Thursday, August 27, 2009

I want my life to be beautiful.

My book finally came in the mail!The 10 year,new version of "when God writes your love story" the thing I've been waiting for,for 6 finally here!I'm already on chapter two and loving it. They didn't change too much,which is good because I absolutely loved the old version and was reading it for the 5th time.I believe this is step one to changing my life,bringing down the fake me,and exposing what I really am.Then rebuilding,becoming who I'm meant to be through Jesus Christ.

I wrote down a list of things that were keeping me from putting God first in my life.And you know what number one was?
1.Men,boys,guys,the opposite sex,dating,relationships.
It's almost what is keeping every girl from her relationship with God.I know I've gotta put my focus on God,if I ever want to have a beautiful love story,rather then something I tried to make by myself.

So,step one..30 minutes of alone time every day with God,daily bible reading,more focus,more christian books,talks with real believers.

Matthew 6:33 (King James Version)

33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

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