Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What what?Who's my love?

Ahhh February the offical love month.
And another I'll be spending without someone.

I step back and look at what I've just said,
I've never really spent any Valentines alone.
I mean,I've never had a boyfriend for any of them strangely,
But I've never been alone for any of them.
Wish for me to explain?

I have the most fabulous friends in the world.
I guess I never really noticed,I sometimes take them forgranted.
Is that weird?
Nope,we all do it all the time,like we don't totally not realize how great they are..
But we just don't give them all the love they deserve.
And realize all the times they've been there.

I want you all to know,how much I truely love you.
I know I don't always let you know,
but I care for yall more then anything in the world and I would be nothing without you.♥

If you need to talk,I'll listen.
If you need to cry,I'll hold you.
If you feel lost,I'll help guide you.
If you need to be angry,I'll let you.
If you're feeling afraid,I'll comfort you.
If you're feeling attacked,I'll be your defense.
If you need to lean a while,I'll give you a shoulder.
If you're feeling unsure,I'll be your confidence.
If you're feeling alone,I'll be the friend who won't leave you.
If you need to learn to trust again,I'll prove to you that you can.

A friend is someone,
who can see the truth and pain in you,
even when you're fooling everyone else.

When we first talked to each other,I knew we would always be friends.
Our friendship has kept on growing and I will be here for you till the very end.
You listen when I have a problem,and help dry the tears from my face.
You take away my sorrow and help put happiness in it's place.
We can't forget the fun we've had,laughing till our faces turn blue,
Talking of things only we find funny.
People think we're insane,oh if only they knew.
I guess this is my way of saying thanks,
For catching me when I fall,
Thanks again for being the friends who were here with me through it all.

You're the friend I know I can act like a complete idiot with,
and no matter what,you will stand there laughing with me.
You're the friend that I can get completely mad at,
and then having you stand there with a funny face completely ignoring the fact that I'm mad at you,
and just burst out laughing.
You're the friend that I can trust with EVERYTHING,
there isn't a thing in the world I would doubt telling you about,
because I trust you with my whole heart.
You're the friend who has been through rough times with me,
and we still come out standing strong.
You're the friend I would run to if in trouble.
You're the friend who has always tried to help me out.
And well,you know what?You're a person that I consider my bestfriend.

You're crazily amazing,
Maybe you're born with it,maybe it's maybelline.

I just wanted to remind you,
That I love you a lot and thank God everyday for blessing me with a friend that is just simply amazing.
So when you think there is no one,who understands or cares,
remember that I love you,and try to smile.(:

A friend is someone,
who understands your past,
believes in your future,
and accepts you today,just the way you are.

The girls that you laugh with when you're happy.

Jump on at when you're hyper.

Hug when you're depressed.

Have long phone calls with.

Giggle with about that boy.
Shout sarcastic comments at.
Cry with when you're hurt.
Eat with every single lunch.
Just absolutely love too much,
Yeah those are the ones who make life worth living♥

So here's to my friends,
the ones who saw past all the people that spread lies about me,
the ones that got me through those days when I didn't even wanna smile,
the ones that told me I was too good for him.
But most importantly,
the ones who stayed true in a complicated world.

flowers will die the sun will set,

but you're a friend I won't forget,

Your name's precious it will never grow old its engraved in my heart in letter of GOLD.

A true friend,
Accepts you as you are
believes in you
calls you just to say hi
doesn't give up with you
admires all sides of your personality
forgives your mistakes
helps you
encourages you to try again
makes a difference in your life
says nice things about you
offers their support
understands you
tells the truth
never judges you
explains things when you don't understand
walks by your side
calms down your fears
shouts if necesarry,if you don't want to listen
raises your spirit.

If I could reach up,
and take a star for every time you made me smile..
I would have the entire night sky in the palm of my hand♥

Close friends that's what we'll forever be... Tomorrow, no matter where life may take me but one thing I'll feel happy about is , the kind of friend, I have found in you.

when I trip. she laughs.
when I run into walls, she pushes me into another. but when I cry, she always gives me a shoulder to cry on.
& she does that because that's what best friends do.

So,you I just wanna let you guys know,
I love you with my whole heart and have special things to tell each and every one of you ,
if you'd like to hear.
Basically about how much you mean to me.
I can't give you each your own separate one on here,
for it would be too long.
We were friends in the start,
and we'll be friends in the end,
I'll keep you close to my heart
Forever best friends.
You guys are my world,my heart,my lifeline,my love.
There for me when some crump breaks my heart,
and my home boys beat him up for me(:
While my girls give me a shoulder to cry on.
I know I'm not always there for you as I should be,
But I'm gonna try my best from now on.
It can only get better.
We all just need to spend some time together,
and remember all the good times.
So many memories,and only more to make.
Many more kodak moments.
So many laughs to share.
Hugs to give,and those smacks on the tush,where they're running 100 mph and smack you right in the butt while screaming heyy sexy momma!
And leaves a welt to remind you how much they love you:D
I love you guys!
Call me,message me,email me.
We all need to chat!!

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