Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I think us believers really need to start
doing what Jesus called us to do.
We need to get out into the world and preach
the gospel to every creature.

You may say "Oh, yeah.. I will, and that's great
and all, but I'm busy. Or I just don't feel like it today.
why not tomorrow?"
What if tomorrow never comes?
You would let souls be lost because you don't
feel like it? God said to love Him with all your
heart, mind, soul, AND strength.
We should be out there everyday doing our
best to show our love for Him and others.
When I get to heaven I want the people I love
to be there. So I'm not going to be lazy.
It's time to get serious about this.
It may be hot outside, and I may be tired,
but I'm going to invite people to church.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Oh what a day.

Oh. My. Word.
Lets see here.. church.
Someone who I won't name because I'm
nice, was being a creeper. Apparently before
I get to church he's all asking "Oh, is Christina coming?"
And I'm the only one he asks about.
Well, then he kept bumping me and pretend
shooting me. And he was amused with my
keychain that always blinks by solar power.
THEN! He said "Oh, I'm cold. We should
bring SNUGGIES to church! :D"
And Jacob wanted to kill him xD
Today was insanely long..
Lets see... during the sermon pastor
asked a "strong young man" to volunteer.
Well eventually they tried to get Paul to
go up but Dillon went first. He had to hold a
stick really high in the air as long as he could.
Because the story of Moses doing that and his
arms got tired so his friends held his arms up.
Well Paul and Noah were the ones who went
up and held his arms up :p it was prettyyy
hilarious. Lets see.. after church we had a meeting
for the "Judgement house" thing we're doing in
October. I get to act in it which is pretty exciting
I suppose. Welll, I decided to just hang out with
Erin and Dj the whole day.. so, the meeting stuff
went on a bit.. which was super boring after Jake
left and I sat around. We then went to their house..
And sat there for a bit.. we had spaghetti and sausage
dogs.. I put my spaghetti on my sausage on bread, and
it was kinda good. But then we just ended up going to
mcd's for big macs and I got a frappe too. I am going
to wake up so fat tomorrow. My stomach has been in
pain all day. Dj put in a movie I reaaaaaaally didn't want
to watch "blades of glory" the parts that I saw were disgusting.
I went into the kitchen for most of the time and did other things.
Eventually we left and headed to the other church because Covenant
of One was playing(Dj's band). I talked to Ami Jo for a while because
Jake hadn't gotten there yet and Ivana didn't come. I have no idea why.
It was rather disappointing. When Jake finally got there it was wonderful
to see him. I mean, it always is.. but you know. Ha, I'm so ridiculous.
I don't think blogger cares, but you know what.. this is my blog :) I'm going
to talk about my ridiculous day. A few people sang.. then our band... then this
kid tried to do a rap with a cd.. and it still had the singer guy singing with it..
It was pretty sad. I mean, I hate it when people try to do that. And, a girl sang
and the whole time she was singing she swung her microphone around... she
didn't keep it to her mouth.. it was so hilarious and Jake and I were trying so
hard not to laugh. Oh my goodness. I love it. So afterwards there was food..
I didn't really want any but Jake grabbed some. I got a drink cause I was dying
from everything I had eaten before, and I was thirsty... I don't know why
I needed to say this. But oh well. Jake and I went outside cause it was super
crowded. So, we talked and such. Then Paul and Corey burst out and took a
picture xD they thought we would be doing something we shouldn't. But really,
Jake was scratching his armpit and I was taking a drink. So, :P they lose. xD
Jake left before Erin and Dj did so I was stuck there a bit for a while with no one
to talk to really. Before he left I was like "WAIT! can I have your shirt? (:" he had
a button up on over a t-shirt, which he always does. I already had his tie.. but I like
having his shirt. I mean, I'm wearing it right now xD But anywho. The car ride home
was hilarious. Oh my word. Isaac, Erins 4 year old son... he says he's on mine and Jacob's
team. Originally he was on Jake's team, but I told him I'm on Jake's team too, so now it's
me and Jake's team. But anywho, he tried to bite me and I was like "Wooowww you really
are on Jake's team." Because Jake is always "I'm going to bite you if you do that again!"
And the thing is, he does. xD Ah good times. Oh, and Isaac was singing about Jesus being
his superhero, and for some reason I got the oompa loompa tune out of it, so Ami and I started
singing the oompa loompa song.. then Isaac somehow got the scooby doo song out of that
and started singing it. Oy it was confusing. I have no idea how it happened. xD but, anyhow.
When I got home I discovered a facebook friend request from I think a kid I saw at the thing
tonight.. the church concert music thing. ha. It was random, because he didn't even know my
name. He just took me off of someone elses friends list. Oh, I discovered Mufu is in the country.
Or was, I don't know if he's already gone. It made my stomach drop big time, because just this
morning I thought about him. And he was here... I dunno if that was God trying to tell me something or what. I hope he's gone already though. Because I don't want to run into him. It makes me feel awful thinking about it. A lot more happened today.. but my brain hurts and I'm tired of typing and I doubt you care and you probably think I'm odd. But that's okay.

