Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I love.

I love :
Waking up every morning
breathing,alive,with a chance
to start over.
Finally being happy with
my life,no more depression.
Helping people out of what
I used to be in before I found
true joy.
Slimfast milkshakes.
Last minute plans.
Jamming to real loud music.
Being happy with myself,
even though I'm not perfect
or close to it.
When someone tells me I'm
When my eyes change colors.
Walking with friends.
Getting out of a long
winter and seeing summer
just around the corner.
His smile.
My new church.
Playing the guitar so
crazily the strings feel
like they're gonna pop
off. xD
Thanking Jesus for saving
me <3
The book of Revelations.
Knowing that the end times
are close.

Everything seems okay,
in fact,more than okay.
Everything seems wonderful,
for once. With my life
in His hands. The things
He's given me,in just such
a short time,after so
much suffering.
He's always faithful.

-Ms. Conduit

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