Jesus is the reason for my existence. I tried to choose between being a bum or a musician, but then I realized they're the same thing. I'm addicted to coffee and Owl City. My purpose in life is to be all things to all people to lead some of them to Christ, and to love everyone to the hilt. I want to show you kindness like you've never seen before. I want to write a song for you. I wanna feel alive forever after.
In your ocean, I'm ankle deep I feel the waves crashin' on my feet It's like I know where I need to be But I can't figure out, yeah I can't figure out
Just how much air I will need to breathe When your tide rushes over me There's only one way to figure out Will you let me drown, will you let me drown?
Hey now, this is my desire Consume me like a fire, 'cause I just want something beautiful To touch me, I know that I'm in reach 'Cause I am down on my knees. I'm waiting for something beautiful Oh, something beautiful -Needtobreathe
Friday, July 30, 2010
I love religious debates.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
So I saw fireworks tonight. And they were amazing. (:
Well I was waitin’ on platform 9 ‘cuz a boy’s gotta pay his dues I was sittin’ there killin’ time I was doodlin’ on my shoes And I was noodlin’ on this song I was hummin’ it all along When the bus finally came I put my book away and I didn’t get back home ‘till dawn
Where would I go without you? Without you to guide my way? Where would I be without you? I’d be wandering day by day -NewWorldSon
You make me touch your hands for stupid reasons!
That is still the most hilarious break up line I've ever heard.
Today was pretty cool (: I was kinda bummy feeling at first.. Then Jared called and asked if I wanted him to come to church. I said sure why not of course... Sooooo... Jared came to church. When I got there he was waiting in the hallway for me.. since he doesn't really know my church all that well. We stood there for a bit, then Jake came out of the sanctuary and boy was I happy to see him. It had been a whole week since I'd seen him. I had to miss church Sunday because I had a family reunion,which was boring for the most part. Except I played guitar with this guy which was really awesome. He showed me some songs he wrote and sang with me. Anyway, I saw Jake and my heart was like wooo. I'm crazy. This is all too good to be true. When his hand was in minee I could of just.. stayed in that moment forever it was so happy. I missed him a whole lot. And church was so awesome. I hate it when pastor goes on vacation though, but the preaching was still good. Just not pastors. No offense. Someone prayed over Jared. I think he was a little weirded out cause he doesn't do the "speaking in tongues thing" as he calls it. Or rather his church doesn't. That's okay. xD I do and I ain't afraid to show it. But anyway.. church was nice. Jake walked me to my car and I wouldn't let go of his hand. My mother was laughing. I finally let go. And then I came home... wrote a bit... worked out... ate some food.. It was a good day. I might see fireworks tomorrow.. but other than that I dunno. Probably read some.
I finished "Tuesdays with Morrie" today. It was so good. It really made me want to live to the fullest. Great book. <3
Don't know how to understand This feeling you give me I can't comprehend Feels like flying, like I'm on a cloud Don't want to sound cliche', but I don't want to come down. Your smile is perfect, want to see it everyday Your laugh makes me warm inside, like the suns rays. The brownest eyes that show your sweet soul in their depths I saw a light in you, and it's never left. The way I feel with your hand in mine, It's like we have the power to stop time. When I'm feeling nervous, or feeling scared I know I can make it if you're by my side, if you're there. You always know the right thing to say, When I'm having a bad day and want to run away. God brought you to me just in time, And I know without a doubt now that you're mine, everything will be just fine.
By: Christina Shumard. Me xD
-Ms. Conduit
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Ugh, sorry blogger folks. My internet has been down. It was kinda sad. My cell phone decided to quit charging. My ipod keeps freezing up. My dvd player is broke. Thank you technology, I love you too.
When to the sessions of sweet silent thought I summon up remembrance of things past, I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought, And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste. Then can I drown an eye, unus'd to flow, For precious friends hid in death's dateless night, And weep afresh love's long since cancell'd woe, And moan the expense of many a vanish'd sight. Then can I grieve at grievances foregone, And heavily from woe to woe tell o'er The sad account of fore-bemoaned moan, Which I new pay as if not paid before. But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, All losses are restored and sorrows end. -William Shakespeare
I think parents need to do a better job controlling their teenagers in stores. Oh my goodness.
So yesterday, I'm at goodwill minding my own business looking at some movies. And this kid, comes over and starts looking at them and talking to himself about how all of them suck and how hilarious it is. With a few random cuss words thrown in there. So I walked away to the books. Then he comes over and picks up a book, "the meaning of the wizard of oz" and he's just all like "OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS? MOM LET ME USE YOUR CELL PHONE!" Wow. And he even had to use his mothers cell phone. Oh, he looked old enough to have a job.Yet he's at goodwill shopping with his mother. So, she hands the phone over. And he starts reading this book to someone over the phone whilst laughing obnoxiously and saying "are these people on crack? LOLSNORT" This one lady saw me trying not to laugh and she giggled. (: ha. But it was annoying.
Finally, I headed over to walmart. Yet again another kid with his mother. So, she goes "What do you need for camp? we gotta buy it all today." and he goes "Well, I could use an air mattress, that would be nifty" so she's like "very funny. your sleeping bag will do just fine." So, they continue walking as he picks up this awesome clock I had been looking at. "MOM CAN I HAVE THIS?" ...."no." continue walking... he picks up this huge pillow "MOM CAN I HAVE THIS?" ...."no." then he proceeds to hug the pillow all over him. Then he saw me laughing at him, threw the pillow and hid in the next isle. It was pretty humorous.
But honestly parents. Please. I beg you, just .... make your hormonal teenagers behave in public.
