going to be getting a white mitzubishi soon! Woot woot. And, I don't know what color the seats in it are....
Have you ever had a black and white cat?
No, mine is gray and black. Though she does have some white on her, so I guess. Ha.
What is the last thing you put a stamp on? Hm,can't remember.
Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming? Nah.
Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time? I didn't.
Who is the last baby that you held? Bethany, if she counts as a baby ha.
Do you know of any twins with rhyming names? Yes.
Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste? Not really.
What kind of car were you driving 2 years ago? Le sigh, none.
Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gators Hurricanes. Just because I love that word.
Last time you went to Six Flags? Probably 7 years ago or something.
Do you have any wallpaper in your house? Uh, on the walls probably :p
Closest thing to you that is yellow: Hehe, yellow pen. xD
Last person to give you a business card? Jonathan maybe? ha. That's humorous.
Who is the last person you wrote a check to? I don't write checks :P I'm saving my money so I can move out soon..
Closest framed picture to you? Me from Halloween when I was like 7, I was dressed as Eeyore.
Last time you had someone cook for you? *shrugs* I just had me cook someone for me. haaa.
Have you ever applied for welfare? Nope.
How many emails do you have? Somewhere in the 1000's. I should probably check the important ones eventually..
Last time you received flowers/flower? Never?
Do you think the sanctity of marriage is meant for only a man & woman? Yes. Indeed. Amen!
What are you listening to right now? Dad's watching nascar, I'm typing, the front door is open to let air in and the wind is blowing and cars are going by, and I'm thinking too loud.
Do you play air guitar? I'm a pro.
Do you have any Willow Tree figurines? Any what now?
What is your high school's rival mascot? Homeschooled.
who is the last person you talked to from high school? --------------------
Last time you used hand sanitizer? It's been a while.
Would you like to learn to play the drums? I don't really want to play the drums, but if I got a free drumset and free lessons I wouldn't turn it down. But for right now, teaching myself guitar is taking up enough time. I love it though <3 style="font-weight: bold;">What color are the blinds in your living room? White I think.
Last thing you read in the newspaper? Funnies.
What was the last pageant you attended? I don't know.
What is the last place you bought pizza from? Crossroads.
Have you ever worn a crown? Yep, burger king crown bahah.
What is the last thing you stapled? I dunno.
Did you ever drink clear Pepsi? Clear pepsi?
Are you ticklish? I hate being tickled.
Last time you saw fireworks? 3 years ago :/
Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut? Long time ago... like.. 5 years. Not a big doughnut fan.
Who is the last person that left you a message on your cell? A voicemail or a text? I got a voicemail yesterday from some wrong number I think. Mark was the guys name I think? And last text was Tamra.
Do you have a black dog? I have no dog :/
Do you have any pickles in your fridge? Sure do.
How long have they been there?? I've no idea.
Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of? Mufu..
So, today I woke up feeling good... I went to bed early and everything. Well, halfway through getting ready that changed completely. I felt like crap. And had no confidence by that point whatsoever. Church was good, I managed to praise Jesus even though I felt like laying in bed for the rest of the day. I had my day made for a little bit... and smiled a bit. Now I'm decent, with my coffee and you, blogger. I do not want to leave the house again today.
*yellow pen goes back inside* Me: aww our entertainment disappeared. Sarah: Yeah, what do we do now? *her clueless friend who doesn't know our secrets stands there looking at us like we're mad* Me: We need a yellow pen. Sarah: Mm you got that right. Clueless friend: Why a pen? and why does it have to be yellow? *I hold my laughter in* Sarah: Because yellow is my favorite color. Me: To write with. *thinking, yellow isn't Sarah's favorite color, good cover heh.* Bahah. I love it.
I got to try out DJ's new guitar. It's beautimous. I also managed to hit it on the trunk lid.. I felt so bad. :( Yellow pen tried it out too ha. It made me happy. I watched from afar like an idiot. But that's okay. I guess this morning wasn't so bad. Except I think someones mad at me. Eh, you can't please everyone.
