Friday, April 30, 2010

What have I gotten myself into?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I'm laying under my kitchen table. There is no gum stuck under it. I am quite surprised.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Today, I got a text from a good friend.
She said "are you mad at me? I'm sorry
if I did something to hurt your feelings :("
The strange thing is, she did nothing
to hurt my feelings. I quickly told her
I wasn't mad, and the reason I hadn't
talked to her in a while was because
I thought she was annoyed at me.
She wasn't.
We both assumed things, and lost
valuable talking time.
Now, we all know what assuming does.
Makes an er.... behind out of "u" & "me".

So, the moral of this story is not to assume

-Ms. Conduit

Monday, April 26, 2010


It's hard to understand,
you know.
I think of it sometimes,
it confuses me I'll admit.
I would never consider
letting you know.
When you smile, my
frown turns upside down.
I don't think it's because
of feelings though,
I think it's because you're
simply a wonderful person
who makes me smile.
But who knows.
I've been known to
confuse myself.

♥ Ms. Conduit
It's not having what you want,
it's wanting what you've got.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Perfect Night.

A mind full of you,
a french vanilla cappuccino,
a good friend to talk to.
Music filling my ears,
dreams in my thoughts,
scenarios, smiles, dreams.
It's a perfect night you know.

Hey look it's me.
I'm a secret, I'm not what you thought.
First impressions are too much.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Recently, a friend of mine gave me her mp3 player,
so I could add some music for her. It made me smile
because she trusts me. Even if it's something silly
like that, I love to know people trust me.

Recently, a friend of mine shut me down
when I offered to be a listening ear or help.
It made me feel crappy. But then again,he's
a guy. Guys commonly find ways to make me
feel like crap.

Bottom line, I am a trust worthy person.
Even with silly things.
Most people don't take the time
with people to help them open up,
well I don't give up on people.
I may not open up, but I'll
listen to anyone who does and
keep their secrets.

-Ms. Conduit

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Making moves.

I've finally decided.
I've decided, to look at things
from your perspective.
Maybe you want someone else
to make the first move.
Maybe you do.
Because the only person who has
had a chance with you at
one point was the one who made
the move. I'm not a move maker,
but I will be for you.♥

How do I feel?

Holding the truth in is almost
as hard as speaking it.

Maybe its not about the happy ending, maybe its about the story.

You look. He looks. You walk away
wondering if your look had the same
affect on him, that his did on you.

If you want what you've never had,
you have to do what you've never done.

Learn to look past first impressions.
After all, the world was saved by a carpenter from Nazareth.

I'd rather be lonely then to settle for second best.

all of the best love stories have one thing in common you have to go against all odds to get there

She's been down and out, She's been written about,
She's been talked about, She's been
up and down,
She's been pushed around. She's been
lost and found,
She has
no regrets; she accepts the past because all these things
helped to make her who she is today.

When life gives you lemons, make apple juice.
Then sit back and watch everyone wonder how in the heck you did that.

it's not about getting what you want;
it's about wanting what you've got.

he was tall, she was short. she was loud, he was quiet.
he was smart, but man she was
. they were different
many ways. but it was how they came together when no
one was
that caught the two of them off guard

True love stories never have endings”.

We should get jerseys, because we make a good team,
but yours would look better than mine
cause you're out of my league. -Relient K

If someone makes you so angry,
take a deep breath, count to 10
and kill him immediately.(ha!)

Perfect love casts out all fear.1 John 4:18

Lately I'm alright and lately I'm not scared. I've figured out that what you do to me feels like I'm floating on air.

When you've laughed as much as you've
breathed you've realized how much life is beautiful

I wanna be the girl that changed everything.
The girl that made a difference.
The girl that gave you a story to tell.

Imperfection is beauty.
Madness is genious.
And it's better to be absolutely ridiculous
than absolutely boring.

You never want something bad enough if your not willing to take the risk.

He had one of those rare smiles. With quality of eternal reassurance
in it that you may come across four or five times in life."

"I don't make you feel special,
I just remind you that you are special."

