Thursday, November 3, 2011

So guys, I don't know what I have to say for myself.
God's proven Himself faithful in my life again. As always.

1. The band had a great show at Muggswigz.
2. I've begun to understand more of the Word.
3. People called me, asking to hire me. THEY ASKED
ME TO HAVE AN INTERVIEW. This was the day
after I fasted. Oh yes.
4. I went to that interview today, and this lovely
couple attends my church. I'm hired and start
5. They said I can witness to people while I make
pizza. Hello!
6. Goodbye frivolous thoughts about so and so,
hello being too busy to think.

Friday- work
Saturday- work
Sunday- church, band practice
Monday- internship, work
Tuesday- internship, tco, work
Wednesday- internship, church

Yeah. That's right.
God is good.

/smallrant/passes out in bed.

-Ms. Conduit

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