Friday, August 28, 2009

This is one way to scare the devil away,and maybe some unwanted people ;D

So,yesterday on my facebook status,any adventure began. ShaLacey and I made up raps out of boredom,and now I'm going to show you all our rapping skills!

Me :
My rappy,is crappy but I don't care I'm happy,your face looks like squished grapes,word.

ShaLacey : squished grapes squished grapes
rub them on ur scrapes
oh yea.

Me : Oh yeah,oh yeah.
There ain't no party like the holy ghost party cause the holy ghost party don't...

ShaLacey : STOP......say WHAT!!!

"Grrr..... I'm steaming mad.... grrr, yeah....
I'm a gangster, I'm a straight up G,
The gangster life, is the life for me,
Shooting people by day, selling drugs by night,
Being a gangster is hella tight,... Read More
I walk around town, with a stark erection,
Then gave your mom a yeast infection,
I saw the policeman, and punched him in the eye,
To serve and protect, what a lie!?
I also don't like white people, you shouldnt too,
And don't get me started about the Jews,

I'm a gangster, grrrrrr... I'm mad....
I'm a gangster, my ryhmes are bad,
I'm a gangster, I'm iced out like a freezer,
I'm a gangster, I don't listen to Weezer,"

ShaLacey :
we stand on the word
feelin free like a bird
ya heard.

Me: You stink,I think. you need that Jesus in your life,save that yeast for your wife,get in on that holy ghost party,cause that's where you'll feel real hearty. Gotta follow that Jesus read that word,yeah that's what I said,word.

Trevor :lol, that was from a song i quoted xD

ShaLacey : u use word too much lol....ummm my number one man is the King, i dont need any make me happy cuz imnot feelin crappy.....he died for us without any we could be saved and one day see a road paved....with gold and all the riches will unfold.

Trevor: we agreed that we hated rap now were making rap songs.... im lost

ShaLacey : haha i just made that up out of my head annnd it was bout jesus so i dont hate it

Me : Woohoohoo good one! I don't chase after them boys,all they want is some toys,I'm above there game,from heaven my Jesus reigns,I don't need their lies,no lies from them guys,cause I got that holy ghost,them boys are toast,I got me a spot in the book of life,and where I'm going there'll be no pain or strife.

ShaLacey : AHHHH u got that one grl that was fly

Trevor :*facepalm*

Me: Why thank you,now I'll never have to die,cause I'm so fly,I asked Jesus in my heart,now we can't be apart,he's my main man,he's my homie G,he's got the plan,he's got a future fo me!

Trevor: *double facepalm*

ShaLacey : everyday we go through a test
and we strive to do our best
just livin for our King
makes me wanna sing
praises... Read More
he will lead you through lifes mazes
standing right by your side
nothing can make him run and hide

There once was a man named David,he had that Jesus who saved him,he wrote poems all them Pslams,and Trevo does way too many facepalms, you need to face it homie,you need Jesus in yo life,cause you're bologna.

ShaLacey : he was ridin on a pony
lookin all bony
needin some bologna
to make him fat
so when he sat... Read More
he would fall flat
on the ground
makin a sound
like BAM
I told u not to eat anymore ham

There be a deceiver,yeah he prowls like a roaring lion,getting all these people crying,but he's just little satan,he's a phony so don't be shaken,he comes to steal,kill and destroy,but when you speak to him in the name of Jesus he runs like a little boy,you say you a believa,but I think you a deceiva,you say you living fo Christ,but I think you livin' only to please youself with yo life.

ShaLacey : hes full of bologna
the devil is a phony
he be tellin them lies
the cause of ur cries
in the night... Read More
ur tryin to put up a fight
the King stepped in
washed away ur sin
knowin ur livin for Him
ur no longer dim
but glowing bright
praisin god with all ur might
its a beautiful sight
servin him the rest of our life
theres gonna be pain and stirfe
but he will bring u through
and theres nuthin the devil can do

ShaLacey Marie Bertrand
haha ok thats it for me....for now

Haha guh we had it. I think we scared the devil away ;-)

haha fo sho guh they cant mess with us.