Procrastination kills.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I fear growing up.
I talk to myself a lot,
and answer myself,
sometimes I burst out
laughing from my own
When I'm in the car
listening to my ipod,
I'll close my eyes
during the ride and pretend
I'm the person singing.
When I get mad at myself,
I punch my knees.
When I'm picking a fork
or spoon to use,
I genuinely look for
one I want and apologize
to the others
and promise them next
I think no one will ever fall in love with me.
I apologize to people even when
I've done nothing wrong.
I don't like french fries.
When I'm downloading something,
and it says "check this box if you agree
with the rules" or whatever,
I check it without even reading it.
I've pee'd in swimming pools before.
I almost always like the guys I say
I'd never like.
I call myself fat in front of overweight
people sometimes, and feel bad
about it because I'm skinnier
than them.
I still play neopets,
and I've collected the
cards and the toy
ones from mcdonalds and
burger king.
When I was young, and
my mother took too long
shopping in good will
I would switch price
tags on things.
(I know,that's awful!)
I'm lonely right now because
it's 3am and there's no one
to talk to.
I hate being called "sexy".
I sleep in everyday except
Sundays and when I have to
Sometimes I can't remember
if something happened in real
life or if it was a dream.
I come from the country,
and sometimes have a southern
I cannot eat tomatoes,
if I do I throw up.
I love chinese food,
but I always get a stomach
ache after eating it.
I've been offered alcohol
quite a few times, but never
accepted it. I had a sip of beer
when I was 14 and spit it all
over the place.
I've never done drugs,and never
I've never smoked.
I'm a complete virgin,in every
I've had acne since I was 9.
Sometimes I feel like someones
watching me,so I'll try to act
I love and sometimes use mens
axe bodywash.
I wish there was someone
who would treat me like
they did in the old fashioned
romance movies,
but I know it's a far
fetched dream.
I'm 5'0. I feel really fat
I think the rapture is close.
I don't think obama is a good
president. And I'm NOT
When I was 13, I put ziploc
bags filled with peanut butter
in my bra, so I would look
like I had boobs, lets
just say that turned into a sticky
I have never been in love,
and I believe the closest I got
to it was with someone
who now lives in England
and I haven't talked to
in almost two years.
I feel stupid about it.
I'm always hungry.
My siblings would put me in
the freezer when I was 3.
And lock me in the dog cage
while forcing me to eat spicy foods.
I sometimes think it's the reason
I'm so strange.
I would never hurt someone
intentionally,and I feel bad
for laughing at people I'm
not very fond of when bad
things happen to them.
The first time I kissed someone
was outside of a church.
The first time I was french kissed
was at sears.
I can't look at sears the same now,
because I always remember
the awkwardness.
I believe good things come to
those who wait,but I really hate
I pick my nose sometimes,
but my mother picks hers too,
so I think it's okay. Ha.
I'm a terrible cook,and
feel bad for my future husband
because of it.
I never go number 2 when I'm
at camp,or try not to at least.
I've walked in on a guy at a mission
trip in a porta potty taking a dump.
I try to find things in the patterns
of chairs and such if I get bored,
sometimes at church too.
I don't exactly have a "voice
in my head" like most people
say,I just think. And no voice
thinks for me,it's more like
reading text. I wish I did have a
voice,so it could have a British accent.
So far in 2010, I have liked only
one person.
I'm afraid to be disappointed.
I'm afraid of disappointing people,
failing them, and breaking all
my promises.
I can't think of anymore right now,
but when I do I'm making a
"confessions 2".
You probably think I'm a lunatic,
and maybe you're right.
Who knows.

-Ms. Conduit

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It's almost like living in a dream,
waiting for when I will see you
again. See the smile on your
face and wonder what
you think of me.
I wonder,so much.
Especially when I catch you
looking back at me. What is
it all about? What are you
thinking of me?
You must think I'm crazy.
A funny sight to see.
That must be it,
what else could it be?
Thinking of the time you smiled
and waved,just for me..
My heart can't contain it's
happiness. There is something
different about you than the
other ones. I may have
said that about others,before,
but this, those close to me
see as well. They seem to think so.
Something is different.
Now,I just wish to know
what you think when you look
at me...

♥ Ms. Conduit
We look at each other wondering what the
other is thinking but we never say a thing.

The longest period of time,
is waiting for something or someone
you truly want.

Whatever comes our way,
whatever raging battle is inside of us,
we always have a choice.
It's the choices that make us what we are.
& we can always choose to do the right thing.
-Spiderman 3

To wish you were someone
else is to waste the person you are.

In order to be irreplaceable
there must be something about you
that's different from the rest.

God will never give you anything
you can't handle, so don't stress.

the trouble is, if you don't risk
anything, you risk even more.

whatever flaws you have,
people are going to notice them,
and whatever strengths you have,
you're going to need them

You don't have time to see if it's worth it.
Just trust your heart and hope it turns out right.


It's the unknown, the don't know,
that keeps me hanging on.

Only those who attempt the absurd
achieve the impossible.

Because the people who are crazy enough to think
they can change the world, are the ones who do.

I don't wish to be everything to everyone,
but I would like to be something to someone.

If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right,
you'll probably never do much of anything.


Hey you,yeah you
playing with my hope for
you always know just
what to say,
to make me lose my confidence
it's here and then it's gone
again. ♥
I think about what I've been
dreaming of. What I want.
A destiny,to change the
world,to be something different.
Will I ever get there?
Will things always be this way?
I don't just want to be
a small town girl anymore.
I want to broaden my horizons,
get out of here.
I'll fight a war against mediocrity.


So blogger people,
I finally got rid of that
boring layout.
I found this one,
I know it's not much
better,and it doesn't
look all fancy and such,
but I don't really care.
It's not about how fancy the
background is,
it's about how fancy the
writing is.

Oy oy?

-Ms. Conduit
It's not everyday I run into someone,
and get knocked off my feet.
And days like these just don't
I want to stay here,
I want to stay.
Things like these,just don't
happen. You don't just smile
at me everyday.
But you're not the everyday,
you're different.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Everytime you make my day,
feels so good to see that smile
on your face.

Getting in shape!

I've decided to get shaped up.
So in addition to my usual
daily workout videos,
I've also cut back on
what I'm eating.
Day one appears to be
successful so far.
I went on a 2 mile walk/jog,
and did a 20 minute work out
Good enough for me.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I used to make my birds like "M"s too.
I miss being a child.
I want to go back just for one day.
Do you?


Dear Mufu,it hurts me much to say
this,but this is what you are to me.
You were my favorite person.
Now,I have no idea where you are,
if you've changed.
I pray you haven't. But I won't get
my hopes up.

an old friend you haven't
talked to in ages
Ivana had a hair stuck in her eyelid.
She pulled it out of her eyelid,
which was gross.
Then said "That felt cool."
I love her,
but that's just gross.

