Sunday, April 18, 2010

So my weekend?

What a weekend mate.
we went to this
church thing in
West Virginia...
yadda yadda..
like 3 hours of people
singing.. and 20 minutes
of preaching.. odd.
Ha,it wasn't bad at
all though.
Then.. taco bell..
I got a nacho
though I was unaware
of it having tomatoes
on it until I got it.
Tomatoes make me sick.
I had to avoid them.
So,I forget what else happened
that night,I think we went
to bed.(stayed at a pal's).
Then.. I can't remember
blah blah..
woke up the next day..
got ready.
Walked to the store with
someone I'm not too
thrilled with right
And got CANDY :D
I shan't ever grow up,
thank you.
Then.. we went back to Ivana's..
chilled... ate candy. Sat
at the table doing nothing.
Then went to Paul's house
and played some rock band.
I of course embarrassed
myself,because I stunk.
So then we went home..
and beat each other up with
pillows and watched
7th heaven.
I have 3 bruises.
Woke up... went to church.
Early cause they
had to practice for something
so I sat around.
Then my daddy-o showed
up and I tackle hugged
him. Ha.
Yeah,I've no idea
why I'm saying all this.
Sermon was awesome!
Amen hallelujah.
Pops and I went
to arbys to eat after.
Pastor showed up,
he grabbed a table
and added it to ours.
I got a milkshake cause
I figured we'd talk a while.
We did. Then, I came home.
And went for a walk.
And worked out.
Now I'm sitting here telling
you about my amazing weekend.
Yeah,I don't think you care C:
I'll do a better post in a second.

-Ms. Conduit

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