my life is crazy.

-Ms. Conduit
I love this crazy tragic, sometimes almost magic,
awful beautiful life. ♥


My goodness I'm tired.
I applied at the pizza shop Friday.
Hopefully they call tomorrow.
I met a kid named Tyler yesterday.
I only had 3 hours of sleep.
I just don't get it.
My bed is extremely uncomfortable
lately. I slept in the basement,
if I hadn't.. I would of got no sleep.
Church now ♥
And maybe music thing after with
foood. If not, shooting at Tamra's.
I'd rather go to the music thing.
But oh well. Coming home to sleep
sounds nice too. But I'm not gonna be
a party pooper.

I need a new bed.

-Ms. Conduit

Friday, August 27, 2010

And what if I never came back?

What woman should know:
a man who truly loves you will never let you go,
no matter how hard the situation.

What men should know:
a woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for so many things,
but will always stick around.

If we fall in love because someone makes us laugh,
what happens when we no longer find them funny?
If we fall in love because someone is beautiful,
what happens when that beauty fades?
If we fall in love because someone can provide for us,
what happens when they lose their wealth?
Because love defies all reasons.
When you truly love someone,
you can't just find a reason.
You just do.

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait

I will move ahead, bold and confident
Takeing every step in obedience
While I'm waiting
I will serve You
While I'm waiting
I will worship
While I'm waiting
I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve you while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord
-John Waller
You don't realize it. I'm getting close to the door.
But yet so far away from it. Oh who am I kidding,
I'll never leave.
If I don't need it, it's easy to get rid of it.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A poem I wrote... again.

Can't sleep unless you've said goodnight,
But you haven't and something isn't right.
My heart is in pain, my mind is racing
I wonder what I've done wrong as I'm pacing.
Back and forth in this room,
I feel sleep tonight is just doomed.
I send up a prayer, because I know even
though you're not, that God is there.
Where have you gone? Do you even care?
You've hurt me inside, maybe you're not aware.
God please love me, because people haven't
And I'm crying out to you, this is my lament.
But I know you will never leave me or forsake me
You're always there to listen, not matter what the time may be.
You hold me in your arms, when no one else does
It's then I know that you're enough.
You're all I need, because in the end
People will always fail me, but I will rend
my heart to you, you know just what to do
to fix the damage that's been done
If only into your arms I run.

-Ms. Conduit

Encouragement from an insomniac.

Life is nonstop, it won't let us rest.
Life is full of pain, it seems unbearable.
Life is stressful, it's hard to find peace.
Life is surprising, things change in an instant.
Life is heart breaking, people we love leave.

Though life isn't always easy there is rest.
There is comfort. There is peace. There is a God who never changes.
There is a God who never leaves.

God gives rest.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

God heals pain.
The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them;
he delivers them from all their troubles.
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:17-18

God gives peace.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

God never changes.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

God will never leave.
For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5

God is everything that we need, all that we could ever need or want.
You just have to trust Him because he keeps all of his promises.

God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Psalm 46:1-3

He's always there. A help in trouble. When there's no one to talk to,
He's there. He's there to listen when no one else will. No matter
what happens.

-Ms. Conduit

Love, will cover any wrongs that have been done.

Proverbs 10:12
Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs.

1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

Love, will prosper when you forgive an offense. Or something that hurt
your feelings, or an unkind word. But if you keep bringing up said offense,
it will hurt a relationship.

Proverbs 17:9
Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends.

Love, will lay down it's life for it's friends. There is no greater love than that.
Even sacrificing your own time to help a friend is a way to show love.