It might just be a dream,
that never comes true.
But I feel sparks when
I look at you.
There's something about you,
that makes me smile.
I know this time I may
be wasting,will be worthwhile.
No one gets inside your mind,
they don't get inside mine.
Perhaps I could understand you?
Perhaps I'm crazy.


So,today I discovered
that there IS guitar chords
for spongebobs "F.U.N." song.
Guess what I played
on guitar all day? (;


I almost thought my heart
would stop beating.
Or maybe just beat a little
"If God takes care of the lilies,
how much more will He take care of us,
YOU are fragrant and beautiful
to Him."
Right when the word beautiful
was said,I couldn't help but look
at you. You had looked at me at
the same time,and you smiled.
Might you be implying something?
I thought it was amusing when
you sat on the same couch
as me,and proceeded
to pick up a candy bar
wrapper with your foot.
You. Are. Awesome.

So my weekend?

What a weekend mate.
we went to this
church thing in
West Virginia...
yadda yadda..
like 3 hours of people
singing.. and 20 minutes
of preaching.. odd.
Ha,it wasn't bad at
all though.
Then.. taco bell..
I got a nacho
though I was unaware
of it having tomatoes
on it until I got it.
Tomatoes make me sick.
I had to avoid them.
So,I forget what else happened
that night,I think we went
to bed.(stayed at a pal's).
Then.. I can't remember
blah blah..
woke up the next day..
got ready.
Walked to the store with
someone I'm not too
thrilled with right
And got CANDY :D
I shan't ever grow up,
thank you.
Then.. we went back to Ivana's..
chilled... ate candy. Sat
at the table doing nothing.
Then went to Paul's house
and played some rock band.
I of course embarrassed
myself,because I stunk.
So then we went home..
and beat each other up with
pillows and watched
7th heaven.
I have 3 bruises.
Woke up... went to church.
Early cause they
had to practice for something
so I sat around.
Then my daddy-o showed
up and I tackle hugged
him. Ha.
Yeah,I've no idea
why I'm saying all this.
Sermon was awesome!
Amen hallelujah.
Pops and I went
to arbys to eat after.
Pastor showed up,
he grabbed a table
and added it to ours.
I got a milkshake cause
I figured we'd talk a while.
We did. Then, I came home.
And went for a walk.
And worked out.
Now I'm sitting here telling
you about my amazing weekend.
Yeah,I don't think you care C:
I'll do a better post in a second.

-Ms. Conduit

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Crayons can melt on us for all I care.

I just wasted 10 seconds of your life.

Lack of useful things to say.

I don't know what
to think of anymore.
There was something
I thought,
but this is getting
nowhere unless
I get over this nervousness.
These butterflies,
that plague my stomach.
What to do,
how to do it?
What to say,
how to say it?
It makes me feel
like I'm falling,
exactly where I've
been for a while now.

-Ms. Conduit


Sometimes I wonder
why I can't be
skinny like I want

But I'd rather
eat gallons
of ice cream
and be happy
However will I be outgoing
around you,when you're
the only one who can
make me shy??

Don't judge a book by it's cover.


I try(ied).
But yet,
it seems worthless
Everyone will
fail me,
it's just hard
to get used to
the fact.
They will
push me down,
hurt my
believe things
that aren't true.
But we're human.
We make mistakes.
I just wish I could
understand that
so that I would
quit letting it get to me.
Jesus hasn't failed me.
That's all I hold onto
People make me
want to rip my hair
out sometimes.

-Ms. Conduit

Reese Puffs.

I had reese puffs
for breakfast.
I did not break
out in rap.
Neither did
anyone else in the room.
Needless to say,
I was disappointed.

-Ms. Conduit

I had a dream.

I am feeling rather happy
right now.
It makes me want to
go back to bed,
Because the dream I had
made me happy.

*picture this*
I was at Toys-r-us
We were talking to
one of the worker
guys,who was putting
together,so of course
we were talking about
star wars.
My dad starts looking
at stuff,and one of
the other workers
comes over and asks
his friend
"How does
the "circle of life"
song go in the lion
king when it's saying
all those weird words?"
I then proceeded to
sing it,because 2 weekends
ago,my friend and I had
learned all the words to
it(in real life).
They were pretty amused
that I knew all the words.
Worker #2 who asked
the question walked away,
and I sat talking to worker #1.
He then said "I think your
dad is leaving" which he was.
"You should come back tomorrow"
To which I replied
"I work tomorrow" :(
He then pulled out his phone
and asked me to spell
Then,he said
"I'll need your number in case
we can't remember the
words to other disney songs"
And I smiled,laughed,and
gave it to him.

Haha ^^ isn't that just a
downright crazy dream?
It makes me want to go
back to sleep and
hopefully have another.
But I know,
"It does not do to dwell
on dream and forget to live."
It was a nice dream.

-Ms. Conduit

Monday, April 12, 2010

Well,that wasn't
a good outcome.
Definitely not what
I expected.
That's no good.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Opening my cloudy tired
eyes every morning is
such a chore.
It's hard to wake up,
especially after I had
a bad day before.
But yet lately,
when I do finally force myself
out of bed,
I'm excited.
Excited for the day,
excited for a new
chance to make
a way.
And talk in silly poetic rhymes?

I dunno guys.
I'm just feeling good lately.
Today is gonna be
Things have been non-stop for
me lately.
I can't wait till tomorrow,
cause I don't have
to do anything.
But then as soon as Tuesday hits,
another full week.
And it doesn't help that I go to bed
after 1am every night.
I need to work on getting everything
done in one day,
and not having to work
late into the night.
It's exhausting.
But lately I've had such
an energy,
though I just want to sleep.
I can do it.
Woot woot.