So there you have it!We got Jesus in our hearts,and we're GREEEAT we got it all! Foshizzle my nizzle.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

How funky is your chicken?How loose is your goose?

Here I am,sitting here enjoying my book "When God Writes Your Love Story" I go to take a drink of water,and my eyes come across something on the page,and the water shoots out of my mouth. "What if my future spouse followed me around throughout my day,every day of my life,would he feel cherished and adored by me as I interact with the opposite sex?Would he feel loved by my actions,or hurt that I'm giving away what's meant to be his?" I thought about it for a moment,I'm cheating on the guy God has for me!I know it doesn't seem to make sense,but I like a lot of guys at a time,and go after guys just because I hate being single. Would my future husband appreciate that?I think not.

So therefore,that's a habit I need to break. Now. No more giving away my heart,emotions,and even body to guys. Not until I'm married. I'm going to wait for God's "okay" on who to date. I'm not dating again until I know it's the one. God'll show me,don't doubt that.

-Christina Conduit

I want my life to be beautiful.

My book finally came in the mail!The 10 year,new version of "when God writes your love story" the thing I've been waiting for,for 6 finally here!I'm already on chapter two and loving it. They didn't change too much,which is good because I absolutely loved the old version and was reading it for the 5th time.I believe this is step one to changing my life,bringing down the fake me,and exposing what I really am.Then rebuilding,becoming who I'm meant to be through Jesus Christ.

I wrote down a list of things that were keeping me from putting God first in my life.And you know what number one was?
1.Men,boys,guys,the opposite sex,dating,relationships.
It's almost what is keeping every girl from her relationship with God.I know I've gotta put my focus on God,if I ever want to have a beautiful love story,rather then something I tried to make by myself.

So,step one..30 minutes of alone time every day with God,daily bible reading,more focus,more christian books,talks with real believers.

Matthew 6:33 (King James Version)

33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

But did you know,you can let go?Let loose,sometimes.

Ever have one of those days where you just feel like screaming in someones ear at the top of your lungs?
That would be today for me. Yes,things are weird. Yes,I'm frustrated. I think this is the stage of my life where everything gets torn down,and gets rebuilt. But not in the same way,no. I'll be a new person,a new creation. With God's help. That's the only way I can get through this. No other way. Gotta grab the old trusty bible,my prayer heart.. and some christian books. And maybe a few people to help me through it all. Just wish I could find the right people. Lately my mother has been one of my closest friends,which is odd,because I never tell her anything. But I've been telling her a lot's kinda different then what I'm used to,but I know I can trust her. So anyways, I don't know what to do. I finally followed God's voice about leaving Bolivar Wesleyan. Which was the HARDEST decision I've made in a long time. I've been pretty emo about it too,but I also know it's for the best. Most of the people there acted like children,I didn't feel like it was a family..It felt more like being the new person in a youth group,for 2 years. And hearing the same things taught over and over isn't how I roll either. So I listened to God,with a heavy heart and talked to Beci. Now I don't have to look back. I have a feeling this will also help with the Mufu situation also,no more reminders. Nothing there to constantly make me think of Mufu. And never ever seeing Mufu again,it sounds a lot better. I mean,I know I have to see him and confront him if he ever comes back,but I'm too much of a coward. I have to wait for God to give me the okay for that one. It's time to start anew,to give up everything I am now. It's time to become a new person. The Christina Conduit you've known for so long,will no longer be here.

-Christina Conduit

Monday, August 24, 2009

A song I wrote.

Untitled By Christina Conduit (Christina Shumard) ©

Looking up,at my savior on the cross
The agony in His eyes
He did this for me,and I'll never understand why
The earth starts to shake,bondages break
They put him in the tomb
Oh but there wasn't enough room

He came unnailed
Oh death where is your victory
Death where is your sting
As Jesus lives again,His people start to sing
Yesterday,today,forever he remains the same
As he rises up to heaven we declare Jesus reigns

He came to earth to die
To open up our eyes
He gave us a second chance
And holds the world in the palm of his hands
He let them put a crown,of thorns on his head
He declared it is finished with his last breath

He came unnailed
Oh death where is your victory
Death where is your sting
As Jesus lives again,His people start to sing
Yesterday,today,forever he remains the same
As he rises up to heaven we declare Jesus reigns

Looking up,at my savior in the sky
He came to earth to die
But death couldn't stop Him.