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Love, will remove all fear.

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

cedar point.

So, Saturday I went to cedarpoint.
While waiting in line at the raptor, (my first ever rollercoaster I've went on)
I saw a thong on the ground. And then I made this face O.o
While Tamra's mom commented "It must of scared them out of their panties."
That wasn't very helpful.
But, I rode the roller coaster :D
And almost hypervenilated while waiting for it to start
going. It wasn't too bad but it kinda hurt. xD
I went on a few others. They weren't bad.
It was a very interesting trip though.

-Ms. Conduit

If your relationship with God isn't right, nothing else will be right.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Yesterday, I went to walmart.
As I was looking at the video games this random
guy winks at me and says "hey there sweetheart."
All suave and stuff. He left me alone after the face
I made at him. Until I ran into him in a different
area and I turned to walk away and he goes
"Where ya going? -_- Ha.

Also, my mum really had to use the restroom.
She ran through the doors to see that they
were doing maintenance in the ladies restroom.
Well they told her there was one in the back
so she runs to that one. They're doing maintenance
there too. So she's all "Christina, when this guy is
done watch the door, I'M GOING IN THE MENS!"
then the guy is all "Oh, I'll wait you go first."
So me and this guy are standing there awkwardly
as my mom goes into the mens restroom and 3 other
guys come over. He announces that the shouldn't go
in there because there's a woman. So they're all twiddling
their thumbs, and I'm standing there trying not to laugh.
It was ridiculous. The one guy goes "yeah, my wife did that
earlier." And finally my mom comes out. She thought it was
so hilarious. I thought so too.

Walmart, never a dull moment.

-Ms. Conduit
So, Sunday I was crying on the ride home from church.
This little 4 year old, Isaac held onto my arm. I asked him why he was doing this,
and he said "Remember on that ride home when my mommy and daddy were
fighting and my dad got out of the car and was leaving, and I cried? You held
onto me, so I want to do the same for you." That made my cry more.
I had forgotten all about that. I can't believe he remembered. That's so sweet.
It made me happy. <33

-Ms. Conduit

Sunday, August 8, 2010

So many pressures in life,
and so many reasons to throw in the towel
When I feel like I'm losing this fight
Consolation from heaven comes clearly to me
To remind me, to remind me

That nothing else matters
Than seeing you Jesus
Seeking the master
The one who reigns over my life
Nothing else matters
Than seeing you Jesus
Just to sit at your feet
Hear your voice clearly speak
Lifts me out of defeat
for in you I'm complete
Just remind me, that nothing else
nothing else matters.
Why do people have to be so hurtful?
No one is perfect, and I'm no exception.


-Ms. Conduit

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

If you don't like me, brother, that's okay
I ain't gonna let it wreck my day
I keep stylin', smilin', handin' out the sunshine.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

And I've always lived like this,
Keeping a comfortable distance
And up until now I had swore to myself
That I'm content with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk

But you are, the only exception
And you are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception.

Religious debate. Oh how I love them.

So, last night I got a message on one of my websites from a guy named Pat. Well, Pat claimed to love Jesus and said he goes to a christian college. He said something I didn't think was very Christ-like so I called him out on it. Which started a debate. I'm going to put our conversation here. And YOU should let me know who was right. Or your own opinions.(:

Pat says: "ha ha if ur being serious bout the bad as* thing then ur crazy ... a real christian is juss a stereotype being a christian is believing in jesus christ and having a personal relationship with him u dun have to a perfect person to be a christian u r accepted for who u r whther u cuss drink smoke have sex whatever thats not what portrays u as a christian its all in the heart whats inside not out"

I say: "I wasn't serious about there being "real christians" but yet, some people claim to have the faith but know not a thing about it.
And, no. "Faith without works is dead." God gave us rules to live by. We can't claim to believe in Him and think only that will get us into heaven. No, we don't have to be perfect because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory, but yet we should try our best to follow His commandments. If there isn't a change in someone when they have found Christ, then there's a problem.
It says not to be a drunkard, not to have sex outside of marriage, and not to use foolish language. Sure, people make mistakes. But doing them just to do them is wrong.