I have a whole hour before I
leave for church. I could
go back to bed but I am afraid
I would not be
able to get back up in time.
aha xD

I had coffee,
iced mocha latte
that Erin
got me yesterday
yay :]]
it didn't help much
like I thought it would.
It sure helped last
night when I drank half
of it.
The other half
today did nothing.

I never knew things
could be this good.
Or this tiring.
But here comes Your mercy,
streaming in with the morning

-Ms. Conduit

Things aren't always what they seem.

Today,I heard
my alarm going off.
I got up turned it
off,and said,
"I don't need to be up today!"
and went back to bed.
Then I realized it's Sunday,
and I DO need to be up.
Bahaha, I thought
it was Monday.

-Ms. Conduit

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ooo la la :]]

At first it was just a small
now it's getting brighter.
Your smile makes
me feel crazy inside.
The way I feel
when we see each other
looking at each other.
The way you love God,
ah :)
I know..
I'm overthinking this.
It's just,
you're awesome.
Ha,you don't even know
I think all of this.

-Ms. Conduit


So,today was really awesome.
God blesses me with the best,
no matter what.
The best friends,the best
surprises,the best everything.
It just makes me remember,
how awful things used to be,
and how He's turned them
around for me.
I know,I say this in every
blog update,but yall,
God is so faithful to me!
I can't say it enough.

My friends,
oh my friends.
with friends like these,
who needs enemies??

-Ms. Conduit

Stupid post..

I sometimes can't think of
anything useful to say,
in these blogs.
Usually I just do song
quotes on how I'm
feeling. Or go into
a rant about silly
stuff in my life.
It makes me realize
why no one reads it :PP

My room is finally clean.
It looks pretty sweet
cause I'm finally putting up
all the posters and wall things
I got for it.
Yay <3
I might post pictures of it
If anyone cares.

I'm so ready for the concert
thing... I can't wait to see
leedle leedle :P
Good times good times.

-Ms. Conduit
You make me happy,
you make me feel the way I do
you make me happy,
I wanna make you happy too
singing la la la la la,
la la la la la la la.

It's gonna be a good day.

I'm smelling coffee,
the birds are singing
just outside,
here comes Your mercy <33


I still wonder if
it will be possible for
me to do 500 posts
by the end of 2010.
I have almost 200.
Oh man. I need
to start posting willy nilly
when I have time.
I don't right now..
I should be getting ready,
as usual
but instead I'm sitting
here ranting about stupid
stuff that no one
else cares
about :D

Fun times.

-Ms. Conduit

Your favor surrounds me..

Wow,today is amazing already.
I can feel God's favor surrounding
me,and it's amazing.
All I've done is wake up,
not too thrilled about it..
and went for a walk.
He really did some work
on my heart while I was walking.
I'm gonna have a great
day :)

Now I've got some coffee,
and a nutri-grain bar.
I feel great.
Though I'm rather tired,
today is gonna rock out loud..

-Ms. Conduit

Friday, April 9, 2010

Holy moly this was long??

Don't tell me lies, have you been under the influence in the past 24 hours?
Sure haven't.

Who was the last person you physically hit?
Ivana probably ha.

Were you single on your last birthday?

What song are you currently listening to?
When did you fall(in love with me)-
Chris Rice.

Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
Not exactly.

What is your opinion on late night phone calls?
I enjoy them sometimes.
Just haven't had one in ages :/

Have you cried in the last week?
Not that I remember..

Your boyfriend/​​​girlfriend buys you flowers, you say:
I'm single,but were that to happen
I'd probably cry from happiness
xD no one has ever gotten
me flowers.

Something you really want right now?
Lets see here... for someone to talk
to me :]]

Who was the last person to touch your stomach?
Uhm.. me.. ha.

Ever had a girl best friend?
Yes. Those were pain in the
butt days. xD

Would you prefer being locked in a room with the person you like or best friend?
Person I like. I can talk to my
best friend anytime :))

What is in your pocket?
No pockets.

You never know what you got until you lose it? True or false?
Very true. :/
and very sad.

How's your life lately?
Amazing actually.
I haven't been this happy
in... well..since June 200..7??

Does it bother you when people try to make you jealous?
Ha! It makes me laugh because they look
like goofs tryina make me jealous.

Do you reply to all of your texts?

If you could get a new cell phone right now, which would you choose?
I'm good with the one I have.
As long as it works,right?

Last person you said I love you to?
Ivana,or mom.

How do you feel about Dr. Pepper?
I don't like pop a whole lot.
Except mountain dew.

Do you go to the tanning bed on a regular basis?
Never. I'm a pale child :]]

Does your bedroom need cleaning?
I actually did that today.
It looks amazing. ha.

Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
On Mackenzie's stairs. Haha
those were the days.

What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had?

Day been rough?

What will you be doing this weekend?
Concert thingy tomorrow..
then church Sunday.

Is it usually easy for someone to make you smile?
Sometimes,I guess.

Do you think you've changed over the past year?
Oh you know it.

When is the next time you will see any of your siblings?
I have no idea.

How many funerals have you been to in your lifetime?
Too many..

Would you skydive for $400?
Oh yeah! I want to skydive anyways, it would be great to get paid.

Do you have a younger sister?

