Wednesday, September 28, 2011

You left an imprint on my mind.

"Oh after glow, look out below
We left a trail of dust behind
As we parted ways, he held my gaze
and left an imprint on my mind."

So the fast pace of life leads me to wonder about a lot of things. And when I get a free moment, you come into my mind. Which is odd when I think about it. I've seen you but three times, and we both lead busy lives. But the few times we've spent together have had such an impression on me and you don't even know it. I highly doubt that you spend time thinking about me, but I guess you just never know. There are others that I'm around all the time that could easily be nice guys, but I'm the type who doesn't believe in setting my hopes on a man anymore. I'm hardcore. The girl who's heart can't be won, I guess you could say. But you've got me thinking. It's odd. You're not the type who makes me despise men. You're not the kind to be self-centered and think that everyone likes you. You're not the kind to flirt with girls. You're the type who cares enough to tell me to have a great first day at internship, and pray for me. And that my friend, is something that no one else did. You're the type of guy who just might change my mind. But only if you make the first move. xD I'm a lady, and I'm old-fashioned. I've changed from my stupidity, my old days of thinking it was best to just tell a guy "HEY I LIKE YOU!" and get it over with. See, that's dumb. The man has to do it. x)

Rant over/.

-Ms. Conduit

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