Do you remember when we first met?I sure do.

Hello there.
Saturday I went to an outdoor movie hosted by some people I do not know.
But nonetheless,I went.It was absolutely boring,and apparently Bear hates me now.I guess I'm a "clueless skan*" Because I won't date him.Lame.
Whatever.So anyways,Sunday..I went to church.I wore this black dress..and this painful high heels.Church was super though.I was too busy being nervous to hear a lot of the stuff though.Afterwards *he* said hi to me..He asked how I was..and even though I was unaware of it,he gave me a hug. How did I know that if I was unaware?My friend told me.It was like a dream..strange. I handed him the note and he asked what it was,and I said it was for him.He asked if my friend was my sister,and I said nope.Then she introduced herself...and wow.He's really nice.So,after all that. I really wanted to go back to church that night,and I told Laura Stover this.So,conveniently,I ended up going with her. They were invited to go out to eat,and guess who was there.Yep,him.How strange.He was sitting at the other end of the table and didn't say a word to me.But then,"you have 1 new text message" "*him*: Hi Christina,you look good!" are you kidding me?He texted me.. woah. And here I was looking at my phone,dazed with a huge smile,I looked up and he was looking at me. Okay,moment over.We texted a little.. and then that was it.. Didn't get to say goodbye to him at church that night either.But,I may see him Wednesday.I told my mother about the whole thing too.

So,Erna's husband fell off of the semi.. he has bleeding in his brain,fractured his skull,and his back may be broken. I'm keeping him in my prayers,and I hope you can too. My mom is working double shifts because of all this,and it's making things a little bit harder for everyone.

To add to this,I'm not feeling well.I've been a bit sick today,and just napped the day away. I woke up to all this news.

But on the bright side,my new cell phone,and my book comes in the mail tomorrow.I think things will be a little easier with that.

He has an accent.

-Christina Conduit.

Friday, August 21, 2009

So I said baby,it's 3am I must be lonely

I'm wondering if you knew..
that there was no color in the world until I met you?

Oh dear...
Help, something's wrong with my eyes - I just can't take them off you.

Do you have a band-aid?
Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.

So lately,I've been wondering.. where is this going?Will I even get to talk to you?Will we be okay?Will everything be over?

It's not easy,but I'm going to find the answers.Give me two days, and I can show you the world.I've come to notice,the skies are the brightest when I'm under the stars with you.So please just walk with me,and lets talk this over.I know we can work this out.

It's like running,but getting nowhere. It's like there's a brick wall keeping me from this,and I can't climb over it,or break through it.You're on the other side,and I know you can break through.It's you who's gotta fix this.I can't do anything,I'm helpless.

I'm crushed,black and blue..but you know I'd do it all again for you.

Lalala..lonely days and starlight nights.

So yes,I'm being completely random. I haven't talked to Cracker S in like.. two days.. and it wasn't even much.But at least I know he's not ignoring me.I cannot wait till Sunday..I can give him this note and hopefully everything will be okay again.Back where it all started.Although that's not what I wanted,there's nothing I can do.

All I know is,I'm counting on God. He's my strength and my fortress.He's got my back.Nothing can break me down.Whatever happens,is God's will.

I like cheese!Erm...banana pancakes?Dude..I'm so tired. I'm trying to pull an I'm posting this blog.It's only 12am..I'm pathetic.Yep.Soo....I'm quite excited.Got a lot coming at me next week,but it's gonna be good I can tell.It's gonna give it it's best shot and I'm gonna fight it.

His laugh is awesome.

Just thought that had to be mentioned and appreciated.I enjoy his laugh..