Is it possible to kiss the last person you kissed?
I'm sure it's possible,
but I wouldn't.

Funniest thing that happened in the last 24 hours?
Dad... he opened flavoured water
and it fizzed all over him.
Made my day.

Let me guess, your last incoming call was from the opposite sex?
Incorrect. It was from my sister.

Would you kiss anyone you have texts from in your phone?
No thank you.

Is it more common for you to follow your heart or your mind?
I've been trying to follow my heart,
but my mind puts up a pretty good fight.

Do you like to hold hands?

Anything embarrassing happen today?
Not really.

Would you ever go on a game show if you were offered?
Sure. Only if I could bring a friend.

What does your phone do when it receives a new text?
Either,vibrates.. or plays a ringtone.
I have special ringtones for
the important people in my phone,
they all get different ringtones :D

Would you rather be at the beach or lake?

Last thing you spent money on?
Hm... food.

What are you doing after this?
I am going to lay in bed,
write in my prayer journal,
and work on a new song.

Your song of the week?
"You get me" -Michelle Branch.

Have you dated the person you texted last?
I don't roll that way.

Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
Not really actually.

Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?

What is today's date?

How tall are you?
5'0. Roughly :/

If you could have one wish right now what would it be?
I'd like a smore sundae with no calories..
mm... :/

Do you want to get married and have children one day?
Someday <3

Who is the 9th contact in your phone?
Austin Townsend.

Could you go a day without eating?
Yes. It's called fasting.
Ha,I do it occasionally
when I'm really praying hard for something

Did your parents force you to go to church or let you make the decision?
I LOVE church. I go to a different church than my
parents go to though.

What are you excited for?
Tomorrow <3

Did anyone see you kiss that last person you kissed?
Yes,like... the whole Bolivar youth group.
Haha it's Beci (old youth lead)
her fault.. "OHH NATHAN IS ABOUT
ahh church camp. <3

Do you still talk to the person you last kissed?
Nope :)
Church camp.. it
was just a one week
thing,which was
quite sad. We
were all kids.

What woke you up today?

Have you ever dyed your hair?

Would you ever get a tattoo?

How many windows are open on your computer?

How many pillows do you sleep with?

Can you have more than one best friend?
I think only one can be the "best"
because I mean,not everyone
can be the best.. so yeah.

What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider?
Hot chocolate. I don't really like cider.

Do you want to be single?
I am single,and fine with
it until God sends me

Last person who said "I hate you" to you?
Keerstin. I didn't mean it of course,
I hate no one... but she really made
me upset..

What do you hate most about other people?
They're annoying.

Do you remember what you wore last night?
I actually do not.

Who was the last person you texted?

Who was the last person you talked to in person?

Is confidence cute?
It can be,but don't get cocky.
Cause that's just annoying.
I mean,like...
say,someone says to someone
"I like you"
and they reply jokingly
"who doesn't?"
I think that's cute..
but if it's just like..
someone who really thinks
they're the greatest thing
since sliced bread,
than that gets annoying.

Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them in a car?
Haha! I'm not quite sure.. I remember we sat
in a church van to talk. But I can't recall
if we kissed.

Were you intoxicated the last time you threw up?

Do you know what the last person you kissed is doing right now?
Psh,no idea. xD

Do you miss anyone?
Ivana :PP
and other people.

Does anyone like you?
I sure hope so.

Honestly, who was the last person you held hands with?
Some kid during prayer. xD

When you were little did you ever take a shower with anyone?
Yes. Mary. bahaha.
That's awkward O.o
I can't believe little
kids do that.

Have you ever been in trouble to where you had to go to the office?

Have you ever seen a dead body?

What's on your bed right now?
Blankets,pillows,a stuffy bear,and my cat.

What were you doing at 11:12 pm last night?
What a random time.
Thinking probably.

Was last night terrible?

What was the last thing you did outside?
Looked at the stars..<3

Is your phone right next to you, or at least close by?
Beside me,yes.

What was the last thing you bought?

When was the last time you saw your mom?
4 hours ago.

Did you kiss anyone in November?

What does your hair look like?
I don't know? I'm not looking
in a mirror. bahaha.
It probably looks alright.

Someone tells you that your beautiful, you say?
Thank you,I'm glad you think so.

Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past three months?
My mother.

Is there a specific reason you're not dating the last person you texted?
I don't roll that way. xD

How many people have you had feelings for in 2010? And who?
Two people.
And must I name them?
I have nicknames
for both.
1. Draco.
2.Leedle leedle.

Have you had sex in the last 24 hours?
Waiting till marriage <3

Is anything bugging you right now?
I have to pee if that counts

Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with a T, W, J, or F?

Is this year the best year of your life?
So far,it's pretty good.
But it has yet to beat 2007 :/

Whats on your mind?
I need to make my moms
video thing for her,owl city is really
soothing.. even though it's not
usually a sound I prefer,I dig it,
I should sleep soon.

How is your mood?
I feel amazing.
Thank you owl city. <3
I didn't like you at
first,but when I'm sitting
here your music
plucks my thought strings.

If you were given the chance to go to Paris, would you go?
Yes. I'd love to.

How's your heart lately?
Buh-beating. :))

Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
Well sure.

Do you have any sisters?

Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
You know it.

Where were you last night?
At a youth group.

What is today's date?
Oh.. I just realized it's after
midnight... 10th..yeah

Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
Uhmm... not sure.

What is your relationship status?

Has anyone ever sang to you?

