Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The sweeter song.

The world plays a love song that steers us away from God's gifts for us in a relationship.We don't realize that there could be something better then the worlds views on love.And some of us know it's wrong,but it's so hard to resist.God has a sweeter song for us,if we let him be the center and guide for our relationships.

As for God,His way is perfect,the word of the Lord is proven;He is a shield to all who trust in Him.Psalm 18:30

How would you describe the beautiful side of love?Patience;waiting for God to bring the one to you,saving yourself for them.Commitment;to work through the problems when you find them and to keep God at the center of the relationship.Time,caring,putting them before yourself.Spending time together with God.Control; to be waiting faithfully.

Thoughts on Psalm 34: God is just so good!If we follow him and seek him,he is so faithful to provide!If we just keep our hope and eyes on him,his promises become true.The best is yet to come.He really cares about us enjoying good things on this earth.He will hear us when we cry out,and be faithful to provide,in HIS time.

Thoughts on Psalm 37: "....And he will give you the desires of your heart.." Trust in God,and do good things!"But those who wait with hope for the Lord,will inherit the land."I think that is so good!And even can relate to our love life's.If we wait patiently for God to provide the one he has for us,rather then trying to do it ourselves...we WILL hear the sweeter song."Because the Lord holds onto his hand."God is there to hold our hand!To help us through when we can't take it anymore.He delights in us,he loves us."But wicked people will disappear." Those who try to destroy us,and bring down our faith will never last.They will not slaughter us,they will not destroy us with words.God is our fortress in troubled times,he helps us and rescues us in times of need!

Thoughts on Psalm 84: We are so desperate for God in these,and all times.We are blessed when we find our strength in him.Better is one day with him,than a thousand elsewhere.He will not hold back any blessings from those who live innocently and faithfully.His favor surrounds us like a shield.Blessed is the person who trusts in him.

I know I want that sweeter song :]

-Christina Conduit.

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