Anyways,moving on.Lalala.I should read my bible to help me stay up for this all-nighter.I can't believe how exhausted I am already.If I can really stay up it'll be a shocker.I have a feeling in an hour I'll give up and go to bed.But I'm going to give it a try anyways.See how it works.

Shalalalalalala.Shalalalalala.Girl!I hear a song makes me think of a girl I used to know :-)

Ha,I'm allowed to be completely random.So,I bought this ipod at a garage sale right?And it was $5, 40GB works nice.Has some amazing songs on it and some I'm falling in love with.Used to be owned by a guy named Maverick.I'm determined to find this Maverick,because we could be good friends.We both have super good taste in music.Yes we do.

I should take new photos for my myspace eventually.I've been failing at keeping up with internet stuff because real life is like...BOOM.Outta nowhere.Don't you just love it?Sure is interesting.

Hm,I don't think I have anything interesting to say.

-Christina Conduit.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Every year one person falls off....

Okay,so I only like one person now,all those other guys...= bad news.Hah I won't even tell all the events that have happened in my absence,but I will say..they weren't good at all.So today I'm headed out to hocking hills for a 3 day camping trip with the youth group.I called my mother while she was at work to tell her I'm up and packing..well she said "don't go anywhere off the trail,one of my ladies says that 1 person falls off every year" ONE PERSON?OHMYGOODNESS!hah!And falls of what?The wagon?No mom,that won't be me,that will be Beci.♥ ha.When I get back,it'll be 4:30 in the pm on Saturday.I'll probably just go to bed after that instead of making plans,then Sunday I've got church.So,nothing too interesting is happening.I'm just bored and tired.I'm ready to go with an hour and a half to kill.Woo!

-Christina Conduit

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Baby lets find a way,back to those crazy days...

Wow,good day.Yesterday I went to the lockin at the roc,which was amazing!I was a group leader..and we played games.Guess which team came in last?MINE:D guess which team had the most fun?MINE!haha.Being losers doesn't mean you won't have fun.So my mom invited this kid whom I'd never met and I had to show him around/hang out with him.His named was Jared.He's pretty coo'.So,I can't remember the outside games,but I remember the inside ones.We did capture the pooky,another one I forget,and the relay race.Our team won the relay.Which included,passing a marshmallow along the line,with tooth picks in our mouths and no hands allowed.It was pretty gross,plus I stood by a new guy I like (shhh!") So anyways,after that two people in our group had to eat a whole pack of saltine crackers,than someone had to eat a raw potato,then baby food,and I had to get a whole straw in my mouth without using my hands.Someone had to lick oreos off a window,and we had to string ice up and down our clothes and hand it to the next person and they did the same.It was COLD D: And,then there was another thing. The blindfolded peanut butter sandwich game.Two people had to be blindfolded,and one had to stand behind the other person,put their arms around them and put the peanut butter on the bread,and fold it.Then they had to try to feed it to the person.Well,I didn't wanna do anything involving food,but everyone else was a wimp because they don't like milk.So here I go,and low and behold,Brenden (the guy I kinda like) Had to feed me.So here he is his arms through mine,trying to put peanut butter on the sandwich.Then he shoved it all over my face saying "IS THIS YOUR MOUTH?" Finally he made it to my mouth,and I got some and told him to back off.Then he kept shoving it all over my face.It was funny :D At about 3am I turned into a jerk for a little while.Hah!But then I got loopy and was probably just embarrassing myself.But we were all laughing.Haha I love all-nighters.Woo-wee.So anyways,in the end before we all left,Brenden was about to leave,so I was like "I like you" and right that moment he had to go.I have no idea what he thinks. I see him tomorrow. I know I shouldn't be like this!I was trying to stay single for a while,but it's just so hard. I'm not sure if I'm entirely ready for a relationship,but I just wanna know if he likes me. At least 4 people seemed to think he did.I guess I'll find out when I see him tomorrow.He doesn't have a cell phone I don't think.He wore my hoodie half the night.It was pretty funny =] But in other news,fun day and yesterday.All in all a good time.I'm feeling a lot better.

-Christina Conduit