Sarah: Leedle Leedle. Me: We need a new name for him, everyone knows about leedle leedle now. I hope he hasn't figured it out. Sarah: Nah, everyone knows except him, he's a bit clueless. Me: Well that's good, what shou- *people announcing things in background* "EVERYONE BRING BUNS!" *I look at Sarah* Me: I have some buns right here, hehe. Sarah: BWAHAHAH you're so hilarious. Me: :P Well anyway, what should we call him now? Sarah: I dunno, any ideas? *looks around room* Me: Yellow pen.. Sarah: what? *points at a yellow pen* Me: We could call him yellow pen, as random as that is no one would guess it. Sarah: You're brilliant! Me: And for short we could call him YP. Sarah: Oh my word, it sounds like "why pee?" Me: Bahah that's so humorous. I love it. Yellow Pen, YP.
Hey blogger followers and the people I follow; yall should keep up with posting :-) Even if I don't comment your posts all the time, I DO get around to reading them. I love to read them, and they sometimes make my day better.. or they make me pray for you. But either way,I like to read them. Now, I have.... About 7 months or so? To get 100 followers on here, only because I put that on my 2010 to do list. I have 12 at the moment, thank you all :) It'd be awesome if maybe you could send my blog around, if you want. I'll love you. But either way, no hard feelings. I'll love you regardless :-P So yeah, thanks for being cool you guys. And caring about my blog, out of the billions of them out there. And don't be afraid to comment, or add my myspace or whatever. P3AC3. :-D
I need You like a hurricane, thunder crashing wind and rain tear my walls down, I'm only Yours now I need You like a burning flame A wild fire untamed To burn these walls down I’m only Yours now I’m only Yours now. -Jimmy Needham
So, I actually had to make a choice of what I was going to do tomorrow. Either go to choir practice for nitro; or go to my lakehouse for a short one day vacation. I asked Ivana if the practice was important and she said "Not if you know the song." I figured I know it mostly, so I chose the "one day vacation". Lord knows I need it. I've been giving all my time away and I am exhausted. I'm going to wake up early, and head on down to the other house. And you better believe my guitar and bible are coming with me mm-hm. I'ma spend some time with Jesus and nature. I am so tuckered out lately. Who knew things could get so crazy? But it's not so bad. I know, yall don't really care to read about my silly life. But that's okay. :) I need to rant a bit, and sometimes blogger is the only place I can go. But anyway, I'm gonna pass on complaining about someone who is making private problems public, and just pray instead. Because were I to post the story here, then I would be doing the same thing. Although no one I really know reads my blog. So I guess it doesn't matter either way. But still. It's a silly thing. And I'm going to let go and let God.
And the crazy things I do, just because my friends make me C: Crazy hair night was fun. Though most of them were bums and didn't do it when they all made me. -.- Lame faces! :) Iloveyou,aweh bye.
How do we get through this crazy life? Things thrown at us left and right. The enemy is out, to kill,steal, and destroy. Always trying to take away our joy. But he ain't got nothing on me, I got me some Jesus to set me free :)
-Ms. Conduit
My God is more than enough, He can supply all my needs, He is my el shaddai He always looks out for me, Jehovah Jireh, He is my God. So why should I worry about the highs and the lows, the ups and the downs, when all along I know my God is more than enough! -More than enough.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
It's hard to know, is it time to let go? Time to let things happen, or is it time to react and change things? I don't know what to do. All I've wanted is what's true. Maybe it's me, maybe it's you.
