Thursday, August 6, 2009

Every year one person falls off....

Okay,so I only like one person now,all those other guys...= bad news.Hah I won't even tell all the events that have happened in my absence,but I will say..they weren't good at all.So today I'm headed out to hocking hills for a 3 day camping trip with the youth group.I called my mother while she was at work to tell her I'm up and packing..well she said "don't go anywhere off the trail,one of my ladies says that 1 person falls off every year" ONE PERSON?OHMYGOODNESS!hah!And falls of what?The wagon?No mom,that won't be me,that will be Beci.♥ ha.When I get back,it'll be 4:30 in the pm on Saturday.I'll probably just go to bed after that instead of making plans,then Sunday I've got church.So,nothing too interesting is happening.I'm just bored and tired.I'm ready to go with an hour and a half to kill.Woo!

-Christina Conduit

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