Sunday, February 8, 2009

Heartbreak.Over it♥

&& isn't it funny how the people who said,
I'll never hurt you,are the ones who hurt you the worst?

I'm going to smile like nothings wrong,
Talk like everything's perfect,
Act like it's all a
And pretend it's not hurting me....

I think the worst part is,that I knew this would happen.♥

My plan is to forgive and forget:
Forgive myself for being stupid,
And forget you ever existed.

Don't let someone become a priority in your life,
when you are just an option in theirs....

I thought
you were the dumb one,for breaking up with me..
but really I was the dumb one for even falling in love with you.

careful lover is what I've become,
a careful lover who's heart is not easily won,
Heartache and heartbreak have done it to me,
I am forever a stranger to love;
But not to agony.♥

The girl who seemed--Broke
The girl who seemed so strong--Crumbled
The girl who always laughed it off--Cried
The girl who would never stop trying-Finally gave up♥

I gave him my all,
He watched me fall.
My heart broke in two,
All because of you.
But honey don't worry no,
It only broke me to watch you go.
I've learned from this dear,
I'm one step ahead of you,nowhere near.-Christina Marie Shumard.

I have no idea,
if it was real love.
I mean I was pretty sure at the time,
But now I just don't know.
Maybe it was,maybe I'm just a foolish girl,just a kid.
I'm pretty sure he was my first love.
First true heartbreak.
Got back on my feet again to finally let it go.
I don't believe it was a waste of time although that's what I'd love to say it was.
I actually enjoyed it very much when we were.
But I guess it's not meant to be,or maybe it was.
If it was,that stinks cause I'm not going that way again.
I'm the girl whose learned from this.
Most girls would go right back into it,
I did once,but now I'm done.
I give way too many second chances but not anymore.
That one was it.
I honestly don't know if I'll ever feel the way I did before ever again.
I'm pretty sure I will,cause I know God has someone out there for me.
I wanted to believe it was you.
But who knows.
It's over now,
I've found the right path.
I'm not going back,I'm moving ahead I'm here to declare,that the past is over.
Thanks dear,for showing me what it's like to care for someone this much.
I love that I can still be friends with him after all this.
I'm strong.
I'm a woman.
I'm a woman of faith.
And I'm simply amazing.

It is what it is,
which means it is done for the last time.


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