It was Friday night, I was feeling quite confident in myself. DJ let me play his guitar, so I was sitting on the steps to the stage as a few younger girls surrounded me. I played "you belong with me" by T-Swift and they all sang along. I smiled to myself as I watched you walk through the back of the sanctuary into the kitchen,as you sneaked a glance at me. I played a few more songs to entertain the girls, and then they disappeared. Sarah came up to me, and I said "I'm gonna write a song right now, are you ready for this dose of awesomeness?" She grinned at me, as I plucked the strings and started singing. "Everytime I see you, I don't know what to do, everytime you smile at me my heart stops beating, I can't find the right words to say, so I'll say mmmmm mmmm." She lifted her eyebrow at me and replied "now, you should show it to leedle leedle." we laughed as I punched her arm. I got up to walk to the kitchen and Ivana walked beside me. I had another brilliant brainstorm. "Ivana! I can play the "F.U.N." song from spongebob!" We walked into the kitchen while I was playing it. "You have to show leedle leedle, he loves spongebob!" I'm not exactly sure how it happened, and how I got the courage, but I walked straight over to you and said "I have a song for you." I then proceeded to play the FUN song, as you sang it with me and yelled it when it came to planktons part. We both laughed as you said "I've seen every episode" as I nodded in agreement. I handed Corey the guitar because he wanted to be goofy with it, and I walked into the hallway. Sarah followed me with a "what is up with you tonight?" facial expression. "Oh don't give me that look, you know I really like him." I breathed as I leaned against the door. "Yes,I know. That's why you need to talk to him more." she replied. "I can't.. I just can't. It doesn't seem like he wants to talk to me. He knows I'm interested, even if it's just to be his friend. I don't have the courage to talk to him. His smile brings me to my senses, and I know that I have to stay on the right path. He makes me smile, and whenever he talks to me, I feel alright. My heart doesn't beat so fast that it'll explode, I just feel... peaceful." I said, as I looked out at the parking lot. She looked at me like I'm hopeless. But then smiled and dragged me back into the kitchen to get the guitar back from Corey. He handed me the guitar and we walked back into the sanctuary as I started to play "mighty to save". I was really getting into it, and praising God, and Sarah was singing with me.. then I heard something behind me. I forgot where I was in the song and turned around. It was you, you were on the stage getting your guitar and heard it all. I blushed and Sarah said "Isn't she good?" I turned red... and then you said "Yes." and smiled. I could of died. You walked outside and put your guitar in your car as Sarah sat there grinning at me. Time went by, and I asked Ivana when we were heading to her house. She said "Whenever leedle leedle gets back from walmart." My jaw dropped and she rolled her eyes "yes, we're going to ride with him." I smiled and sat back down. Finally, you returned from walmart and we all got in the car. I wasn't feeling well at that point, and to make matters worse I got to sit in the back in the middle. I leaned forward and relaxed, trying to make all of my thoughts go away. I then realized the car smelled like you, and I started to breathe easier. You turned on music and I could feel it beating in my heart. Then, it started storming. I couldn't see the rode through the windshield, and couldn't imagine how much worse it was for you. Everyone else was scared, but me and you. Or you may have been scared, but you didn't say so. I didn't either. But I wasn't scared. I knew if God put me in this car with you, you were able to get us home safe. Things would be okay. They always were. We made it to Ivana's safely. I smiled at you as you drove away.
-Ms. Conduit
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
It's hard to believe I've come this far, and now that I have, there's no turning back..
Friday, May 7, 2010
Oh crazy hair night, you are going to be ridiculous. Red and green marker in my hair... a wig.. and I don't know how this will work...
What if you thought I was beautiful? What then? Would you tell me so? Or maybe I'm not good enough to you, maybe you want perfection. Good luck with that. You can find someone who's flawless, but you can't find a flawless person with a good heart. Trust me on that. I've tried. In imperfection beauty is found. People pass up the good things that are right in front of them. This life doesn't last long. Make the most of it before it's over. Do your best. Tell people how you really feel. Because you never know when it could be too late.
-Ms. Conduit
So tell me darling, do you wish we'd fall in love? All the time, all the time.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Blogger, I miss you lately. I really do. I haven't posted much. Though I fasted from my computer for a week. I should have a lot to say to you. But tonight,my mind is blank. It was storming. Church was a blast. I'm simply mad as usual. I don't feel good. It's hot. Hopefully I'll have good news later. I'm really incredibly happy though. But maybe tomorrow I'll have something interesting to say.
I feel a passion take over, something warming me inside. I don't understand why things happen the way they do, but I know somehow,someway it'll all turn out okay. My stomach knots up,my heart beats,what is happening to me anymore? What am I supposed to think? I love my life I really do. I just don't get it. But there is one thing I am confident in.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
-Ms. Conduit
Monday, May 3, 2010
Today,my father scared jehovahs witnesses away by telling them we are apostolic pentecostals. C: