Thursday, August 27, 2009

How funky is your chicken?How loose is your goose?

Here I am,sitting here enjoying my book "When God Writes Your Love Story" I go to take a drink of water,and my eyes come across something on the page,and the water shoots out of my mouth. "What if my future spouse followed me around throughout my day,every day of my life,would he feel cherished and adored by me as I interact with the opposite sex?Would he feel loved by my actions,or hurt that I'm giving away what's meant to be his?" I thought about it for a moment,I'm cheating on the guy God has for me!I know it doesn't seem to make sense,but I like a lot of guys at a time,and go after guys just because I hate being single. Would my future husband appreciate that?I think not.

So therefore,that's a habit I need to break. Now. No more giving away my heart,emotions,and even body to guys. Not until I'm married. I'm going to wait for God's "okay" on who to date. I'm not dating again until I know it's the one. God'll show me,don't doubt that.

-Christina Conduit

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