Sunday, August 29, 2010

Oh what a day.

Oh. My. Word.
Lets see here.. church.
Someone who I won't name because I'm
nice, was being a creeper. Apparently before
I get to church he's all asking "Oh, is Christina coming?"
And I'm the only one he asks about.
Well, then he kept bumping me and pretend
shooting me. And he was amused with my
keychain that always blinks by solar power.
THEN! He said "Oh, I'm cold. We should
bring SNUGGIES to church! :D"
And Jacob wanted to kill him xD
Today was insanely long..
Lets see... during the sermon pastor
asked a "strong young man" to volunteer.
Well eventually they tried to get Paul to
go up but Dillon went first. He had to hold a
stick really high in the air as long as he could.
Because the story of Moses doing that and his
arms got tired so his friends held his arms up.
Well Paul and Noah were the ones who went
up and held his arms up :p it was prettyyy
hilarious. Lets see.. after church we had a meeting
for the "Judgement house" thing we're doing in
October. I get to act in it which is pretty exciting
I suppose. Welll, I decided to just hang out with
Erin and Dj the whole day.. so, the meeting stuff
went on a bit.. which was super boring after Jake
left and I sat around. We then went to their house..
And sat there for a bit.. we had spaghetti and sausage
dogs.. I put my spaghetti on my sausage on bread, and
it was kinda good. But then we just ended up going to
mcd's for big macs and I got a frappe too. I am going
to wake up so fat tomorrow. My stomach has been in
pain all day. Dj put in a movie I reaaaaaaally didn't want
to watch "blades of glory" the parts that I saw were disgusting.
I went into the kitchen for most of the time and did other things.
Eventually we left and headed to the other church because Covenant
of One was playing(Dj's band). I talked to Ami Jo for a while because
Jake hadn't gotten there yet and Ivana didn't come. I have no idea why.
It was rather disappointing. When Jake finally got there it was wonderful
to see him. I mean, it always is.. but you know. Ha, I'm so ridiculous.
I don't think blogger cares, but you know what.. this is my blog :) I'm going
to talk about my ridiculous day. A few people sang.. then our band... then this
kid tried to do a rap with a cd.. and it still had the singer guy singing with it..
It was pretty sad. I mean, I hate it when people try to do that. And, a girl sang
and the whole time she was singing she swung her microphone around... she
didn't keep it to her mouth.. it was so hilarious and Jake and I were trying so
hard not to laugh. Oh my goodness. I love it. So afterwards there was food..
I didn't really want any but Jake grabbed some. I got a drink cause I was dying
from everything I had eaten before, and I was thirsty... I don't know why
I needed to say this. But oh well. Jake and I went outside cause it was super
crowded. So, we talked and such. Then Paul and Corey burst out and took a
picture xD they thought we would be doing something we shouldn't. But really,
Jake was scratching his armpit and I was taking a drink. So, :P they lose. xD
Jake left before Erin and Dj did so I was stuck there a bit for a while with no one
to talk to really. Before he left I was like "WAIT! can I have your shirt? (:" he had
a button up on over a t-shirt, which he always does. I already had his tie.. but I like
having his shirt. I mean, I'm wearing it right now xD But anywho. The car ride home
was hilarious. Oh my word. Isaac, Erins 4 year old son... he says he's on mine and Jacob's
team. Originally he was on Jake's team, but I told him I'm on Jake's team too, so now it's
me and Jake's team. But anywho, he tried to bite me and I was like "Wooowww you really
are on Jake's team." Because Jake is always "I'm going to bite you if you do that again!"
And the thing is, he does. xD Ah good times. Oh, and Isaac was singing about Jesus being
his superhero, and for some reason I got the oompa loompa tune out of it, so Ami and I started
singing the oompa loompa song.. then Isaac somehow got the scooby doo song out of that
and started singing it. Oy it was confusing. I have no idea how it happened. xD but, anyhow.
When I got home I discovered a facebook friend request from I think a kid I saw at the thing
tonight.. the church concert music thing. ha. It was random, because he didn't even know my
name. He just took me off of someone elses friends list. Oh, I discovered Mufu is in the country.
Or was, I don't know if he's already gone. It made my stomach drop big time, because just this
morning I thought about him. And he was here... I dunno if that was God trying to tell me something or what. I hope he's gone already though. Because I don't want to run into him. It makes me feel awful thinking about it. A lot more happened today.. but my brain hurts and I'm tired of typing and I doubt you care and you probably think I'm odd. But that's okay.

my life is crazy.

-Ms. Conduit

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