Has anyone ever given you roses?
Nadda :/

If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
Oh yeah. All those years watching animal planet
+ the survival channel,I know enough
to kick some butt out there :]]

How do you make your money?
Work. I work at a womens
fitness center,for those
creepers that care.

What is a compliment you receive often?
"you have pretty eyes".

How tall are you?

Who was the last person to say they loved you and when?
Ivana or mum. today.

Do you like your parents?
I love them.
I'm not a commie :O

Do you secretly like someone?
It's not really a secret anymore
thanks guys. bleh.

Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?

Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
I have my dads eyes.
I don't think I look like
my mom but some people
think so. I think I look
most like my sister..

Who has a personality almost exactly like yours?
Pftt I don't know if I know anyone
like that. We're all different :D

Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?
With as in hanging out? Yes.
With as in a relationship,
not really.

Do you miss the last person you kissed?
He was a cool kid.
Ha,churchh camp for the win!

Are you sober?
Yes I am.

Do you currently have a hickey?

Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/ girlfriend smokes?
I wouldn't date someone who does.

What's the longest amount of time you've gone without sleep?
3 days..

Do you feel sorry for your bed sheets?
Feel sorry? Are you high?
I have no idea what you're meaning..
or is this some gangster slang
I've not heard of?

What would you do if the last person you kissed broke your heart?
He didn't break my heart bahaha.
We were like 14.
It was just kid stuff.

Ever been called babe?
Sure have.

Do you like any of your ex's right now?
Heavens no. They're my friends
but I don't think I'd like any
of them like that ever again.

Name everyone you kissed in '10?

Who was the person you most kissed in '10?

Your ex taps you on the shoulder and tells you they still like you, what do you say?
Which ex,first?
And I'd say,good to know.

Could you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
No. I'm straight. Okay? I'm waiting
till marriage for sex anyway

Let's start with the typical, are you taken?

Is your cell phone a touch screen phone?
No. I think those are overrated
and I kinda fail at touch screens.

What is your mom saved as in your phone?
She is such a muggle.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
Yes. I know so.

Was your last kiss a regret?
I don't regret.

Do you hate the last person you texted last night?
I don't hate him :)
He's my friend. I don't
hate anyone.

Would you ever shoot up heroin, if given the chance?
NEVER! I will never do
any drugs or that stuff.
Straight edge,homie.

Are you talkative?
I can be.

When was the last time you saw your father?
Before he went to bed.

Do you hate it when people try to play with your hair?
I love it when people play with my hair.
It's relaxing :D

Do you have a best friend?
Sure do.

What was the best memory made so far this year?
Awwhhhh leedle leedle, nants ingonyama babitha baba,
Haha xD

Who is someone you miss?
she needs to get
back from vacation
like,right now. ://

When was the last time you were sick?
Eh,I don't get sick often.

Do you prefer pasta, salad, or coleslaw?
Pasta. I don't like the other two.

What does your mom call you?
Whatever she feels like.
I dunno.
She calls me a
"piece of work"
or "fruitcake"
quite commonly.
baha :]]

What were you doing at 12:00 last night?

Do you like going to the beach?
*shrugs* I've been there once,
when I was 9. I don't really
remember it.. except for
when my muggle was standing
in the water,and a wave
came up, attacked her,
and knocked her glasses off.
I guess I do like the beach.

What do you think of rap music?
I hate most of it.
I really hate it.

Do you get along with your parents?

What is your favorite thing to drink?
Energy drinks,
or frappes.

Do you wear sweatpants a lot?
Not a whole lot.
But I am now :]]

Do you know anybody that's changed into someone completely different?
Yes. I hate that. :/

Are you the kind of person who has crazy mood swings?
Haha naht really.

Would you ever donate blood?
maybe, it kinda grosses me out to be honest.

Is someone on your mind right now?

What color is your hair?
I don't really know.
It's reddish blondish.
I guess...?

How did you get your last bruise?
No idea.

Do you enjoy cuddling?
*shrugs* sure.

Has anyone recently disappointed you?
Yes. Story of my life.
Except Jesus will never
disappoint me :DD

Have you ever felt like someone of the opposite sex truly cared about you?
Yes. My bestie friend.

What is the best way to cool off when you're mad?
Scream real loud,sing real loud,dance real loud.
yeah yeah yeah.

Do you think you're good enough for the person you like?
Not sure. I think I'm the bomb.
He's a pretty cool guy though.
But I'm a pretty cool girl.
coincidence,or divine destiny?
I dunno,I guess I am good enough.
Just depends if he ever thinks so.

When was the last time you felt like throwing up?

Are you a patient person?

Could you go a day without eating?

Are you happy?
I'm content.

Who did you last shoot a dirty look at?
Keerstin. She was really making me

Have you ever had a garage sale?

What color is your iPod?
White. Like me.
It'sa cracka.

What kind of dog do you have?
I wish I had one...
an invisible one is
what I have now..

What's for dinner tonight?
Uh.. more like breakfast.

What is the last drink you drank?

How long is your hair?
Sorta getting long.
Finally. It's getting
thick too. :D
Yay. I almost like
my hair somewhat.

Are you happy right now?
I'm kinda tired.
I hope this is almost done.

What did you say last?
I forget.

Who came over last?
Sarah and Chris.

Do you drink beer?
Never. Ew.

Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
Hahaha yes.
Good times.

What is your favorite key chain on your keys?
I don't have a keychain.

What is in your pocket?
Nadda pockets.

Who introduced you to your boyfriend or girlfriend?
I'm single.