This is my second chance this is no song and dance You came in and renewed a right spirit This is grace at it's best this is taking a restless messed up heart and having you clear it I can feel the weight is lifting I'm barely staying on the ground And I can feel the wait is over Finally the lost is found
So this is what it feels like to live life So this is breathing air for the very first time The Son of man He came here to give life And in return He's asking for mine Well I've been captured by grace I'm not going away, I'm Yours to take. -Jimmy Needham
Oh, Jake & I had our one month Tuesday. It's strange, it really doesn't feel like that long. But then again it feels like these past few weeks have lasted forever.
It's been a long one.
If you wanna revolution the only solution evolve,ya gotta evolve.
-Ms. Conduit
I've been having these strange thoughts lately, Like, is any of this for real or not? -Sora
Monday, July 12, 2010
I was free and far from home, I was young and on my own, I was blind as I could be, Thinkin’ love was not for me, Till the night I met that girl named Tennessee -Needtobreathe
So, we listened to that song about a billion times on the car rides with Paul this weekend. I love it. <3
Oy, sorry for being gone so long blogger. I had the longest weekend ever. It feels like I've been gone for months literally. But strangely enough it's only been a few days. Yet it seems like forever. But everything is fantastic. (:
We won't take a dime if we ain't earned it, when it comes to weight brother we pull our own If it's our backwards ways of livin' you're concerned with, you can leave us alone Cause we're about John Wayne, Johnny Cash, and John Deere, way out here.
My heart breaks a little when you take a little step away from me, My hands shake a little when you're in the middle of my dreams And I been thinkin' about you,talkin' about you, walkin' around you Out of my head
Your sweet soul, you take the rain away Your sweet soul, you're shining everyday I came so close, to never seeing it But now I found it whoa oh oh So now I found it whoa oh oh Don't let it go Mmmm, your sweet soul, oh your sweet soul. -Jimmy Robbins
Oy. I don't know why I even bother sometimes. Sure, it usually turns out good. But yet, all the roads I take happen to be the most frustrating ones! It's like, sheesh, give me a break will ya? What a day.
Now, I'm writing this blog so my dead ipod will charge a bit so I can go for a walk. I should of charged it earlier cause now I have nothing to do while I wait.
Which is why I'm leaving you a really long, boring post. Yay for me. -_-
Oh, and it's the 4th of July. And guess what? I'm not going to see fireworks. I haven't in years.. I kinda want to. But I feel pretty bummy right now anyway.
It's times like these I'd really love to go back to West Virginia and stay with my brother. I miss it there. I really do. Everything is so...carefree and wonderful. I love it. Hopefully I can go stay with them again before summer is over. Though I could stay with them in the fall or winter as well. But it probably wouldn't be nearly as nice. Pastor. I could of died! "I like your bible verses on your facebook statuses. I've been looking at your page. And about a week ago it said you had a boyfriend?" At this, I was extremely dumbfounded. I looked at my feet and turned red. As Jake stands there and laughs at me without deciding to jump in and help. Then pastor asks, "So, who is it? I bet I think he's a real nice guy." at which I say "I dunno." haha. -_- Jake is laughing even more now. Then someone else started talking to pastor and I punched Jake. "He so totally knows. I'm embarrassed." Pastor decides to come back over to us. "There's nothing wrong with it you know. But if you tell me who it is I won't announce it to everyone. Though I probably will anyways." At this point, all I can do is giggle. "She's a shy one ain't she?" pastor says to Jake. And he nods. Ohhh, and the first time pastor mentioned it, he said to Jake "Jake, is there something you'd like to tell me?" and Jake replies "Yeah, I really liked the sermon today". I busted up laughing at that. So, then pastor says "is he wearing black?" and I nod, turning redder even. Then pastor laughs and says something along the lines of Jake being a nice guy and all. But my word, I could of died. I'm glad pastor didn't make a huge deal of it. Actually, I'm kinda happy he knows. It's pretty cool. If we have problems, we can go to him for advice maybe. Okay, maybe not. But still.
Mom and I still have no idea what we want to do this weekend since dad'll be away. Erin invited me to go with her and a pal to this "boot camp evangelist" thing. I thought it looked totally cool.. but.. Erin and her friend being like... 30 something.. I'd feel a little out of place. And I mean, it was really cool for her to think of me and invite me. And I don't want to supposedly, over stay my welcome by asking if I could bring a friend. It's on Saturday. If mum and I don't think of something I may go to that. Though it's all the way in Columbus *bleh*. I bet I'd run into some old friends there come to think of it.
I don't wanna spend any money though. None of mine anyway. I'd love to move out next year, and I'll need everything I've saved. And then some. Oy. I dunno what to think. If only money grew on trees.
Or if I had a rich friend. xP Just kidding.
Well... this was boring. I doubt my ipod is charged. But, I reallly wanna walk now. If it dies I'll be more frustrated than I already am. If that's even possible.
But today was pretty okay in the long run. In fact, it was kinda good. It'd of been better though if my face wasn't so irritated.
Walking down the hallway nervous as can be, I lift my eyes up from the floor And it's you I see. My heart keeps beating for the first time in my life I want to believe what you say is true, and not another lie. You smile and ask me how it's going I look at my feet and nod,my face glowing. Suddenly I catch your scent, and I just can't contain this feeling Do you notice, I feel like I'm floating? I finally look up again And see on your face a silly grin, My insides melt and I can't help but smile. I put my hand up, and you know what I mean You put your hand on mine and it just seems like everything will be okay, I know you'll stay. God has brought me here, where I belong that much is clear.