Thursday, July 29, 2010


Today was pretty cool (:
I was kinda bummy feeling at first..
Then Jared called and asked if
I wanted him to come to church.
I said sure why not of course...
Sooooo... Jared came to church.
When I got there he was waiting
in the hallway for me.. since he
doesn't really know my church all
that well. We stood there for a bit,
then Jake came out of the sanctuary and
boy was I happy to see him. It had been a whole
week since I'd seen him. I had to miss church
Sunday because I had a family reunion,which
was boring for the most part. Except I played
guitar with this guy which was really awesome.
He showed me some songs he wrote and sang with me.
Anyway, I saw Jake and my heart was like wooo.
I'm crazy. This is all too good to be true.
When his hand was in minee I could of just..
stayed in that moment forever it was so happy.
I missed him a whole lot. And church was so
awesome. I hate it when pastor goes on
vacation though, but the preaching was
still good. Just not pastors. No offense.
Someone prayed over Jared. I think
he was a little weirded out cause he
doesn't do the "speaking in tongues thing"
as he calls it. Or rather his church doesn't.
That's okay. xD I do and I ain't afraid to
show it. But anyway.. church was nice.
Jake walked me to my car and I wouldn't let
go of his hand. My mother was laughing.
I finally let go. And then I came home...
wrote a bit... worked out... ate some food..
It was a good day. I might see fireworks
tomorrow.. but other than that I dunno.
Probably read some.

I finished "Tuesdays with Morrie" today.
It was so good. It really made me want to
live to the fullest. Great book. <3

So yeah.. I dunno why I said all this.

-Ms. Conduit

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