Monday, August 24, 2009

Do you remember when we first met?I sure do.

Hello there.
Saturday I went to an outdoor movie hosted by some people I do not know.
But nonetheless,I went.It was absolutely boring,and apparently Bear hates me now.I guess I'm a "clueless skan*" Because I won't date him.Lame.
Whatever.So anyways,Sunday..I went to church.I wore this black dress..and this painful high heels.Church was super though.I was too busy being nervous to hear a lot of the stuff though.Afterwards *he* said hi to me..He asked how I was..and even though I was unaware of it,he gave me a hug. How did I know that if I was unaware?My friend told me.It was like a dream..strange. I handed him the note and he asked what it was,and I said it was for him.He asked if my friend was my sister,and I said nope.Then she introduced herself...and wow.He's really nice.So,after all that. I really wanted to go back to church that night,and I told Laura Stover this.So,conveniently,I ended up going with her. They were invited to go out to eat,and guess who was there.Yep,him.How strange.He was sitting at the other end of the table and didn't say a word to me.But then,"you have 1 new text message" "*him*: Hi Christina,you look good!" are you kidding me?He texted me.. woah. And here I was looking at my phone,dazed with a huge smile,I looked up and he was looking at me. Okay,moment over.We texted a little.. and then that was it.. Didn't get to say goodbye to him at church that night either.But,I may see him Wednesday.I told my mother about the whole thing too.

So,Erna's husband fell off of the semi.. he has bleeding in his brain,fractured his skull,and his back may be broken. I'm keeping him in my prayers,and I hope you can too. My mom is working double shifts because of all this,and it's making things a little bit harder for everyone.

To add to this,I'm not feeling well.I've been a bit sick today,and just napped the day away. I woke up to all this news.

But on the bright side,my new cell phone,and my book comes in the mail tomorrow.I think things will be a little easier with that.

He has an accent.

-Christina Conduit.

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