1 John 2:3-4 And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him."

Pat says: "yes yes i know this and in reality a true christian doesnt judge another we have all sinned but if u keep sinning gods not gonna be like u cant come into heaven ... yes it says follow these rules and commandments but he will forgive if ur heart is right and juss cuz i said bad as* dun mean im not gonna go to heaven ur not any more perfect than me every single christian out there has a issue that isnt right through gods eyes but he still loves em does he not ? yes he wont deny them either cuz their heart is right ... your willinness to follow him and believe him and where your heart is means everything where you stand means more than what any persons words can mean ... im not sayin dun try not to sin but in reality is almost physically impossible not to sin everybody and anybody sins the only remotely perfect person to walk this earth was jesus christ himself and noone will amount to him so therefor you cant make urself out to be somethin that u kno for sure is impossible and thats perfect and thats what most christians try to do they try to be perfect and its absurd just cuz ur a christian dont mean you have to have your sh*t together and yes i said sh*t you will never fully quit sinning or fully have your life together till the day you die and go to heaven"

I say: "Hebrews 10: 26-27
For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.

So, keeping on sinning and having sex.. even if you claim to believe in God
and even if you go to church, if you're not living for Him you're not gonna make it into heaven. Of course there's if you made a mistake, and you're genuinely sorry and repent. But repent means to turn away from the sin and not do it again.. but if you say "oh God I'm sorry forgive me" and go doing it again, it's not going to be forgiven.

It's not about being perfect. But to be a christian means to be "Christ-like".
So we should be trying to be an example of Him. Not out sinning with the rest of the world. Yes God loves us all the same, but obviously a heart isn't right if a person is still living like the world and not trying to please God. It should only be about pleasing God, not people.

1 John 2:15-17
Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever."

Pat says: "no no no uve got it all wrong ... no matter what it dun matter if you go to christ and ask for forgiveness you will get it there is nowhere anywhere in the entire bible that says if you ask for forgiveness you wont get it ... it doesnt matter how many times you have done that sin already it will be forgiven if your serious about it and all your sayin is true but your using it all in the wrong context ... cuz in reality u dun even gotta go to church to be a christian or anythin your saying yaa if u sin willfully its different but u can still forgiveness and ull get if ur serious bout it"

I say: "If you sin after getting repentance. And church is needed. You have to have church to grow. Surely they teach you this at your "christian college". Yes, you will get forgiveness but if you keep on sinning and keep asking for forgiveness but sin again, you aren't going to make it into heaven. You can't ride the fence.
You can't love Christ and the world. You can't serve two masters. The bible has rules, God has rules.

Revelation 3:16 'So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.

Leviticus 26: 23 If, in spite of all this, you refuse my correction and still go against me; then I too will go against you; and I, yes I, will strike you seven times over for your sins."

Pat says: "yaa church is needed but its juss to help u grow i know plenty of well based christian people who dun go to church and have a great relationship with god and ur crazy for thinking u wont get into heaven if you sin again ... thats like saying if you break a bone more than once its just never gonna heal again and its gonna be broken for good no thats not the case you always have that chace of redemption no matter when or where or how mant times uve sinned u can keep sinning and it dun mean anythin more than it does the first time u sinned people struggleand thats all sin is its a struggle and every living person sins are you saying that every living person is gonna go to hell cuz they sinned more than once in their life ? come on be logical your using all these bible verses in the wrong context u got the right idea but wrong usage you cant say because ive sinned more than once im gonna go to hell its not the case your always given redemption god isnt angry he is understanable and will understand if u struggle and if your trying"

I say: "I'm not saying because you've sinned more than once. I'm saying, if you're in the heat of temptation and know what's right, and obviously if you know God and love Him you know what's right... and you give into the temptation and afterwords say "Ohhhh God I'm sorry please forgive me and stuff" and then go right back and it happens again.. You definitely don't get what I'm saying. The bible verse means what it says. If you give into sin when you know God's word and what is says, yeah you'll get forgiveness if you ask. But if you live a life full of cussing, sex before marriage, and all that stuff, no, you're not gonna get into heaven."