Who is the last person you had a phone conversation with?
Not sure.

What's something fun you did today?
Listened to music.

What do you think of when you hear the word "meow"?

What are you listening to right now?
"When did you fall in love with me"
again.. by Chris Rice.

What have you had to drink so far today?
After 12am I've had..
diet pepsi,mixed with cranberry
and flavoured water,Ha I got bored..
and milk.

When is your birthday?
December 23rd.

What's the area code for your cell phone?
330 yo.

Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror?

How many states in the U.S. have you been to?
Eh.. maybe 5.

What are you going to do after this?

What is something you need to go shopping for?
Video games.
And shirts, I have like..
no shirts..

Do you like pickles?
Only on sandwiches.

How about olives?
Ew no.

What is your favorite kind of gum?
5 cobalt.

Do you have any tan lines?
No,I'ma pale cracka.

Do you remember the name of your kindergarten teacher?
Didn't do kindergarten.

Who was the last person to call you baby?
No idea.

When you're at the grocery store do you used the self checkout?
Ughhh. I hate those! I go to the self check out
to do it myself,right? So I don't want to see
an employee,I'm doing it myself.
Then.. it screws over 99.9% of the time,
and says "Please ask an employee for
assistance" lovely.

Has anyone ever sang to you?

Has anyone ever given you roses?

What is your favorite color?
JD green.

What color are your eyes?
Blue/ sometimes Gray/Sometimes green.
They like to change colors.

What is a compliment you receive way too often?
"You have pretty eyes".

Where is the furthest place you've traveled?

How long does it take you to shower?
5-7 minutes,
because I'm considerate
and realize that
other people may want the

Can you do splits?
Not really..

Can you use the grill?
Haha I burn everything.

Are you flexible?
Eh.. barely.

What movie do you want to see?
None really..

What did you on New Years Eve 2007?
I can't really remember..
I think I was at a lock in at the roc.

Was your mom a cheerleader?
Not that I'm aware of.

What is the last letter of your middle name?

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
Not enough. Story of my life.

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?

Are you scared of flying?

What do you sleep in?
Clothes? A bed?

Do you have any tatoos?
No thank you.

Have you ever been to Los Angeles?

What jewelry do you wear all the time?
My keyblade necklace.
I love it.
Woot woot.

What song do you HATE?
That... lady gaga crap.
Any of her songs.
that.. roma ga blah
pa whatever.

Do you like chocolate?
I do I do.

Are you easy to get along with?
I am. But that doesn't mean
you are :]]

Any up coming events you're excited about

That was a long survey.
I think I'll never do one that long again.
If any of my blogger followers
actually read this whole thing,
I applaud you.

-Ms. Conduit

My life is interesting..

I really should finish
cleaning my room..
But blogger,
talking to you
and posting a
large amount
of blogs is much
more interesting.

Manage me,
I'm a mess.
Turn a page,
I'm a book half unread.

Oh man oh man.
Tomorrow is gonna
be off the hook (:
Leedle leedle.
Noodles :)
It's gonna make
me nervous.
But than again,
I do have a habit
of being a nervous
They want me to
take pictures..
because they think
I'm good at taking
It made me happy :)

God has been so moving
in my life lately.
I feel like something is coming
up,and it's gonna be

So,I know yall probably
don't care about the
silly things going on in
my life,but you know..
I only tell blogger
because blogger is always
here. My friends
aren't always here sadly.
I should ask them to
make bloggers.
Anyway,I got this book shelf
and I've been trying to find a spot
to fit it in my room... I
had found the perfect spot..
until I noticed the air
vent was there -.-
I can't put it over the
air vent. Blech.

I heard my dad screaming,
as I was looking
for a place to put it..
and I ran downstairs
to see what was wrong..
he was holding flavored
water,and it was fizzing
all over the place.
It made me laugh.
He wasn't a happy
camper C:

I love this crazy tragic,
sometimes almost magic,
awful beautiful life <3

-Ms. Conduit

This looks like fun :)

You can ask me
anything anonymously
with this little do-hickey :)


I don't know what to say,
because tomorrow,
is a different day. -Avril

Who wants to be
in a crazy mixed up world?

I wonder what goes on
in your mind,that
makes you smile like that..

Hey hey,
would you ever look my way?
Hey hey,
you burn me up inside

The bottoms gonna drop,
out from underneath
I'll catch you,I'll catch
you when people
say things that bring
you to your knees,
I'll catch you
the time is gonna come when you're
so mad you could,cry
but I'll hold you through,you're
mad until you,smile.

You're burning up my dreams,
as crazy as it seems,
I don't wanna be anywhere
but here.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


So tonight I visited a new
youth group...
it was nice except...
the fact that
the guys kinda
flocked around
that was strange.
I don't like things
like that.

I probably won't go
back,but I did get
one good thing out
of it..
I decided to make
another prayer journal.
So I can really watch God
work in my life like He
has been lately.
He is so good to me :D

But yeah.. that youth
group was kinda nice..
they didn't do music though.
Slightly unorganized.
I'm not meaning to judge,
just not my taste,
you know?

-Ms. Conduit

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My head is spinning..

I wonder what you
think of me?
They say you look
at me,sometimes.
Maybe it's because
you know.
You do know..
but why would
you look?
If I were crazy,
that would make
me think you
felt this way too.
I know you don't.
Why would you?
Who would?
I don't know what
to think.
It's been a long time.
I want to know
what it means.
I want to know
I want...
to cause that
amazing smile :)

I'm smitten..
and I'm a loser.


