Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The sweeter song.

The world plays a love song that steers us away from God's gifts for us in a relationship.We don't realize that there could be something better then the worlds views on love.And some of us know it's wrong,but it's so hard to resist.God has a sweeter song for us,if we let him be the center and guide for our relationships.

As for God,His way is perfect,the word of the Lord is proven;He is a shield to all who trust in Him.Psalm 18:30

How would you describe the beautiful side of love?Patience;waiting for God to bring the one to you,saving yourself for them.Commitment;to work through the problems when you find them and to keep God at the center of the relationship.Time,caring,putting them before yourself.Spending time together with God.Control; to be waiting faithfully.

Thoughts on Psalm 34: God is just so good!If we follow him and seek him,he is so faithful to provide!If we just keep our hope and eyes on him,his promises become true.The best is yet to come.He really cares about us enjoying good things on this earth.He will hear us when we cry out,and be faithful to provide,in HIS time.

Thoughts on Psalm 37: "....And he will give you the desires of your heart.." Trust in God,and do good things!"But those who wait with hope for the Lord,will inherit the land."I think that is so good!And even can relate to our love life's.If we wait patiently for God to provide the one he has for us,rather then trying to do it ourselves...we WILL hear the sweeter song."Because the Lord holds onto his hand."God is there to hold our hand!To help us through when we can't take it anymore.He delights in us,he loves us."But wicked people will disappear." Those who try to destroy us,and bring down our faith will never last.They will not slaughter us,they will not destroy us with words.God is our fortress in troubled times,he helps us and rescues us in times of need!

Thoughts on Psalm 84: We are so desperate for God in these,and all times.We are blessed when we find our strength in him.Better is one day with him,than a thousand elsewhere.He will not hold back any blessings from those who live innocently and faithfully.His favor surrounds us like a shield.Blessed is the person who trusts in him.

I know I want that sweeter song :]

-Christina Conduit.

I'm nothing but a dreamer...

Bahaha!I was looking through some old stuff on my computer,and found this old poem I wrote. It's lame x) you should so read it,it'll change your life.

Untitled by:Christina Marie Shumard duhh!©

Well look at him now she's beat him down,
He turned back to me with a frown.
He said you were right,you knew all along,
I said now honey,how could I be wrong?
I was gonna give him another shot,
But then I thought.
That's not the kinda time I got.
No time for jerks or douchebags,
No time to hear them nag and nag.
I grabbed my shoes,ran out the door,
and made my way to the dance floor.
I lifted my eyes and looked across the room,
and that's when I saw you.
The beat started rockin,
I started poppin' and lockin'.
You came to me and asked me to dance,
I said alright I'll take this chance.
We started moving along to the beat,
you lifted my chin and said try not to look at your feet.
I said now honey,
do you want me to trip and fall and make you look funny?
You laughed with a smile and said it's not that hard,
Just follow my lead and you'll get it for sure.
I did what he said and indeed,
All I really had to do was pick up my feet.
We were moving swiftly across the floor,
I said alright I'm ready,lets add some more.
But then I heard a noise that threw me off beat,
it sounded like a beep beep beep.
I couldn't pinpoint it,figure out what it was,
Then I opened my eyes to see it was my alarm clocks buzz.
I hit the snooze and got ready for the day,
I'm nothing but a dreamer,what more can I say?©

Amazing isn't it?It's so rad!Well anyways,I have church tonight. And the microwave is beeping,with my tv dinner being ready!I will be back,because I'm going to post another blog after this one x)

-Christina Conduit.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Someone loves you,even when you don't think so don't you know,you got me & Jesus.

Dude,I haven't been this tired in my life!I even got 9 hours of sleep last night,but yet I'm still exhausted!So,I went to Revolve this weekend. And to be honest, it wasn't that great. I was expecting something more. It wasn't really the revolve team that made it suck so much,it was more my group I went with. I actually would of rather stayed home. But I did have fun,and I got a book,and saw the funniest thing ever. So I reckon it wasn't a waste of time.

Today I have church and since I'm in choir now...well I guess we're all meeting in the coffee shop. We'll see how this goes.... I'm going to say good morning to him,if I have the nerve. So anyways, I hope I don't pass out during church,that'd be horrible!Then I may be going over to Laura's to eat. He'll be there,that's why I don't think I should go even though I was invited. Then... night church. Then bed. Wooo!

So yeah,I uh.. don't know what else.

-Christina Conduit.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

There's bars on the corners and bars on my heart..

I wrote a whole huge blog and than right before posting it "Oh firefox has crashed,now what are you going to do?" PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE. Ugh firefox. Ugh internet, blah! Whatever.

Anyways,I don't even remember what I wrote. I guess it's a second chance,for me to post something useful rather than complaining.

Tonight,bible study @ muggswigz. I'm excited. New people,and they're pimping. Foshizzle. It's gonna be rad.

After all this has passed,I still will remain.After I've cried my last, there will be beauty from pain. Though it won't be today,someday I'll hope again. And there will be beauty from pain.

The balls in your court now kid. You could go for it,or you could quit the game. Are you a coward?Are you just going to give up?The best thing for you,and you're not even around. Why are you so stubborn?It's your choice,win or lose.

I on the other hand,will not be in the game much longer. I'm going to get promoted if you don't pass the ball back soon. Hurry it up bub.

Straws,Yeah. I'm almost out.

God give me patience. Gahhh.

I'm so tired.

-Christina Conduit.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How many lies...

Have you ever noticed how some people are just complete idiots?
Wow. How stupid. Someone tells someone blasphemy,and they believe it.
Then it affects me. Greeatttt. I'm pretty sure I know who it was too.
It's whatever. God bless them.

Hum. This is rather odd. I mean,why would they say that?Are they that miserable that they have to make everyone else miserable?Blahhh.
I refuse to handle this correctly. I'm just going to ignore it all. Like there's nothing there.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Boredom eats away at my mind..

Dude,I'm insanely bored.
Not just because it's Tuesday,the one day I never do anything,but I'm also sad. And not to mention patiently waiting. And those of you who know me know I'm so not patient. It gets real irritating after a while. But I know,I gotta chillaxe.
So tomorrow,I got church. Which is what I've been waiting for forever. I have to talk to him,and I'm going to ask him what his deal is. Why he sometimes talks and sometimes doesn't. I'm going to tell him if he's trying to not hurt my feelings,he just needs to come right out and say it,then I'll leave him alone for good.
Problem solved. But I don't know what to think.
So Thursday,we got bible study at muggswigz,and there's probably going to be more people there.It's wicked cool. Speaking of,I have to read James 3 still...shucks.
Friday I'm going to see if I can go to the fair,cause it's what I've had in mind... if not Friday,then I'll try for Saturday.Sunday.. church again.

My oh so thrilling week.
Tomorrow is going to confirm everything though. I have to figure out what I'm going to say,memorize it,and say it to a friend before I talk to him. Then tomorrow..I have to walk up to him and say, hello..I need to talk to you. And that will seal my fate...

They say the best things in life come free,I don't believe that. I believe you have to give it all you've got,all your courage and strength. Cause the best things in life,they don't come free.

I'm not sure what to do with the rest of today,I'm super bored. I tried to sleep the day away but I can't sleep anymore.I almost wish I was a cat, then I could sleep all the time.. ugh.I have to talk to him. This is definitely a good patience test. I think God is trying to strengthen my patience,which is why I didn't get to talk to him Sunday night. I still don't know why he didn't show up. Blahhh.

I think I need to do something rather than sit here all day. I'll probably go for a walk or something.It's better than wasting life away waiting for tomorrow. Well yeah...
so that's about it..

-Christina Conduit.