Pat says: "no not thats not true whats so ever ... do you think every christian has lived a perfect life ? hell no !!! youve been sheltered or somethin cuz ur not in this world cuz every christian has a story bout their life before becoming a christian does that mean their gonna go to hell cuz they had sex before marriage cussed then and did drugs then absoloutely not !!! its the same concept yes we know better but we will never get denied your focusing on perfection which there is none of in this world and god knows that he knows people will turn around and do what they juss asked to be forgiven for cuz its called a struggle and every person has em and even you right now has a personal issue that is a sin and dun lie and say u dun because everybody is dealing with sin constantly so your contradicting yourself how your saying thatll juss mean your gonna go to hell to if there was no redemption we would all be screwed cuz we all sin constantly and it couldnt work out we alll are sinning and we cant not sin we can try all our life not to but cuz we do sin or deal with the same sin alot whether its on purpose or not god will forgive cuz he knows the heart ... im sorry youve got it all wrong it doesnt matter what you know juss cuz someone sins doesnt mean they cant help it ever though of it like that ? they are struggling and keep going back to that same thing ... you have to conquer one thing to move onto another you have to overcome but when u overcome does another sin come around ? sure it does sin is always around and we r all sinning 24/7 some worse than others we all have our issues but that doesnt mean we r gonna go to hell im sorry to say but youve got it wrong sweetie im not doubting what u say but what u say is unreal if what u say is true everybody on this god given earth is going to hell including me and u"

I say: "You definitely aren't at my kinda church. And I'm meaning AFTER you've found Christ. Not before. Then you were in the world. I don't cuss. So it's possible for other people not to do it. And no, people are not sinning 24/7. I am not sinning right this second. Sure, I'm up a little late, but that's not a sin. You definitely don't understand what I'm trying to say. You seem just like every other person to me. Why? Because you act just like them. "Oh sex before marriage and cussing and drinking is okay but I believe in God." I've never drank, never had sex, and I don't cuss. That is why people think I'm different, I follow HIS commandments. He will always forgive, yes. But there comes a point where if you think you're okay and you're "on the fence" like I said, living for the world and claiming to love God. You cannot love God and the world. He said to drop the world, pick up your cross and follow Him. Get into the word.

Jesus didn't die for us so we could keep living a sinful worldly life after we found Him. He died so we could live a righteous life, following after Him, and working on being Christ-like. Sure, people will slip up and sin but if they are genuinely sorry, and don't do it again then He is just and righteous to forgive them they're sin. But if it's a constant thing.. Like I've tried to explain.. cussing... drinking.. partying... He said to go preach the gospel. Not claim to believe in him, and cuss and such.

Sin doesn't constantly come around. I think you're meaning as in, like when you're carrying a lot of stuff.. and drop something.. then pick it up and drop something else... no, it's not like that. You place your burdens in HIS hands and work to get rid of addictions and sin, and soon you'll have less on your plate. Sure, every now and then there will be slip ups, no one is perfect but Him. But yet, if someone is living like you're saying, a new sin popping up for everyone they get rid of.. then, there's a problem and they aren't truly seeking Him. I can go all night with the point I'm trying to make if you wish.

Like so, say.. Saturday night you're at a bar drinking and partying and dancing and all that jazz.. then Sunday you go into church praising God and the pastor is starting his little communion speech.. and says "it doesn't matter what you were doing yesterday, take this cup and God will forgive you" yadda yadda.. and you do... but then next Saturday you're in that same bar.. and then it all repeats itself. Then, you will not make it into the kingdom because you are not living for God, you are a hypocrite."

Pat says: "im done talking to you ... your redundant and i didnt even read the message u juss sent and yes every person has an issue on their heart all the time and the world is a sinning world juss looking at someone the wrong way is sinning we sin everyday and i know neither u nor ask forgiveness for all our sins cuz there are sins we commit that we dun even notice ... its absurd talkin 2 u .. cuz u dun understand perfection is not what he asks for and thats what ur sayin .. he asks for ur heart ur all to come to him as u r and juss cuz u sin over and over again dun mean he wont work on u ... he wont give up it takes time so therefor u can sin again and again and still get into heaven cuz god works with each person and guides them all the way if you sin its to teach you somethin .. everythin happens for a reason so ur saying god juss gives up when u sin again and again no the god i know doesnt give up on anyone he follows through what kinda god would he be if someone juss kept sinning and he said well im done with u .. ur worthless no he stays true thats what ur sayin basically .. ill believe what i believe and u do what u do but no offense people like u r the reason why people dun believe in god and hate christians cuz u think we gotta be perfect to be a christian ur not perfect juss as much as im not people like u make me furious cuz u can quote bible verses left and right but does it actually mean somethin when ur talkin 2 someone can u save them with the words u have ? will they want to relate to u or hear what u have to say when all u tell them is how they have to be perfect and get their life together right away or god wont accept ur approaching this all the wrong way"