Hey hey.

You're the storm,
let it rain,
you've got eyes like
a hurricane.

You've no clue what you


Oh blogger,
I do need more
It just seems to
me like no one
uses blogger anymore.
Most of the people following
me,found me here.
A few I asked.
I have 9 followers.
It makes me sad.
It also makes me wonder,
how many people read
my blogger without
following it?
Or commenting?
Maybe,just maybe,
they read it everyday..
and it brings them
laughter,and happiness,
or some bad emotion.
But yet they don't comment
it and say so.
It's rather disappointing.
I dunno,just a thought.

Picasa of me :P

I love.

I love :
Waking up every morning
breathing,alive,with a chance
to start over.
Finally being happy with
my life,no more depression.
Helping people out of what
I used to be in before I found
true joy.
Slimfast milkshakes.
Last minute plans.
Jamming to real loud music.
Being happy with myself,
even though I'm not perfect
or close to it.
When someone tells me I'm
When my eyes change colors.
Walking with friends.
Getting out of a long
winter and seeing summer
just around the corner.
His smile.
My new church.
Playing the guitar so
crazily the strings feel
like they're gonna pop
off. xD
Thanking Jesus for saving
me <3
The book of Revelations.
Knowing that the end times
are close.

Everything seems okay,
in fact,more than okay.
Everything seems wonderful,
for once. With my life
in His hands. The things
He's given me,in just such
a short time,after so
much suffering.
He's always faithful.

-Ms. Conduit


God I thank you,
for every breath I breathe.

One more day to be
in this world,
and change someones life.

I'd give anything to
make a difference.

I got a text from an
ex's friend.
"Guess what"
I replied,with
Of course.
He said he got saved.

I about fell out of my
chair I was so happy :P
But I'm worried he's
not gonna have the
guidance to be real
about it.

All I can do now is
pray and be a good
example I reckon.

But boy am I happy.
A new member to
the family is always
amazing. Thank ya Jesus!


-Ms. Conduit

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I can't believe he knows.
He already knows.
So soon,why so soon?
He hasn't said a word
to me,even though he's
Oh my word.
I can only imagine
what he thinks.
I'm a nervous wreck.

The feeling I'm feeling.
My hands are shaking.
The butterflies
are fluttering.
And you don't even
know you have this
effect on me.
I wonder how I make
you feel?
Probably nothing like this.
If it was,maybe
things would fit
than I think they will.
I'm trying to breathe.
Sweaty palms.
Open arms.
Oh dear.
How do you do
this to me?
Your smile,
it warms
me to the very core.
Your eyes are a color
I've never seen before.
Take a deep,shaky breath,
before I go.
Cause I know something you don't

quick feelings of mine,in my own poem form.

I just heard the news.
My stomach is churning.
I feel butterflies take over.
My breathing is quickening.
I don't know what to think.
I don't know what you think.
I guess it's for the best,
that you already know.
It still makes me nervous.
I wish that didn't show.
The feeling it gives me,
my heart is in my throat.
If only it could of waited,
and I could of told you in a note.
I'm shaking,
My nerves are waking,
my heart is yours,for the

-Ms. Conduit

Just another thought.

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."

It's time to stop
thinking about what
should of been,
could of been,
would of been.
What if what if,
we ask ourselves
all the time.
Yes,what if.
But it didn't happen,
or did.
Just another part of life.
No need to dwell on the
past,or the things that
could be. It's time
to start making things
happen.. rather than
wondering what things
would be like if they did.

-Ms. Conduit
Forever You are faithful,
Forever You are true,
Forever You are mighty,
Forever it is You.

Thank you Jesus<33


Here I am,
face to face
with a situation
I never,thought
I'd ever see. <3

Boy am I excited.
I really am.
It's a bit of
a long story,
and kind of
a secret story.
But I'm excited.

Not that it matters that
it's a secret.
I mean,I tell all my secrets
to blogger because,
well.. I don't know.
No one I really know
or anything
reads it.
And most of the secrets
are about the people
I know :P

So alright,if you haven't caught on,
or haven't read my blog
for a long time... I've been single
9 months.
I've liked a couple guys
in that time.
None I could picture myself
with,and God didn't
give the okay.
I'm not saying that's
changed,but I do like
someone new.
Again. Ha.
This one is
a better choice.
And well..
He's really nice.
We haven't talked,
But the way he loves
God,and interacts
with others..
Kinda makes me smile.
I dunno.
I'm silly.

But anyway. I
get to see him
thanks to
random stuff.
Ha. I'm pretty happy.
Maybe I'll finally
talk to him for
It'd be nice.

So anyway.
I don't really have
anything more to
say in this post.


-Ms. Conduit

Monday, April 5, 2010

I really wish there was
a way I could tell
you these things.
Everyone else knows.
Everyone else thinks so.
But what about you?
You don't.
You don't know.

Jokes you'll never understand.

I like leedle leedle,
and I like to lick
I love my friends <3

Friday, April 2, 2010

Sleeepover! woot woot. =]

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Woot woot.

So,I'm pretty excited.
Tomorrow,I've got
I am staying at
my friends
house until Sunday.
I do believe we
will have a good
There's going to
be bible study
on Saturday,
and then church Sunday.
I am ready
for this weekend.
It shall be a fun
one. God
is good..
So yeah,that's what's
up.. if anyone
cares what's going on
in my life.. :]

andd... you've
got an amazing smile *poke*
Don't judge a book by it's