I say: "You don't get it.
I'm not saying be perfect.
Oh my gosh. I can't even
explain this to you.
You'll understand someday.
And no, I'm not the reason people hate christians.
Certain people see so called "christians"
out in the bars and say "well, they're a christian
and just like everyone else, so why would I want that?"
So, yeah.
But that's okay.
I'm willing to try to explain.
But, it doesn't seem like you understand what I'm trying to say."

Pat says: "ha ha xD ... no ur juss oblivious u got to say what u want but dun listen to what i have to say and ok whats wrong with drinkin ... there is not one thing in the bible that says anythin about drinkin it says bout gettin drunk but nothin wrong bout drinkin and people dun want someone who thinks they r better than them they want someone they can relate to and is on their level they dun want someone to judge them they want someone to accept them and i accept all people who even hate god im friends with can u say the same thing ? and yaa thats what ur sayin in order to go to heaven u have to be perfect ... trust me ive been through it all i go to school at the number one christian school in america and the teachers there are the smartest christian teachers in the nation i know more than u think i do the bible is another textbook to me i have to study it constantly sooo u think to urself if god is the person we say he is and he can forgive then if someone struggling and keeps on sinning with sex but asking for forgiveness everytime ur tellin me they r gonna go to hell that god will juss push them away even tho its an addiction they work on breakin ... no ! he will always be there and always willing to forgive think deep when you think bout sin and forgiveness look very deep and think bout it it doesnt matter if ur one with him or not it says he will not leave u nor forsake u and if u sin and keep going back to that sin then he shouldnt leave then either what kinda god would he be if he juss gave up even if u willingly knew what u were doing was bad he will always be there and ready to forgive he wont deny u and say well u knew so now ur going to hell thats not how it works forgiveness is always there its juss whether or not ur serious bout it and willing to take i t"

I say: "You. still. don't. get. it.
I'm not saying I'm better than anyone.
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory.
If you're in the number one christian college
and cussing, then yes.. I think there's a problem there.
Sure, a word every now and then on accident is understandable...
But what I'm saying is, if you know God says
cussing is wrong and do it regardless
then you're in the wrong, big time.
And same with other things. Acting like
you're sorry for something and doing it
over and over again... oh my gosh.
I'm no better than the next person,
but I know what is true and what is not.
If you live a life of sin you're not following His commandments.
Like He said, those who love him will keep his commandments.
and he who says he loves God but does not keep his commandments
is a liar. "

Pat says: yaaa but ur using this all in the wrong context and wow !!!! u must be very sheltered cuz i know christians that cuss drink smoke have sex and go to my school nobody cares fa real juss cuz i go there and i cuss and smoke and drink makes me a bad person cuz ya there is somethin wrong there go ahead judge me cuz im tired of judging myself .. ur being a hypocrite right there u say u cuss to but yet ur sayin somethin is wrong with me juss cuz i cuss and go to a christian college ur going against everythin u have said with juss those words ... so re think urself and what u said and get back to me cuz u cant help someone when there is already somethin wrong with u .... dun preach to me when ur the one who needs to look at themselves first thank u and goodbye"

I say: "I didn't say I cussed, so read the message before you say I'm being a hypocrite. Do not tell me there is something wrong with me. I just think you're reading a different bible than I am. You are entitled to your own beliefs. And no, I am not sheltered. I follow God's word. I am IN the world, But not OF it.
That's the way a relationship with God is meant to be. Must just have christian teachers, cause I sure hope people aren't going to this college to be pastors if they're doing that stuff. I have not cussed. I see no use in it. I see no use in doing things that are wrong, because it never got anyone anywhere.
But thank you for the debate, and giving me some practice. Goodnight."

Pat- doesn't reply.

What do you think?
Who was right? Who was wrong?
Were both of us wrong?

Thank you to Jacob McGaha for help with some of the bible verses (:

Flattery will get you nowhere.
Actually, I disagree. Flattery will take you far.

Opposites attract.
I disagree. It has never worked that
way for me.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
In some cases, yes. In my case, no.


-Ms. Conduit